Top 10 Figures in Pu’er Tea: The Third Person Renamed Assam Tea to Pu’er, and the Eighth Person Never Made a Cake of Tea

In the world of Pu’er tea, there are a group of scholars who, with their scientific approach and rigorous style, continuously explore the mysteries of Pu’er tea. These names shine like brilliant stars, illuminating the path of Pu’er tea research.

Through countless experiments and studies, they have revealed the unique characteristics of Pu’er tea, enhancing its quality and value. They have also left us with valuable academic legacies, allowing future generations to navigate the ocean of knowledge and continue exploring the infinite possibilities of Pu’er tea.

  1. Ding Wenjiang丁文江: The Founder of Pu’er Tea Cakes

In the land of Pu’er in southern Yunnan, Ding Wenjiang, a tea farmer, took the initiative in the 1950s to press loose Pu’er tea leaves into cakes. This innovation not only revolutionized traditional tea-making techniques but also established the foundation for Pu’er tea cakes.

He is revered as the “Father of Pu’er Tea Cakes,” with his achievements enduring like the fragrance of Pu’er tea.

  1. Chen Yonghua陈永华: The Guide to Pu’er Tea on the International Stage

During the 1980s, Chen Yonghua, with the wisdom of a businessman, took Pu’er tea to the world stage by founding the “Yunnan Pu’er Tea Import and Export Company,” bridging China and the world and spreading the fragrance of Pu’er tea globally.

He is hailed as the “Father of Pu’er Tea Exports,” and his pioneering spirit inspires future generations to keep moving forward.

  1. Zhang Hongda张宏达: The Father of Pu’er Tea

Zhang Hongda, a botanist born in 1914 in Jiexi, Guangdong, graduated from Sun Yat-sen University in 1939. He served as a professor and the head of the Biology Department at Sun Yat-sen University.

Pu’er tea was once believed to originate from Assam, India, and was originally named Assam tea. Through in-depth research, Zhang Hongda determined that Assam tea actually originated in China and renamed it Pu’er tea. Thus, he is also known as the “Father of Pu’er Tea.”

  1. Chen Baolong陈宝龙: The Founder of Pu’er Tea’s Academic Realm

As a leading figure in Pu’er tea academia, Chen Baolong used research institutes as platforms to delve deeply into the quality, processing, and preservation of Pu’er tea. His research results are like lighthouses, guiding the path of Pu’er tea academic research.

He is celebrated as the “Father of Pu’er Tea Experts,” and his academic contributions have laid a solid foundation for the prosperity of Pu’er tea culture.

  1. Zou Bingliang邹炳良: The Pioneer of the Key Technique of Pu’er Tea Fermentation

Born in 1939 in Xiangyun County, Yunnan, Zou Bingliang is a pioneer in the exploration and research of Pu’er tea fermentation techniques. With nearly 60 years of tea-making experience, he is honored as the “Founder of Pu’er Ripe Tea Fermentation Techniques” and the “Father of Pu’er Ripe Tea.” He has been awarded the title of “Lifetime Achievement Master of Chinese Pu’er Tea.”

His book “Pu’er Tea Craft” is the world’s first professional textbook on Pu’er tea production, processing, and operating procedures, ending the era without scientific standards for Pu’er tea.

  1. Guo Yonghuai郭永怀: The Guardian of Pu’er Tea Quality

Guo Yonghuai, through research societies, delved into the identification and quality evaluation of Pu’er tea. His rigorous attitude and profound knowledge set a benchmark for ensuring the quality of Pu’er tea.

He is known as the “Father of Pu’er Tea Quality,” and his pursuit of quality has won Pu’er tea widespread acclaim in the market.

  1. Bai Shuiqing白水清: The Mentor of Pu’er Tea and a Pu’er Tea Collector

In the field of Pu’er tea planting and production techniques, Bai Shuiqing conducted long-term research and promotion, focusing on the cultivation technology and production techniques for high-quality tea leaves. His concepts and techniques, such as “ferment first then age” and “adding moisture for fermentation,” played an indispensable role in the development and innovation of Pu’er tea.

Moreover, Bai Shuiqing has extensive experience in establishing Pu’er tea tasting and evaluation systems. He proposed special tasting methods and scoring standards, positively impacting the quality evaluation and market positioning of Pu’er tea. His tasting philosophy emphasizes a comprehensive evaluation of tea consistency, taste, and aroma, making Pu’er tea evaluation more objective and scientific.

  1. Lu Zhuxun卢铸勋: The Father of Ripe Pu’er Tea

Lu Zhuxun is a well-known figure in Hong Kong’s tea industry and is hailed as a pioneer of modern ripe tea technology. Born in 1927 in Guangdong, Lu Zhuxun had extensive early experiences, studying tea business in Macau and Hong Kong.

Through years of practice and research, Lu mastered tea fermentation technology and became a key figure in restoring traditional “red soup Pu’er tea,” significantly contributing to the development of ripe Pu’er tea. Despite never making a single cake of tea himself, he is known as the “Father of Ripe Pu’er Tea.”

In Hong Kong’s tea industry, he is a household name. His techniques not only influenced Hong Kong’s tea industry but also spread to Guangdong, Thailand, and beyond, having a profound impact on the development of Pu’er tea.

  1. Xiao Shiying肖时英: The Father of the Clonal Tea Varieties in Yunnan

Xiao Shiying is a senior agronomist at the Pu’er Tea Research Institute in Yunnan, known as the “Great Tea Master” and the “Father of Clonal Tea Varieties in Yunnan.” He dedicated his life to selecting and researching high-quality clonal tea varieties in Yunnan, making significant contributions to the development of Yunnan’s tea industry.

After graduating from Huazhong Agricultural University with a major in tea science, Xiao was assigned to work at the Menghai Tea Experimental Station in Yunnan, beginning nearly 70 years of dedication to Yunnan’s clonal tea varieties. His work included not only breeding new tea varieties but also promoting quality varieties and methods, creating famous teas, and promoting Pu’er tea culture.

  1. Chen Yun陈云: The Guardian of Pu’er Tea Culture

With his dual identity as a politician and cultural figure, Chen Yun has a unique emotional and intellectual connection with Pu’er tea. He vigorously promoted the concept of “Pu’er Tea Culture,” emphasizing its cultural value and protection, setting a benchmark for the inheritance and development of Pu’er tea culture.

He is revered as the “Father of Pu’er Tea Culture,” and his cultural passion has elevated Pu’er tea from merely being a beverage to a symbol of culture.


Pu’er tea, a treasure from Yunnan, China, has blossomed into brilliance through the collective efforts of these ten pioneers.

Their wisdom and dedication not only made Pu’er tea a globally renowned tea but also ensured the continuation and enhancement of Pu’er tea culture. Let us remember these contributors’ names and deeds and work together to preserve and pass on this valuable cultural heritage.