Chinese Name: 镇沅县“茶王杯”全国陀(陀螺)王争霸赛 English Name: King of Tuoluo Competition in Jiangcheng County, Puer Location: Top-Spinning (Da Tuoluo) is a popular activity in Yunnan.
Chinese Name:镇沅县者东苦聪民族文化旅游商贸小集镇 English Name:Zhedong Kucong Ethnic Cultural Tourism Business Town in Zhenyuan County, Puer Zhedong Tourism town adhere to the principle of “guided by government, operated by the market, making full use of...
Chinese Name:镇沅县者东镇飞来寺 English Name:Feilaisi Temple in Zhenyuan County, Puer Located in east to Zhedong Village, built in the 18th Century. During the “Cultural Revolution” it was partly damaged. The temple is...
Chinese Name: 镇沅县老乌山祭茶祖/茶叶开采节 English Name: Tea Ancestor Worship/ Tea-leaf Picking Festival of Laowushan Mountain in Zhenyuan County, Puer Location and Overview: Lao Wushan Mountain spans across Zhenyuan County’s Zhen Tai...
Chinese Name:镇沅县九甲乡千家寨大吊水瀑布 English Name:Dadiaoshui Waterfalls in Qianjiazhai of Zhenyuan County, Puer Dadiaoshui Waterfall is larger than Xiaodiaoshui Waterfalls. The waterfall locates between two peaks cascading out into three drops,...
镇沅自驾车旅游线路 Tour Route A: 第一天 镇沅——者东——九甲 “游茶马古道、拜世界茶树王、品普洱佳茗二日游” 镇沅:观县城新貌、无量湿地公园、博物馆、丙庙哈尼风情园。 者东:沿途观赏者干河、田园风光;游飞来寺,观绿色石林、凉风洞等。 九甲:观哀牢云海,哀牢梯田、茶马古道遗址、风雨桥; 镇沅——九甲,全程150分钟, 看杀戏。 吃:者东/九甲集市 住宿: 者东雅客宾馆18724899326 者东源洋宾馆13619499374 者东天顺宾馆15008734845 者东王朝宾馆15287667863 九甲世界茶王宾馆13577990942 第二天 九甲:游千家寨省级风景名胜区,拜“世界茶王”—2700年野生茶树王,观气势磅礴的大、小吊水瀑布,嘟噜河及原始森林风光。(游览3小时)。 品普洱佳茗。 吃:保护所/九甲集市 返镇沅县城。 Tour Route B 镇沅——勐大——振太 “美丽乡村一日游”...
Overview Chinese Name: 普洱镇沅县苦聪人畲葩节 English Name: Shepa Festival of Kucong Ethnic People in Zhenyuan County, Puer Location: Zhedong Village(者东村) is inhabited by Kucong Ethnic People located in Zhedong Town...
Chinese Name:镇沅县金矿工业园区 English Name:Zhenyuan County Gold Mine Industrial Park Zhenyuan County Gold Mine Industrial Park obtains a national modernization large-scale gold production base, processing 2000 tons of ore daily....
Chinese Name: 江城县彩牛大赛 English Name: Buffalo Body Painting Contest in Jiangcheng County, Puer Location:
Overview and Intrdoduction Chinese Name: 江城县丢包节/情人节 English Name: Diubao Festival or Valentine’s Day in Jiangcheng County, Puer Since 2009, initiated by Jiangcheng County and through friendly consultations among relevant...
Overview and Introduction Chinese Name: 江城县国庆乡三丫果节 English Name: Baccaurea Ramiflora or Burmese Grape Festival in Jiangcheng County, Puer Location: Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, China Sanya...
Plan your Puer Ethnic Villages Tour to Puer? Visit Nakeli Village in Ninger County, Puer which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Puer. Explore the local...
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