Overview Chinese Name:石屏县花腰彝人祭龙节 English Name: Dragon Worship (Jilong) Festival of Huayaoyi Ethnic People in Shiping County, Honghe Location: Shiping County, Honghe The Dragon Worship Festival of the Huayao Yi...
Overview Chinese Name: 石屏彝族花腰歌舞节 English Name: Song and Dance Festival of Huayaoyi Ethnic People in Shiping County, Honghe Location: Shiping County Festival Duration: One Month The Shiping Yi Huayao...
Basic Introduction of the Festival Chinese Name: 石屏县彝族火把节 English Name: Torch Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority in Shiping County, Honghe Location:石屏县哨冲、龙武、龙朋三个乡镇. /Torch Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority in Shiping...
Plan your Honghe Ethnic Villages Tour to Honghe? Visit Zuobeichong Village of Longwu Town in Shiping County, Honghe which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Honghe....
Overview Chinese Name: 红河迤萨乡端阳节 English Name: Duanyang Festival in Honghe County, Honghe Prefecture Location: Honghe County, Honghe Prefecture The Duanyang Festival, also known as the Double Fifth Festival or...
Chinese Name:中华普洱茶博览苑-和谐园 English Name: Harmonious Garden of China Puer Tea Exhibition Garden in Puer City Overview: The Harmonious Garden, or “和谐园” in Chinese, is a significant site within the...
Chinese Name: 泸西县壮族端午节/粽子节 English Name: Duanwu Festival of Zhuang Ethnic Minority in Luxi County, Honghe Location: 泸西县永宁乡/Yongning Township, Luxi County The Duanwu Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat...
Chinese Name: 泸西花鼓 English Name: Huagu (Flower) Drum in Luxi County, Honghe https://baike.baidu.com/item/泸西花鼓/12601118...
Chinese Name: 泸西县龙泉寺伽蓝财神殿开光法会 English Name: Buddhābhiṣeka Puja of Samghārāma Fortune God in Longquan Temple of Luxi County, Honghe Location: http://www.pusa123.com/pusa/news/dujia/201590748.shtml...
Chinese Name:中华普洱茶博览苑-闲怡居酒店 English Name: Xianyiju Hotel of China Puer Tea Exhibition Garden in Puer City Overview: The Xianyiju Hotel, located within the China Puer Tea Exhibition Garden, offers a...
Chinese Name:中华普洱茶博览苑-品鉴园(盛世一品) English Name: Puer Tea Appreciation Garden of China Puer Tea Exhibition Garden in Puer City Overview: The Puer Tea Appreciation Garden, also known as “Shengshi Yipin,” which...
Chinese Name:中华普洱茶博览苑-茶祖殿 English Name: Tea Ancestor Hall of China Puer Tea Exhibition Garden in Puer City Overview: The Tea Ancestor Hall at the China Puer Tea Exhibition Garden is...
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