Caiyun Boutique Inn in Lijiang
Book the Caiyun Boutique Inn in Lijiang and stay at cheap Inn and Guesthouse. Enjoy free WiFi, free parking, nice entertainment and visit the popular tourist attractions around the Guesthouse. Check the Rooms Types, Prices, guest Reviews, Breakfast, Dining, Facilities of Caiyun Boutique Inn in Lijiang. Discover genuine guest reviews of the comfy rooms along with the latest prices and availability – book now.
Caiyun Boutique Inn (Lijiang Humanistic Characteristic Shop) 彩云间精品客栈(丽江人文特色店)
- ADDRESS42 Xianwen Xiang, Guangyi Jie, Dayan Old Town, Lijiang
- MOBILE18908883616
- PHONE(0888) 5199866
- HOURSDaily: 24 hours