Overview of the Festival Chinese Name:大理鹤庆县白族果子节 English Name: Guozi Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Heqing County, Dali Location: Heqing County, Dali Prefecture Time: the 16th day of the...
Overveiw of the Festival Chinese Name: 鹤庆县耍海节 Englsih Name: Shuahai Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Heqing County, Dali Location: Heqing County, Dali Prefecture Heqing Caohai is truly a...
Dehong Mengmao Ancient Town in Ruili City, travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history,...
Dehong Mangyun Ancient Town in Yingjiang County, travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history,...
Overview of the Festival Chinese Name: 盈江县傈僳族阔时节 English Name: Kuoshi Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Yingjiang County, Dehong Location: Yingjiang County, Dehong “Kuoshi” in Lisu language means “New...
Overview Chinese Name:芒市三台山采花节 Englsh Name: Caihua Festival or Flowers Picking Festival of Dai Ethnic Minority in Santaishan Town of Mangshi City, Dehong Dai Flower Picking Festival: Every year before...
Overview Chinese Name: 梁河县葫芦丝文化旅游节 English Name: Hulusi Cultural Tourism Festival in Lianghe County, Dehong Location: Lianghe County, Dehong The Hulusi Cultural Tourism Festival, held in Lianghe County, Dehong Prefecture in...
Dehong Wanding Port in Ruili City, travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos,...
Dehong Ruili Port in Ruili City, travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos,...
茶山人语言生活的主要特点 如上所述,景颇族有不同的支系,不同的支系使用不同的语言。从语言系属分类上看, 景颇族不同支系使用的不同语言,分属于汉藏语系藏缅语族两个不同的语支。 景颇支系说的 景颇语,属于景颇语支; 其他支系所说的载瓦语、勒期语、浪速语、波拉语、茶山语属于彝缅 语支。 在彝缅语支里,茶山语与勒期语比较接近,但也有一些差异。比如在词源关系上,在 1000 个基本词汇中,两种语言的同源词有563 个,占56.3%;异源词有289 个,占26,9%; 半同源词有14 ...
片马茶山人 1、茶山人是脱离民族主体的一个人数较少的族群 在我国,茶山人主要分布在云南省泸水县片马镇的岗房、古浪、片马三个行政村。该镇与 缅甸密支那省只有一河之隔(小江),茶山人大多分布在中缅边界线上。 茶山人是景颇族的一个人口较少的支系。 我国的景颇族,主要分布在云南省德宏傣族景 颇族自治州,下分景颇、载瓦、勒期、浪速、波拉、茶山等支系。茶山人自称“峨昌”(与阿昌 族的自称相同),他称“茶山”,与 勒期支系比较接近,过去把它列入勒期支系内。但茶山 人认为自己的语言、文化、服 ...
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