Jiuceng Waterfall of Daweishan Mountain in Pingbian County, Honghe

Dawei Mountain Nature Reserve is located in the common border of the Pingbian County and Hekou County of the Yunnan Province. To its south, it is Vietnam. To its north, it is the seat of the Pingbian County, Yuping Town. The total area of the reserve is 650,000 mu and its percentage of forest cover is more than 81.5 percent. The scenery of the reserve is very beautiful and charming. Since it is on the Tropic of Cancer, it is also called the Green Pearl on the Tropic of Cancer.


  • Formation:
    Jiucheng Waterfall is formed by the convergence of numerous streams and mountain springs within the Daweishan National Forest Park. It features a series of three tiers, each consisting of three levels, totaling nine tiers. Each tier has an approximate height of 7 meters and a width of 4 meters, cascading down through stone crevices.
  • Comparison to Other Waterfalls:
    Compared to the grandeur of the Dripping Water Waterfall, Jiucheng Waterfall presents a gentler yet equally captivating spectacle. Flowing slowly from the pristine forests of Daweishan and converging at the base, it forms a breathtaking waterfall formation. The sight of Jiucheng Waterfall is particularly mesmerizing during the summer, with the sound of cascading water resembling the melodious whispers of a dragon or the soft murmur of a song.

Natural Environment:

  • Climate:
    The Daweishan National Nature Reserve is located at the northern edge of the Southeast Asian tropical region. It experiences a climate influenced by the Southeast Asian monsoon, with warm, moist air from the northern Gulf of the Pacific bringing substantial moisture. This results in a climate characterized by high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and high humidity. The average annual temperature ranges from 16°C to 22.6°C, with annual precipitation between 1621 mm and 1777 mm. The relative humidity reaches up to 85%. The abundant water resources and the significant altitude variation contribute to the formation of the stunning Jiucheng Waterfall and the Dripping Water Waterfall, which cascade from heights of dozens of meters, evoking the imagery of the “Milky Way falling from the heavens.”

Weather Variations:

  • Rainy Season:
    During the rainy season, the flow of the waterfall increases dramatically, creating thunderous sounds and rising mist. This period can be quite dramatic and awe-inspiring.
  • Dry Season:
    In contrast, during dry periods, the waterfall still flows gently, creating a serene and melodious ambiance. The surrounding dense forests and clear waters of the deep pool below add to the area’s natural charm. The pool at the base is clear and allows for a picturesque view of unique rock formations, accommodating several people for photos. Sitting by the rocks and watching the waterfall provides a refreshing and tranquil experience.

Local Legend:

  • Name Origin:
    According to local legend, seven celestial maidens descended to earth and were so captivated by the earthly scenery that they did not wish to return to heaven. This displeased the Jade Emperor, who sent the Bodhisattva Guanyin to investigate. Upon visiting the area, Guanyin was also enchanted by the earthly beauty and decided to explore further. Arriving at the Jiucheng Waterfall, she was so moved by its beauty that she bathed under the waterfall. After bathing, she admired the falls and wished to leave her mark. With a wave of her willow branch, the single waterfall transformed into three tiers, each with three levels, making a total of nine tiers. The resulting formation resembled her graceful figure, leading the locals to refer to it as “Water Guanyin.”


Jiucheng Waterfall is a captivating natural wonder with its multi-tiered cascade and picturesque surroundings. Its serene beauty, combined with the rich local legend, makes it a notable destination in the Daweishan region.