Tea Art Masters Training Schools

Tea Art Masters Training Schools are for the ones who interested in how to make tea and tea tasting, curious about the unknown wolrd of tea, or just want to have fun. A graduate diploma awards you scholarly ability, and vocational training enables your practical skills, however, Chinese tea art is beyond both. It will please your whole life and give a bonus to your future career. Contact us and start your tea art journey in Yunnan China.

DiscvoerCha Tea Art Workshop

DiscvoerCha Tea Art Workshop (葡言茶语茶文化工作室) provides tea art trainning courses in English, suitable for both foreign and Chinese tea lovers.  Through the course you are expected to gain tea knowledge (origin, processing, history, health benefits etc), master the practical skill of brewing the main types of tea, build your tea supply chain and enlarge your social circle in China by practicing social tea skills.

Read more about DiscvoerCha Tea Art Workshop

Major Tea Art Training Schools/Centers in Yunnan

Name  Location Tel
Yunnan Kunming Tea Art Training Center/云南昆明茶艺培训中心 No. 186-194, Wanhong Road 0871–5724444
Mingbo Tea Art Training School/昆明茗博茶艺培训学校 No. 180, Jianshe Road, Wuhua District 0871-63624009
Yunnan Xinjing Tea Art Training School/云南新境茶艺师培训学校  No. 7 Jinzhuang Rd, Kunming 18668419551
Yunnan Shouye Culture Co, Ltd/云南授业文化发展有限公司  No, 188, Guannan Avenue, Guandu District 0871 67166278

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