This genuine local delicacy of Shiping County in the south of Yunnan has enjoyed a wide fame for several hundred years. Shiping, a rice bowl in the south of...
Yiliang Roast Duck is traditional and savory delicacy said to have a history of over 600 years. Roasted in traditional ovens fueled by pine needles and woods, the duck...
If you choose to visit the Stone Forest or Jiangxiang Cave, Lu’nan goat cheese is a local dish you must try as farmers there raise lots of goats. Goat...
Kunming, as a significant transportation hub in southwestern China, has several long-distance bus stations that facilitate travel to various parts of Yunnan Province and neighboring regions. Here’s a brief...
Xiangyun County(祥云县) is one of the counties under the jurisdiction of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province. It is located in west-central Yunnan Province, bordering Dayao County, Yao’an...
Chinese Name:南涧县土林茶业有限公司 English Name:Tulin Phoenix Tea Factory in Nanjian County, Dali Yunnan Tulin Tea Co., Ltd. is a large-scale, specialized tea company integrating tea cultivation, production, and sales. It...
Chinese Name: 南涧无量山采茶节 English Name:Tea-leaves Picking Festival of Wuliang Mountain in Nanjian County, Dali Nanjian Yi Autonomous County, located in the southern part of Dali Prefecture and nestled in the...
Brief Introduction of Dali Huangcaoba Airport The former name Dali Huangcaoba Airport(大理荒草坝机场), now it is changed into Dali Fengyi Airport(大理凤仪机场) is an important feeder airport and tourist airport in...
Plan your Yunnan Ethnic Villages Tour to Puer? Visit Featured Villages in Jingdong County, Puer which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Puer. Explore the local...
Chinese Name:镇沅县恩乐镇复兴村大平掌苦聪新村 English Name: Dapingzhang Village of Kucong Ethnic People in Enle Town of Zhenyuan County, Puer History and Culture Museum of Kucong Ethnic People is built in Dapingzhang Village (大平掌苦聪新村)of...
Ruili, located in the west of Yunnan Province, belongs to Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture. Ruili(瑞丽) is the largest inland port in southwest China, an important jewelry distribution...
Chinese Name:镇沅县民间杀戏/九甲杀戏 English Name:Sha Drama in Zhenyuan County, Puer Sha Drama is popular in Zhenyuan and Jingdong Counties in Puer. 杀戏是一种云南省的地方传统戏剧。普洱地区的景东、镇沅两县的花山乡、大街乡、九甲乡,流传有200多年历史的“杀戏”,因砍砍杀杀的武戏居多而被当地群众称之。 九甲杀戏 镇沅县九甲镇,流传有200多年历史的“杀戏”,因砍砍杀杀的武戏居多而被当地群众称之。“杀戏”除春节期间演出外,农历五月亦演“秧苗会戏”,祈祷秧苗茁壮成长,演出半月至一月。农历六月演出“保苗会戏”,又叫“太平戏”。镇沅九甲镇仍保留杀戏演出。 历史缘来 作为一种传统民间艺术,杀戏除春节期间演出外,农历五月亦演“秧苗会戏”,祈祷秧苗茁壮成长,演出半月至一月。农历六月演出“保苗会戏”,又叫“太平戏”。农历六月初六,景东花山乡那赖村还演“瓦桥会戏”。新中国建立后,除镇沅九甲乡果吉村保留演出杀戏和景东县花山乡那弄村保留演出马灯戏外,原流行杀戏的地区已无杀戏演出。 艺术特色 杀戏声腔具有独特古朴风格,属曲牌体,有慢板、中板、中快板。伴奏器乐有二胡、三弦、笛子,后因无人会乐器才干唱。打击乐器有小堂鼓、小锣、小钹。表演行当有:生、旦、丑,表演特色体现在唱、念、武打方面。唱腔及念白具有乡野气息,以地方土音演唱和念白相结合,以传统民间武术形式固定武打套路。服装有自己缝制的蟒袍、靠、号挂、盔帽。道具有大刀、钢鞭、朝笏等。 演出形式...
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