Jiuqitai Hot Spring in Eryuan County Eryuan County is known as the Town of Hot Springs, of which Jiuqitai Hot Spring(九气台温泉) enjoys a good reputation. Jiuqitai Hot Spring is...
Where is Qibie Village – Location Qibie village is under the jurisdiction of Tacheng Town of Weixi Lisu autonomous county, about 5km away from the seat of the town...
Chinese Name: 沧源佤族自治县糯良乡班考村委会班考民俗自然村 English Name: Bankao Village Keywords: Bankao Village, Cangyuan tours, Cangyuan highlights Location: Bankao Village is located at Nuoliang town, Cangyuan Va Autonomous County Admission Fee: Free...
Overviw of Yibang Old Town Yibang Old Town(倚邦古镇)which is one of the six famous ancient tea mountains in Yunnan is located in Xiangming Town(象明乡),the north of Mengla County(勐腊县),Xishuangbanna Dai...
Abuji Pasture is located at the foot of Tianbao Snow Mountain, which is the most beautiful mountain lake of Tianbao Snow Mountain. It gives a strong sense of change and...
Ninong Village is the last stop of Yubeng Village hiking from Yubeng village to Ninong Grand Gorge. It is close to the Lancang river, where you can enjoy the spectacular scenery...
Chinese Name:红河州元阳县新街镇大鱼塘村 English Name: Dayutang Village of Xinjie town in Yuanyang County, Honghe Plan your Honghe Ethnic Villages Tour to Honghe? Visit Dayutang Village of Xinjie town in Yuanyang County,...
Introduction Qinglong Bridge is about 60 kilometers northeast away of Fengqing County. Founded in the Qing Dynasty Qianlong 26 years (1761), Jiaqing Nineteen years (1814), Daoguang 24 years (1844)...
Chinese Name: 会泽雨碌大地缝 English Name: Dadifeng Geofracture in Huize County, Qujing 会泽雨碌大地缝位于云南会泽雨碌乡。会泽大地缝位于云南省曲靖市会泽县境内,从昆明沿嵩昭高速公路可达,距昆明市区190公里,距曲靖市区160公里。属喀斯特地区岩溶嶂谷型自然风景区。1958年在景区左边岩壁130米高的地方开凿了一条引水明渠(俗称幸福渠),解决白彝村4000人的饮水问题。2002年发现后建成旅游区向游客开放。 会泽大地缝长10余公里,最宽处20余米,最窄处仅1.4米,最高达486米,地貌类型复杂多样,因上亿年地壳的升降,“山”字型地层错落而形成。海拔高度在1700米至2900米之间,一条小米河穿缝而过,以奇、险、幽、深、秀著称于世。地缝瀑布成群,水声隆隆,有屹立于左面峭壁的“大思想者”疑腮沉思,给人以无尽的遐想。进入“生命之门”,每前进一步,就是一个惊叹!抬头仰望,天成一线,环望两碧,山嶂叠翠,碧上冒出的清泉,随碧而下,构成一道道珠帘,名曰“神泉”,令人叹为观止,目不暇接。每前进一步就是险。险滩相连,两碧钟乳怪石,给您一种刺激、新鲜的感觉,又留给您充分想象空间。在您惊叹的同时,又让您陶醉在大自然鬼斧神工的造化之中。 景区内有众多的石芽、石柱、石幔、溶洞等。整个地缝曲径通幽,高深莫测。两边陡峭的山崖,常年挂绿,草尖的露水,含羞欲滴。主要游览景点有大思想者、生命之门、凤尾滴翠、神龟过河、一线天、孔雀开屏、金佛洞、睡美人、天生瀑、古葡萄藤、仙人指路等。 交通 从昆明到会泽有近300公里的路程,其中有200公里左右是高速公路,有100公里左右是二级路是塘石路,由于每个路段限速不同,高速公路上有的地方限速100公里、有的地方限速80公里,而塘石路和二级路限速是40公里,我们估计5、6个小时才能到达会泽,总的来说呢路况还不错的。...
Why is Fengxue Mountain Pass So Special? Fengxue Mountain Pass is the throat of passing from the mainland of China to the outside of Pianma township(片马乡). With an altitude of 3,153...
With a total length of 79 kilometers, Dulongjiang highway starts at Gongshan and ends at Kongdang the government seat of Dulongjiang township. By the end of November 2013, all the...
Shangri-la Moon Square is a small square at the foot of Guishan Park in Dukezong Ancient Town. It is the only way getting into the Dukezhong Ancient Town. Next...
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