Chinese Name:佤族剽牛节 English Name: Cattle-butchering Ceremony of Wa Ethnic Minority 生活在滇西南西盟深山密林中的佤族人依旧传承着一些古老的信仰和风俗。佤族自称“阿佤”,意为“住在山上的人”。于是,西盟有了另外一个名字——佤山。最率真、直白的情感孕育了最粗犷豪放,或者说最原生态的行为方式,譬如被佤族人叫做“棱特莫艾”的剽牛——用血淋淋的剽牛献祭表示对神的虔诚,也寄托着佤族人对牛的感恩和祭奠。 htt ...
Chinese Name:耿马县班老乡佤族贡象节 English Name: Gongxiang (Elephant Worship) Festival of Wa Ethnic Minority The Gongxiang (Elephant Worship) Festival(贡象节) of Wa Ethnic Minority group is held every year at Banlao Town(班老乡)...
Chinese Name:佤族新火节/接新火节 English Name: New Fire Festival (Xinhuojie) of Wa Ethnic Minority New Fire Festival is a traditional festival of Wa Ethnic Minority, which is also called Getting New...
Chinese Name:布朗族厚南节/桑刊节/宋坎节 English Name: Hounan Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority The Hounan Festival, also known as the “Sangkan Festival” or “Songkan Festival,” is a grand annual celebration of the...
Chinese Name:布朗族新米节 English Name: New Rice (Xinmi) Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority The Bulang people are renowned for their hardworking and simple lifestyles. Over their history, they have developed...
Chinese Name:布朗族年节 English Name: Spring Festival (Xinnian) Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority 布朗族年节,是布朗族的一项传统节日。在农历清明后十日左右,家家都要杀年猪,全寨要宰牛,妇女们做糯米粑粑;年节的当天,晚辈都必须向家族长拜年,并准备两份糯米粑粑用芭蕉叶包好,每份上面放一对蜡烛、两朵鲜花,其中一份糯米粑粑供奉给祖宗,另一份献给家族长;有的布朗族在年节时,要到佛寺前的菩提树下堆 ...
Chinese Name: 布朗族祭坟节 English Name: Offering Grave (Jifen) Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority The Jifen Festival is an important ritual observed by the Bulang ethnic minority in Shidian County....
Chinese Name:布朗族年猪饭 English Name: Pig-Killing Festival (Nianzhufan) of Bulang Ethnic Minority Pig-Killing Festival(年猪饭) is a traditional custom of Bulang Nationality in Shidian County(施甸县). Both winter and the twelfth month...
Chinese Name:布朗族茶祖节 English Name: Worship of Tea Ancestor Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority The Tea Ancestor Festival is an important traditional festival among the Bulang ethnic minority, akin to...
Chinese Name: 布朗族关门节/考瓦沙 English Name: Guanmen (Closing Door) Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority The Guanmen Festival, also known as “Kaowasha,” is a religious holiday observed by some Bulang people...
Chinese Name:布朗族开门节/奥瓦沙 English Name: Kaimen (Opening Door) Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority The Bulang People’s Open Door Festival is held annually on the 15th day of the twelfth month...
Chinese Name:布朗族冈永节 English Name: Gangyong Festival of Bulang Ethnic Minority Gangyong Festival of the Bulang Ethnic Minority The Gangyong Festival, also known as the Festival of the Bamboo Rat, is...
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