Yuxi Economic and Technological Development Zone

Yuxi Economic and Technological Development Zone (Yuxi ETDZ) is a key economic initiative located in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, China. Established to drive regional economic growth, industrial innovation, and international cooperation, Yuxi ETDZ serves as a strategic platform for promoting investment, fostering industrial development, and enhancing technological advancement. This zone plays a pivotal role in advancing economic integration, supporting local industries, and attracting foreign investment to accelerate regional prosperity and sustainable development.


Yuxi ETDZ is strategically situated in Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, China, covering designated areas within Yuxi City and its surrounding regions. This location offers convenient access to major transportation networks, including highways, railways, and air transport facilities. It serves as a gateway linking Southwest China with Southeast Asia, facilitating cross-border trade, logistical connectivity, and economic cooperation. Yuxi ETDZ’s proximity to Kunming, the provincial capital, further enhances its strategic significance in regional economic development and international trade.


Economic Development

The primary objective of Yuxi ETDZ is to stimulate economic growth and industrial transformation through strategic initiatives, policy support, and investment promotion. It aims to attract domestic and international businesses, promote industrial upgrading, and enhance regional competitiveness. By fostering innovation-driven industries and supporting emerging sectors, Yuxi ETDZ contributes to sustainable economic expansion and prosperity in Yuxi City and neighboring regions.

Industrial Innovation

Yuxi ETDZ focuses on promoting industrial innovation, technological advancement, and knowledge-based industries. It encourages research and development (R&D), technology transfer, and collaboration between enterprises, research institutions, and universities. By fostering innovation clusters, incubators, and high-tech zones, the zone facilitates the development of advanced manufacturing, digital economy, and smart technologies. This supports Yuxi’s transition towards a high-value, innovation-driven economy.

Key Initiatives

Investment Promotion

Yuxi ETDZ implements proactive strategies to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), multinational corporations, and domestic enterprises seeking growth opportunities in Southwest China. It offers preferential policies, financial incentives, and streamlined administrative procedures to facilitate business establishment, expansion, and operational efficiency within the zone. By creating a favorable investment environment, Yuxi ETDZ supports enterprise development, job creation, and economic diversification.

Infrastructure Development

To enhance regional connectivity and logistical efficiency, Yuxi ETDZ invests in infrastructure development projects, including transportation networks, utilities, and public facilities. It improves road connectivity, railway access, and airport facilities to facilitate domestic and international trade, transportation of goods, and passenger travel. By enhancing infrastructure capacity, the zone promotes sustainable urban development, environmental conservation, and quality of life for residents and businesses.

Cherry blossoms at Fuxian Lake Park, Chengjiang county, Yunnan province
Cherry blossoms at Fuxian Lake Park, Chengjiang county, Yunnan province

Sector Focus

Advanced Manufacturing

Yuxi ETDZ promotes advanced manufacturing industries, including electronics, machinery, automotive parts, and precision engineering. It supports technological innovation, industrial automation, and quality assurance measures to meet international standards and enhance market competitiveness. By fostering manufacturing excellence and industry collaboration, the zone drives economic growth, job creation, and export-oriented production within Yuxi City and surrounding regions.

High-Tech Industries

Recognizing the importance of high-tech industries, Yuxi ETDZ focuses on developing sectors such as information technology, biotechnology, new materials, and environmental technology. It encourages the establishment of R&D centers, innovation parks, and technology incubators to nurture start-ups, attract talent, and promote industry-academic collaboration. By leveraging technological innovation and digital transformation, the zone supports sustainable development, economic resilience, and global competitiveness.

Fuxian Lake,Yuxi
Fuxian Lake,Yuxi

Environmental Sustainability

Green Development

Yuxi ETDZ prioritizes environmental sustainability and green development practices to minimize ecological impact and conserve natural resources. It implements eco-friendly technologies, energy-efficient solutions, and waste management initiatives to reduce carbon footprint and promote sustainable growth. By integrating green principles into urban planning, industrial operations, and community development, the zone supports environmental stewardship and long-term ecological resilience.

Community Engagement

Yuxi ETDZ engages with local communities, residents, and stakeholders through social development programs, education initiatives, and community-based projects. It promotes vocational training, employment opportunities, and social welfare initiatives to improve livelihoods, empower communities, and foster inclusive socio-economic development. By enhancing community participation and collaboration, the zone strengthens social cohesion, cultural diversity, and quality of life for residents in Yuxi City and neighboring areas.Fuxian Lake Cycling Tour in Chengjiang County, Yuxi


Yuxi Economic and Technological Development Zone exemplifies Yunnan Province’s commitment to sustainable economic growth, industrial innovation, and regional prosperity. By leveraging its strategic location, investment incentives, and sectoral specialization, the zone creates opportunities for business innovation, technological advancement, and international cooperation within Yuxi City and surrounding regions. Experience the convergence of industry, innovation, and economic dynamism at Yuxi ETDZ, where strategic planning, infrastructure development, and environmental stewardship drive sustainable development and shared prosperity in Southwest China.