Nandong Cave in Kaiyuan City, Honghe
Chinese Name:开远南洞风景区
English Name: Nandong Cave in Kaiyuan City, Honghe
Honghe Nandong Cave in Kaiyuan City travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the highlights, facts, history, photos, weather, accommodation, visiting routes, travel tips, tour maps of Nandong Cave in Honghe(开远南洞风景区).
South Cave or Nandong Cave is a natural landscape area that is magnificent, splendid, strange and beautiful.It is embraced on three sides by green hills and one side by the dam. The hills here are all high and steep. The height of the highest peak is 1,300 meters above sea level. The altitude difference is 230 meters between the top of the peak and the dam, and is 94.5 meters between the top of the peak and water level of the lake. A meter-gage railway (Yunnan-Vietnam Railway) that leads to the southern gate goes through the area directly. Three underground rivers with a steady daily flow come out from the mountains and join together to form the South Cave River. The reaches of the three underground rivers cover an area of over 3,000 square kilometers. The area has strange and beautiful karst caves that are typical examples of karst landforms.