The 30 Most Beautiful and Unique Villages in Dali

Chinese Name:大理最有特色的30个村寨
Chinese Version:

Siden Village, Shaxi Town, Jianchuan County

剑川县沙溪镇寺登村/Rich Nostalgia and Thriving Rural Industry

Siden Village is located in the center of Shaxi Basin, beside the Black River. It was once a major trading hub on the Ancient Tea Horse Road, renowned as the “Land of Fish and Rice.” The village has a rich historical and cultural heritage, a strong ethnic charm, and abundant and unique tourism resources. It boasts the only surviving ancient market on the Tea Horse Road, preserving a complete set of old theaters, inns, temples, and village gates. Siden Village adheres to the principle of preserving historical integrity and has conducted rescue repairs on ancient courtyards. It actively protects and inherits the village’s unique customs, skills, and outstanding traditional culture. The village focuses on four distinctive brands: ecological leisure vacations, Bai ethnic cultural experiences, exploring the Tea Horse Road, and Bai-style guesthouses. It highlights pastoral scenery, Bai ethnic customs, Tea Horse Road relics, and unique guesthouses, developing a positive model where tourism supplements agriculture, assists agriculture, and promotes agricultural development.

Huaqiao Village, Bonan Town, Yongping County

永平县博南镇花桥村/Ancient Village, Timeless Charm, New Vitality

Huaqiao Village is a millennium-old village on the Southwest Silk Road and an important station on the Bonan Ancient Road. The village features numerous cultural relics such as the Da Huaqiao Ancient Village, the ancient county office, ancient tax office, and ancient Yuanmei. It also holds cultural resources related to ancient road culture, mule caravan culture, clan genealogy, and food culture. Huaqiao Village emphasizes its distinctive nostalgic advantages, focusing on the protection and development of the ancient village. It aims to create cultural tourism brands like “World’s First Wonder Plum – Huaqiao Yuanmei” and “The Only Existing Ancient Station on the Bonan Ancient Road – Huaqiao Village.” The village has established the Bonan Ancient Road Museum, restored relics such as the Bonan Ancient Road, Stone Plaque, and ancient tax office, and created a nostalgia experience center, mule caravan cultural experience base, Yuanmei viewing garden, and ecological leisure retreat, launching the “Huaqiao Model” for rural tourism.

Nuodeng Village, Nuodeng Town, Yunlong County

云龙县诺邓镇诺邓村/A Millennia-Old Village with an Enduring Legacy

“Nuodeng” is the oldest and most unchanged village name in Yunnan, also known as Nuodeng Ancient Bai Village. The village features numerous cultural relics, including over 100 ancient residential courtyards built into the mountains, diverse in form and elegant in style, as well as temples like Yuhuang Pavilion, Confucian Temple, Martial Temple, Dragon King Temple, and Lingxing Gate, as well as historical sites such as salt wells, salt bureau, and ancient inns along old roads, streets, and salt horse roads. Nuodeng people are skilled in well-digging and salt production, and the village thrived due to its salt industry, becoming an economic hub in western Yunnan. The village is also famous for its delicacy—Nuodeng Ham. Nuodeng Village has won multiple honors, including “China Historical and Cultural Village,” “China Traditional Village,” “China Ethnic Minority Characteristic Village,” and “China Beautiful Leisure Village.”

Liuguanchang Village (Fengyangyi Village), Taihe Street, Dali City

大理市太和街道刘官厂村(凤阳邑村)/Tea Horse Road Wind in Fengyang

Fengyangyi is located at the foot of the East Slope of the Buddha Peak of Cangshan, closely connected to the ruins of Nanzhao Taihe City. It is a historically rich Bai traditional village with a 1900-meter stretch of the Tea Horse Road passing through it. The village still preserves numerous relics of mule caravans, such as mountain wall niches for worship, century-old mule shops, and drinking wells. Walking along the ancient road in Fengyangyi, you can almost hear the clattering of hooves and the crisp sound of bells from yesteryears. The unique natural beauty and tranquility of Fengyangyi have attracted a number of artists from various places, leading to the establishment of indigo dye workshops, clay crafts, tea rooms, art studios, and guesthouses, creating a slow-living experience. After being featured in the TV drama “To the Winds,” more people have come to know about this beautiful village and visit to experience the charm of Fengyangyi and encounter the most beautiful nostalgia.

Haishao Village (Xinzhang Village), Qiaodian Town, Binchuan County

宾川县乔甸镇海稍村(新庄村)/Revitalizing Red Memories and Showcasing Rural Charm

Located by Haishao Reservoir, Xinzhang Village is built along the mountains. The village’s houses are scattered amidst the green mountains and waters, with weathered earthen walls blending with lush vineyards and rolling hills. Xinzhang has a strong red cultural heritage, deeply rooted in the spirit of the Long March, and a nostalgic taste, with Haishao fish lingering in the hearts of its people. Since 2015, Xinzhang Village has made full use of its red culture, developing rural red tourism based on local conditions. It has adopted the “Party Branch + Enterprise + Villagers” development model, establishing the first natural village “Red Army Long March Memorial Hall” in the entire state, and built the first open-to-the-public farmer’s museum in the province, focused on showcasing agricultural culture. This approach has created a new path for integrating culture, tourism, and agriculture, promoting development through cultural tourism.

Zhongzhuang Village (Gusheng Village), Wanjiao Town, Dali City

大理市湾桥镇中庄村(古生村)/Green Waters and Green Mountains, Nostalgia in Gusheng

Gusheng Village features tranquil alleys, ancient bridges, temples, and opera stages. This Bai ethnic ancient village, with over 2000 years of history, has maintained its ancient charm through centuries. In 2015, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Gusheng Village and praised it: “The environment here is clean and retains its ancient appearance. Such courtyards are better than Western-style houses, preserving nostalgia.” The village boasts numerous local customs and rich Bai ethnic traditions, hosting unique festivals such as the Ben Zhu Festival and Release Festival annually. The village actively protects and inherits Bai ethnic customs, including festivals and weddings. Through initiatives like forming traditional music bands and showcasing ethnic cultural performances, Gusheng integrates nostalgia into village regulations, customs, ecological protection, and cultural innovation, harmonizing nostalgia culture with rural ecology for generations.

Haikou Village (Liyuan Village), Cibi Lake Town, Eryuan County

洱源县茈碧湖镇海口村(梨园村)/A Land of Scenic Beauty, a Peach Blossom Land

Liyuan Village is located in the northern part of Eryuan County, by the beautiful Cibi Lake. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the lake on one side, it is home to over a hundred Bai families. The village features nearly 10,000 ancient pear trees scattered around houses, fields, and roads. There are over 7,000 ancient pear trees in Liyuan Village, having endured over 500 years of history. In recent years, the village has leveraged its ecological tourism resources to implement infrastructure improvements such as wall beautification, road hardening, leisure pavilions, and wooden walkways, accelerating rural tourism development. It strives to create a “green and beautiful village with flowers in spring, shade in summer, fruits in autumn, and charm in winter.”

Yonghe Village (Wenshengjie Village), Mishi Town, Midu County

弥渡县密祉镇永和村(文盛街村)/Trotting Along Ancient Roads with Melodious Folk Songs

Wenshengjie Village, located in the southwestern part of Mishi Town, Midu County, is the origin of the famous song “The Little River Flows.” The village boasts unique cultural and natural landscapes, with a rich history and deep-rooted Lantern Festival culture. Wenshengjie Village was an important stop on the ancient South Road, with a tea horse station. It preserves the ancient village layout centered around Wenshengjie. Through ancient road relics, visitors can trace the deep history of mule caravan culture, food culture, Lantern Festival culture, and folk song culture. Wenshengjie Village has been included in the second batch of China’s traditional village directory and the sixth batch of China’s historical and cultural villages.

Mixin Village (Mijing Village), Misha Township, Jianchuan County

剑川县弥沙乡弥新村(弥井村)/Salt Flavors Along the Ancient Salt Horse Road

Mijing Village in Jianchuan County has a long history and was one of the four major salt wells in western Yunnan in ancient times. Since the Tang Dynasty, various departments have been established here for salt production. The flourishing salt industry once made Mijing a prominent economic center. The development of the salt industry promoted cultural exchange and integration. Mijing’s agricultural culture, shaped by salt, has lasted for thousands of years. The village retains well-preserved relics from the Salt Horse Road period, including Salt Mother Shrine, San Sheng Temple, Zhaoying Temple, and ancient opera stages. Mijing Village is also known for its strong ethnic flavor and diverse folk customs, with unique cultural activities such as the “April 8” festival and “Da’e Gou” events. In 2013, Mijing Village was listed as a second batch of China’s traditional villages and was named a second batch of ethnic minority characteristic villages in 2017.

Wuben Village, Jueli Town, Midu County

弥渡县苴力镇雾本村/Peach Blossom Land Surrounded by Green Mountains

Wuben Village is situated in a mountain basin surrounded by green mountains in the northwest of Jueli Town, Midu County. It is often shrouded in mist, with clear waters and beautiful scenery. The village features thousands of acres of peach orchards, with ten miles of flower seas emitting fragrance year-round. In recent years, Wuben Village has focused on its winter peach industry to establish a new rural tourism model integrating agricultural tourism. This includes sightseeing clusters featuring winter peaches, sunflowers, and marigolds, leisure experience clusters with peach orchards, dragon tree forests, and mist springs, and dining clusters featuring local cuisine. This model has stimulated continuous income growth for local residents. Additionally, the village has renovated its traditional houses and created nostalgia-themed cultural walls, pathways, and squares, developing a new path for integrating agriculture and tourism.

Tianchi Village, Nuodeng Town, Yunlong County

云龙县诺邓镇天池村/A Green and Beautiful Ecological Home

Tianchi Village is located in the northwest of Nuodeng Town, Yunlong County, adjacent to the “Millennial Bai Village” Nuodeng Village to the east and the Tianchi National Nature Reserve to the west. It is a multi-ethnic village with Bai, Han, and Lisu people living together. The Tianchi River runs through the village, creating natural zones in the east and west. The village features stunning attractions such as the “Yunlong Tai Chi” observation deck, thousands of acres of pear orchards, and the high-altitude gem Tianchi Lake. The area boasts a beautiful natural environment and rich ecological resources. It is also an important habitat for rare species like the Yunnan golden monkey, white-tailed sea eagle, and Yunnan magnolia, making it a key area for global research and science popularization. Over the years, Tianchi Village has focused on maintaining its green environment, guiding the community in industry development, cultural and tourism integration, and ecological civilization construction to create a beautiful home where humans and nature coexist harmoniously.

Xizhou Village, Xizhou Town, Dali City

大理市喜洲镇喜洲村/Ancient Town Nostalgia of Mountains and Seas

With its blue-tiled white walls and winding alleys, Xizhou Village is surrounded by fragrant rice fields and waving wheat. Known as the “First Town of Bai Ethnic Style” in China, Xizhou is the hometown of “Five Flowers” and offers a living experience of Bai culture and traditions. The town’s commercial culture has a long history and continues to influence the present. Bai residential architecture is meticulously regulated, and the village layout is clear and smooth. The town embraces cultural diversity, with centers like the “Craftsman Center” for intangible cultural heritage talents, and places like Xilin Garden showcasing beautiful fields. “Wheat Field Coffee” offers a romantic encounter with poetry and distant places. In 2016, Xizhou Ancient Town was named one of the first 127 characteristic towns; in 2017, it was included in the list of provincial-level towns aiming for national excellence. It has been recognized as a national civilized village, provincial-level civilized village, and provincial-level boutique village.

Xiangyang Village (Ani Me Village), Pingpo Town, Yangbi County

漾濞县平坡镇向阳村(阿尼么村)/Art Enriches the Picturesque Village

A prominent large guitar at the village entrance and pathways decorated with colorful musical notes lead to a unique blend of modernity and nostalgia, with walls painted with old black-and-white TVs, radios, and record players. Known as the “Artistic Retreat Hidden in the Mountains,” Ani Me Village breathes art with every step. In recent years, Ani Me has leveraged the talents of its residents to enhance living environments and village appearance. It utilizes pastoral scenery, farming culture, and ethnic culture to “revitalize” the village with art. The village features the “Ani Me 007” farm, focusing on agriculture, and distinctive guesthouses like “Old President” and “Shepherd Uncle.”

Shazhi Village, Jizushan Town, Binchuan County

宾川县鸡足山镇沙址村/Cultural Sophistication at the Foot of a Famous Mountain

Shazhi Village is located at the foot of Jizu Mountain, a national AAAA scenic spot, and is a typical Bai ethnic village. It is an essential stop for visitors climbing Jizu Mountain and an important post on the Tea Horse Road. Leveraging the unique tourism resources of Jizu Mountain, Shazhi Village actively guides its community to build a beautiful rural area, protect and inherit excellent culture, and promote tourism with cultural emphasis. The village continuously explores distinctive and differentiated rural tourism development to build a tourism system characterized by ecology, culture, and branding. Shazhi Village has been recognized as a “Chinese Ethnic Minority Characteristic Village,” a provincial-level tourist village, a provincial-level ethnic unity demonstration village, and a provincial-level civilized village.

Qunli Community, Nanzhao Town, Weishan County

巍山县南诏镇群力社区/Ancient Town and Deep Nostalgia

Qunli Community is located in the western part of Weishan Ancient City and is an important part of the historical city of Weishan. As a key stop on the Tea Horse Road, Qunli Community retains a large number of Ming and Qing dynasty-style ancient buildings and traditional residences. The community is known for its rich ethnic and folk art and intangible cultural heritage. The high platform folk fire dance is a cherished local tradition. As a renowned birthplace of Chinese snacks, the community is famous for its diverse, finely crafted, and uniquely flavored local delicacies, including “braised meat rice noodles,” “Nanzhao single noodle,” and “green bean cakes,” which attract many visitors.

Yangjia Village (Dafodian Village), Yangcen Township, Jianchuan County

剑川县羊岑乡杨家村(大佛殿村)/A Stargazing Haven in the Hidden Yi Homeland

Along the route from Dali Jianchuan to Nujiang Lanping, at the southern foothills of the “Ancestor of Yunnan Mountains” Laojun Mountain, lies Yangjia Village at an altitude of 2700 meters. Here, 72 Yi families live amidst high mountain meadows and rhododendron forests. The village preserves the original culture of the Liangshan Black Yi branch and showcases a harmonious adaptation to the natural environment of northwest Yunnan. In 2017, Yangjia Village was named one of the second batch of Chinese Ethnic Minority Characteristic Villages by the National Ethnic Affairs Commission. It is an excellent spot for camping, hiking, and stargazing. The high-altitude mountain fire pit culture embodies tranquility and philosophical reflections on life, while the custom of “songs from the mountains” combines ethereal voices with passionate dance steps.

Jiangdeng Village, Fengyu Town, Eryuan County

洱源县凤羽镇江登村/Beautiful Transformation at the Source of Erhai

Fengyu’s products include Fengyu rapeseed oil, Fengyu white rice, honey, and pear syrup, which are modern brands created by new farmers. Attractions like the rice paddy theater, Fengyu painting school, and Earth Art Valley make Fengyu a second home for artists. The village, with its Bai ethnic community, preserves a wide range of traditional customs and folk activities such as Bai tunes, rural festivals, and unique handicrafts like hand-copied scriptures, wood sculptures, and bamboo weaving. In recent years, influential cultural figures have settled in Fengyu, driving the integration of “soft countryside, cool agriculture, merging art, and slow living,” and contributing to a vibrant and creative rural revitalization.

Sangling Village, Jinhua Town, Jianchuan County

剑川县金华镇桑岭村/Ancient Trees and Multi-Ethnic Coexistence

Sangling Village, a national-level traditional village located by the Jian Lake, boasts a history of over a thousand years. Here, you can witness the “Sangling Ancient Trees” and “Fishing Lights on the Sea,” part of the Jianyang Eight Scenic Views. In spring, the pear orchards and ancient pagoda trees bloom into a sea of white flowers; in autumn, the sweet pear juice and the colorful landscape of cypress, goldthread tree, lacquer tree, and oak create a rich visual feast. The village retains several ancient pathways and various intangible cultural heritage elements such as Bai mud sculptures, wood carvings, stone carvings, Bai cloth art, embroidery, and dairy production. The harmonious coexistence of Han, Hui, and Bai ethnic groups, with a strong focus on agriculture and culture, is notable. Recent developments include the construction of nostalgia-themed guesthouses and related cultural products, fostering a thriving nostalgia industry.

Shuanglang Village, Shuanglang Town, Dali City

大理市双廊镇双廊村/Artistic Town with Heavenly Light and Cloud Shadows

“Scenery of Dali lies in Cang’er; Cang’er’s scenery lies in Shuanglang.” Located at the northeastern corner of Erhai Lake, Shuanglang has evolved from a quaint fishing village to a nationally renowned tourist destination and art town, thanks to its stunning Cang’er scenery and rich ancient fishing village culture. Visitors to Shuanglang can enjoy historical sites such as Zhengjue Temple, Feiyan Temple, Yujidao, Yujian, Yuboge, Xingliang Temple, Kuixing Pavilion, and Hongshan Benzhu Temple, as well as well-preserved Ming and Qing architectural districts and traditional Bai residences. Modern design attractions include Yang Liping’s “Sun Palace,” Zhao Qing’s “Glass House,” and Zhang Yang’s “Stable.” The village also features an agricultural art community and local delicacies like “Shuanglang Ten Small Dishes.” Surrounded by lake and mountain scenery, Shuanglang offers a relaxing and immersive experience.

Xincun, Nanzhao Town, Weishan County

巍山县南诏镇新村/Nanzhao’s Ancient Land and the Ten-Mile Picture Gallery

Xincun, a national-level traditional village located in the historical area of Weishan, has a history of over 1300 years. This village was once the farming ground of the first Nanzhao king, Xinnuoluo, and the locals still identify themselves as descendants of the Nanzhao royal family. Every year from the first to the fifteenth day of the lunar month, Yi people from across the country gather at Weibaoshan Tuchu Temple for the grand “Yi King Ancestor Worship Feast,” creating a distinctive local event.

Xincun is home to a millennium-old osmanthus tree, and legends about Xinnuoluo and the Three Princesses are well-known here. Historical sites such as the Ming Dynasty tomb of Inspector Lei Yinglong, the Tongjia Ancient Bridge built with donations from Qing Dynasty philanthropists, and the millennium-old high mountain oak have all become an integral part of the local cultural heritage. The natural beauty of the “Ten-Mile Landscape Gallery” along the Wudao River, combined with these historical stories, attracts many visitors.

Qudong Village, Bonan Town, Yongping County

永平县博南镇曲硐村/Echoes of Ancient Camel Bells

Qudong Village, a national historical and cultural village, is located at the crossroads of Dali, Baoshan, and Nujiang. It has long been a significant stop on the ancient Bonan Road of the Southwest Silk Road. As the largest Hui community in western Yunnan and the largest walnut trading market in the southwest, Qudong National AAA Tourist Area attracts about 1.32 million visitors annually. The village features a water system flowing through its streets, well-preserved traditional residential layouts, and historical “Qudong Old Street” with numerous old horse shops and rustic courtyards. The integration of various ethnic cultures has created unique mule caravan cuisine. Visitors can experience ethnic culture, savor halal dishes, enjoy hot spring resorts, explore ancient Bonan Road relics, Dali Puhui Park, Qudong Food Street, and the Walnut Business Town, all in a comprehensive travel experience.

Yunnan Yi Community, Yunnan Yi Town, Xiangyun County

祥云县云南驿镇云南驿社区/The Earliest Place Named Yunnan

With the opening of the “Southwest Silk Road” during the Han Dynasty, Yunnan Yi Town saw the rise of postal routes and became a bustling trade hub. The Yunnan Yi Community has been designated as one of the first batch of traditional Chinese villages, and the Yunnan Yi ancient architectural complex is listed as a key cultural heritage site. Yunnan Yi is increasingly viewed as an essential stop for in-depth exploration of Yunnan. Visitors can explore the Ceng Gongci Postal Museum, Mule Team Museum, and World War II Memorial Museum, and discover the historical marks of mule caravan teams, the Yunnan-Myanmar Road, and the Hump Route through old relics. The Li Family Courtyard on Yunnan Yi Ancient Road offers experiences with Xiangyun clay pots and Wang’s silverware, both important intangible cultural heritage projects.

Guangming Village, Cangshan West Town, Yangbi County

漾濞县苍山西镇光明村/Walnut Homes in the Cloudy Mountains

Guangming Village, located in the heart of the western slope of Cangshan Mountain, has a long history of walnut cultivation, earning it the title of “Ten Thousand Acres Walnut Ecological Garden.” It is a key site for China’s important agricultural cultural heritage, the “Yunnan Yangbi Walnut—Crop Compound System,” with over 6000 ancient walnut trees, some over a thousand years old. The village integrates ecological, agricultural, ethnic, and culinary tourism resources to develop a thriving eco-tourism and pastoral landscape industry. The annual Yangbi Walnut Festival showcases the cultures of Yi, Bai, Dai, and Lisu ethnic groups and features local delicacies like caterpillar fungus chicken, roast lamb, and walnut banquets. The village also develops agricultural leisure practice bases, sightseeing projects, and traditional agricultural tools, and it operates a village history museum, as well as demonstrating traditional skills such as winemaking, oil pressing, and metallurgy.

Baofeng Village, Baofeng Township, Yunlong County

云龙县宝丰乡宝丰村/Echoes of History and the Ever-Ringing Alarm Bell

Baofeng Village, nestled among mountains and rivers, is the hometown of Dong Ze, the first president of East Lu University (the predecessor of Yunnan University). The village is rich in both natural and cultural attractions. Many buildings from the Ming and Qing Dynasties remain, with 52 well-preserved Qing Dynasty structures, some over 300 years old. Historical sites such as Gongguo Bridge and Xiao Tie Bridge carry the memories of various ethnic groups working together to repair the Yunnan-Myanmar Road and defend against external threats. Baofeng Village continues to uphold traditions such as the salt culture represented by Luoma Well, respect for teachers embodied by Dong Ze, integrity culture symbolized by Qinzhen Pavilion, and the vibrant art of the Bai ethnic group’s “Lige Gao” dance. Traditional foods like “Five Bowls and Four Plates,” “Six Bowls and Six Plates,” and “One Pot Soup,” along with local snacks such as hot oil noodles, grilled rice cakes, steamed rice cakes, fennel cakes, and charcoal-grilled mooncakes, evoke a deep sense of nostalgia.

Liujiawan Overseas Chinese Community, Jinniu Town, Binchuan County

宾川县金牛镇柳家湾华侨社区/Southeast Asian Charm in a Hotspot of Overseas Chinese Culture

Established in 1958 and listed as a traditional Chinese village in 2013, Liujiawan Overseas Chinese Community is imbued with a unique nostalgic culture due to its history as a hub for overseas Chinese. Residents speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Fujianese, Hainanese, as well as Indonesian, Burmese, Vietnamese, and Khmer, and wear colorful ethnic costumes. The community showcases music, dance, and culinary traditions from various countries and regions. Overseas Chinese cuisine has become a hallmark of Binchuan, with restaurants like “Second Team Coffee,” “Little Vietnam,” and “Overseas Chinese Gathering Place” attracting numerous visitors. Guests can reminisce about the history of the overseas Chinese community, enjoy distinctive local foods, admire the local scenery, and witness the cultural exchange and integration of different ethnic groups. Liujiawan is also the origin of Binchuan’s grape industry, with 4862 acres of grape cultivation in 2022.

Qifeng Village, Xiyi Town, Heqing County

鹤庆县西邑镇奇峰村/A Century of Pear Trees and March Blossoms

In late March each year, over 20,000 pear trees in Qifeng Village bloom, creating a sea of white flowers. The village is home to over 1,000 pear trees aged over a hundred years. The annual Pear Blossom Culture Tourism Festival draws countless visitors who come to enjoy the scenery, visit Bai ethnic houses with blue tiles and white walls, and explore Lisu mountain villages with their traditional stilt houses. The local market, showcasing mountain products, and dishes made from local ingredients, such as “Qifeng Seven Dishes,” sun-dried pear slices, and licorice-soaked pears, add flavor to Qifeng’s spring. Special treats like fruit radishes dipped in honey, pear blossom steamed eggs, and Qifeng cured meat make the experience even more delightful.

Daying Village (Ancient City Village), Hongyan Town, Midu County

弥渡县红岩镇大营村(古城村)/The Ancient Capital of the Bai Kingdom and the Nostalgic Stream

Ancient City Village, located at the site of the old and new Baizhi City ruins, is the origin of the Bai Kingdom and the forebear of the Nanzhao Kingdom, as well as the birthplace of the Bai ethnic group. The ancient southwestern Silk Road (the Shu-Shen-Du Road) passes by the village. In 2022, Ancient City Village was designated as a AAA-level tourist attraction. During the Dragon Boat Festival, the entire village participates in outdoor activities and prayers at Guyu Temple and surrounding areas to wish for health and safety for the year. The local “Eight Bowls” meal, which includes red meat soup, pickled vegetables with pork, steamed pork, crispy meat, egg rolls, and eight-treasure rice, is unforgettable. Visitors can also explore the Intangible Cultural Heritage Center, Colorful Cloud Academy, Bai Yai Theater, the historical museum in the tobacco curing house, and experience the Midu Xishan Yi ethnic group’s big knife dance to gain a deeper understanding of Yi culture and history.

Daying Community, Hedian Town, Xiangyun County

祥云县禾甸镇大营社区(七宣村)/A Cultural Hub with Rich Ethnic Traditions

Daying Community is a historically rich, nationally recognized traditional village known for its abundant cultural resources. It boasts two provincial intangible cultural heritages: the “Mute Festival” and traditional earthenware craftsmanship. The community also preserves a variety of traditional cultural elements, including oral literature like “Paigu,” the Opening Mountain Festival, embroidery, traditional brewing, flower lanterns, Mei Ge (a type of song), Miao folk songs, Han folk tunes, dancing, and Yi ethnic dances such as “Mute Dance” and “Mu’s Noodles.” The area is famous for its ancient temples, traditional dragon kilns, Kui Xing Pavilion, government courtyards, oil presses, and ancient city ruins, making it a popular destination for ethnic cultural and artistic exploration. Visitors to Qixuan Village in Daying can delve into captivating legends, experience the grand “Mute Festival,” enjoy a warm glass of “Doorway Wine” at the village entrance, explore Yunxiang Academy and Zu Gu House Coffee Shop, discover uniquely shaped earthenware cat and arowana sculptures, and taste local dishes like steamed chicken, bitter chicken, and beef rolls, extending their enjoyment into the night.

Chajiang Village, Xiaowan East Town, Nanjian County

南涧县小湾东镇岔江村/Scenic Beauty Above the Clouds in Xiaowan

The confluence of the Lancang River and Heihui River creates a 90-degree bend, giving Xiaowan Chajiang its name. The Xiaowan Hydropower Station damming the river has led to the creation of a picturesque long lake, nestled among high mountains and canyons, resembling a tranquil emerald. This “high gorge leading to a flat lake” scene is spectacular. With its beautiful environment, ecological river fish, and water-based accommodations, Xiaowan Leisure Park has become a renowned spot for wild fishing. Visitors can take a train to the deep Wuliang Mountains and visit the country’s first rural revitalization demonstration station, Xiaowan East Station, which straddles both mountain and river. In spring, the scenic mountain roads are lined with vibrant fire trees, exotic cotton trees, and yellow-flowered trumpet trees. Tourists can enjoy fruit picking, explore the “Thousand-Year Yi Village” culture, learn about the history of reservoir migrants, and savor ecological cuisine.

Niujie Village, Niujie Township, Eryuan County

洱源县牛街乡牛街村/Ancient Path Hot Springs and Health Tourism in Niujie

Niujie Township, renowned as the “Hometown of Hot Springs,” is rich in geothermal resources and features a distinctive hot spring health tourism industry. As of the end of 2022, there were 69 directly operated hot spring businesses in the village. Historically, Niujie served as a stop on the Tea Horse Road, with its nostalgic appearance well-preserved. The village is home to ancient buildings and courtyards such as the Li Family Courtyard, Tian Family Courtyard, Wending Ancient Stage, Wending Kui Pavilion, Li Family Courtyard in Lian Du, Xiangyun Temple, Jingshu Temple, Shilong Temple, and other cultural landmarks. Festive activities abound, with performances by the Dongjing Ancient Music Band and various village cultural groups during holidays, showcasing Bai folk songs, crane dance, fan dance, traditional Dian opera, lion dance, and dragon dance. Niujie Village also offers unique local foods, including Niujie raw skin, Niujie stuffed beans, fried bean powder, mixed pot dishes, Niujie pickled vegetables, and “rolled Nian” cold slices.