Honghe Useful Numbers
Here is the organized table of contact information for tourist consultation services and commonly used hotlines in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province:
Honghe Prefecture Tourist Consultation Services
No. | Location | Hotline |
1 | Honghe Prefecture (市级) | 0873-3055376 |
2 | Mengzi City (蒙自市) | 0873-3723788 |
3 | Gejiu City (个旧市) | 0873-2123204 |
4 | Kaiyuan City (开远市) | 0873-7129894 |
5 | Mile City (弥勒市) | 0873-3065651 |
6 | Luxi County (泸西县) | 0873-6621343 |
7 | Jianshui County (建水县) | 0873-7616880 |
8 | Shiping County (石屏县) | 0873-3064580 |
9 | Honghe County (红河县) | 0873-4621450 |
10 | Yuanyang County (元阳县) | 0873-5642274 |
11 | Lvchun County (绿春县) | 0873-4220950 |
12 | Jinping County (金平县) | 0873-5228990 |
13 | Hekou County (河口县) | 0873-3425399 |
14 | Pingbian County (屏边县) | 0873-3046003 |
Honghe Prefecture Commonly Used Hotlines
Service Category | Hotline |
Emergency Services | |
Police (非警台) | 110 |
Fire (火警台) | 119 |
Medical Emergency (医疗急救台) | 120 |
Traffic Accident (交通事故报警台) | 122 |
Maritime Rescue (水上求救) | 12395 |
Non-Emergency Assistance (非紧急救助中心) | 12345 |
Duty Crime Reporting (职务犯罪举报) | 12309 |
Weather Forecast (天气预报) | 12121 |
Time Check (报时台) | 12117 |
Power Supply (供电服务热线) | 95598 |
Labor Protection Policy Consultation (劳保政策咨询) | 12333 |
Complaint Reporting | |
Consumer Complaints (消费者投诉热线) | 12315 |
Price Complaints (价格投诉热线) | 12358 |
Quality Complaints (质量投诉) | 12365 |
Environmental Complaints (环保投诉) | 12369 |
Tax Complaints (税务投诉) | 12366 |
Public Health Supervision (公共卫生监督) | 12320 |
Telecommunications Complaints (电信投诉) | 12300 |
Legal Aid (法律援助) | 12351 |
Women’s Rights (妇女维权) | 12338 |
Migrant Workers’ Rights (民工维权) | 12333 |
Railway and Aviation | |
Railways (铁路) | 12306 |
China Eastern Airlines (东航) | 95530 |
China Southern Airlines (南航) | 4006695539 |
Hainan Airlines (海航) | 950718 |
China Airlines (中国航空) | 4008100999 |
Air China (国航) | 4008100999 |
Shenzhen Airlines (深航) | 4008895080 |
Xiamen Airlines (厦航) | 95557 |
Shandong Airlines (山航) | 4006096777 |
Express Delivery Services | |
Shentong Express (申通快递) | 4008895543 |
EMS (EMS) | 4008100999 |
SF Express (顺丰速运) | 400-811-1111 |
YTO Express (圆通速递) | 021-69777888 |
ZTO Express (中通速递) | 021-39777777 |
Yunda Express (韵达快递) | 021-39207888 |
Tiantian Express (天天快递) | 021-67662333 |
Huitong Express (汇通快运) | 021-62963636 |
Suer Express (速尔快递) | 4008822168 |
Debang Logistics (德邦物流) | 4008305555 |
ZJS Express (宅急送) | 4006789000 |
China Railway Express (中铁快运) | 95572 |
Xinfeihong Express (鑫飞鸿快递) | 021-69781999 |
UPS | 4008208388 |
FedEx | 4008861888 |
Telecommunications Services | |
China Mobile (中国移动) | 10086 |
China Unicom (中国联通) | 10010 |
China Telecom (中国电信) | 10000 |
China Netcom (中国网通) | 10060 |
China Tietong (中国铁通) | 10050 |
China Post (中国邮政) | 11185 |
Directory Enquiries (查号台) | 114 |
Mobile Info Inquiry (移动信息查询) | 12580 |
Unicom 114 (联通114) | 116114 |
Telecom 114 (电信114) | 118114 |
Telephone Fault Reporting (电话障碍申告台) | 112 |
China Telecom IP Access Number (中国电信IP接入号) | 17900 |
China Unicom IP Access Number (联通IP接入号) | 17910 |
China Mobile IP Access Number (移动IP接入号) | 17951 |
China Netcom IP Access Number (网通IP接入号) | 17960 |
China Tietong IP Access Number (铁通IP接入号) | 17990 |
Unicom Long Distance Access Number (联通长途接入号) | 193 |
Netcom Long Distance Access Number (网通长途接入号) | 196 |
Tietong Long Distance Access Number (铁通长途接入号) | 068 |
Banking and Insurance | |
ICBC (工商银行) | 95588 |
Construction Bank (建设银行) | 95533 |
Agricultural Bank (农业银行) | 95599 |
Bank of China (中国银行) | 95566 |
Traffic Bank (交通银行) | 95559 |
Pudong Development Bank (浦发银行) | 95528 |
Minsheng Bank (民生银行) | 95568 |
Industrial Bank (兴业银行) | 95561 |
CITIC Bank (中信银行) | 95558 |
China Development Bank (深圳发展银行) | 95501 |
Huaxia Bank (华夏银行) | 95577 |
Merchants Bank (招商银行) | 95555 |
Guangfa Bank (广发银行) | 95508 |
Everbright Bank (光大银行) | 95595 |
China Life Insurance (中国人保) | 95518 |
China Life (中国人寿) | 95519 |
Pacific Insurance (太平洋保险) | 95500 |
Ping An Life Insurance (平安人寿保险) | 95511 |
Ping An Property Insurance (平安财产保险) | 95512 |
New China Life Insurance (新华人寿保险) | 95567 |
Medical Insurance Inquiry (医疗保险查询) | 96102 |
Taikang Life Insurance (泰康人寿保险) | 95522 |
Online Shopping | |
Taobao (淘宝网) | 0571-88158198 |
Jingdong Mall (京东商城) | 4006065500 |
Dangdang.com (当当网) | 4007116699 |
Excellence Network (卓越网) | 4008105666 |
Pat Network (拍拍网) | 0755-83762288 |
Vanke Sincere (凡客诚品) | 4006006888 |
Pulling Network (拉手网) | 4000517317 |
Meituan (美团) | 4006605335 |
24 Coupons (24券) | 4006662424 |
Nuomi Network (糯米网) | 4006500117 |
Full Seat Network (满座网) | 4006858666 |
Nest Team (窝窝团) | 4001015555 |
After-sales Service | |
Apple (苹果) | 4006272273 |
Nokia (诺基亚) | 4008800123 |
Samsung (三星) | 4008105858 |
Motorola (摩托罗拉) | 8008105050 |
Sony (索爱) | 4008100000 |
Lenovo (联想) | 8008108888 |
Dell (戴尔) | 8008580888 |
Philips (飞利浦) | 8008201201 |
Panasonic (松下) | 8008100781 |
Toshiba (东芝) | 8008108208 |
TCL (TCL) | 4008123456 |
Takeout Ordering | |
McDonald’s (麦当劳) | 4008517517 |
KFC (肯德基) | 4008823823 |
Pizza Hut (必胜客) | 4008123123 |
True Kung Fu (真功夫) | 4006927927 |
Car Rental | |
Shenzhou Car Rental (神州租车) | 4006166666 |
Yihai Car Rental (一嗨租车) | 4008886608 |
Yidao Car Rental (易到租车) | 4001111777 |
This table includes a comprehensive list of contact information for various services in Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province.