Chinese Name: 宁洱县哈尼族红蛋节 English Name: Red Eggs Festival of Hani Ethnic Minority in NInger County, Puer Location:宁洱县宁洱镇温泉村民委员会
Overview Chinese Name: 宁洱县那柯里茶马古道乡村文化旅游节 English Name: Nakeli Tea Horse Road Rural Culture Tourism Festival in Ninger County, Puer Location: Nake Li Village, a significant station on the historic Tea...
Overview Suogeyi Village (所各邑村) is located in the eastern part of Shilin County, 15 kilometers from the county seat and 4 kilometers from the Changhu Town government. As of...
Overview Chinese Name: 墨江县哈尼太阳节 English Name: Sun Festival of Hani Ethnic Minority in Mojiang County, Puer Location: Mojiang County, Puer The Sun Festival, celebrated by the Hani ethnic minority...
Chinese Name: 景东县陀螺比赛 English Name: Top-Spinning (Da Tuoluo) Competition in Jingdong County, Puer Location:
Basic Introduction Chinese Name: 景东县祭孔活动 English Name: Confucius Culture Festival in Jingdong County, Puer Location: Jingdong County, Pu’er City The festival emphasizes the rich cultural heritage and teachings of Confucius, celebrating values...
Introduction to Bushaoshan Mountain Stone Forest Bushaoshan Mountain (步哨山) is located to the east of the Grand Stone Forest (大石林) and south of the Small Stone Forest (小石林) within...
Overview Chinese Name: 景东县彝族火把节 English Name: Torch Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority in Jingdong County, Puer Location: Jingdong County, Puer The Torch Festival is one of the most significant...
观光之旅:小黑江亚热带雨林—→帕庄河·勐乃仙人洞—→勐卧总佛寺(树包塔·塔包树)—→芒朵佛迹—→威远江自然保护区 朝拜之旅:景谷县城—→勐卧总佛寺(树包塔·塔包树)—→雷光佛迹寺—→昔木水库—→迁糯佛寺—→太平水库—→云碧大桥 探险之旅:景谷县城—→勐卧总佛寺(塔包树·树包塔)—→白马山·芒玉峡谷—→景谷湖—→大石寺—→芒卡温泉休闲度假村
Chinese Name: 景谷县勐卧总佛寺堆沙活动 English Name: Sand Pile Activity of Mengwo Temple in Jinggu County, Puer Location: Mengwo Temple in Jinggu County, Puer
Chinese Name:澜沧县邦崴过渡型古茶树 English Name: Bangwai Ancient Tea in Lancang County, Puer Bangwai Geographical Location Bangwai village(邦崴村) is located in Fudong township in the north of Lahu autonomous county...
Chinese Name: 景谷县彝族火把节 English Name: Torch Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority in Jinggu County, Puer Location: Jinggu County, Puer The Torch Festival is a vibrant and culturally significant event...
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