Fuyuan County Culture

There are Han, Hui, Yi, Zhuang, Miao, Bai, Naxi ethnic minorities who live in Fuyuan county. These ethnic groups are vital parts of Huize county.

♣.Ethnic town

There are 1 ethnic town in Fuyuan County of Qujing, which is Gudan Shui Ethnic Township(古敢水族乡).


1.Torch Festival

A feast based on ethnic customs for the guests, the campfire which with mystery and passion, during this festival, guests and tourists will enjoy the ethnic activities and also taste the delicious food of Yi ethnic minority.

2.Corban Festival

The Corban Festival is one part of the pilgrimage ceremonies of Muslims. During the first ten days of every December, Muslims go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The last day of the pilgrimage is December 10th, on which grand ceremonial activities will be held.

3.Dancing Flower Festival

During the festival, the Miao ethnic minority dressed up to gather in the traditional dancing ground. Young men and women danced in the center of the flower poles.

4.Duan Festival

In the Gugan Shui ethnic minority town, the annual lunar calendar from August to October (Shui People's water calendar from November to new year February) is the "Duan Festival" for  local people. "Duan Festival" is a grand festival for them to celebrate the new year, celebrate the harvest, sacrifice gods, and wish for a good harvest in the future. This festival foe them is the same as "Spring Festival" for Han people. The main activities during the "Duan Festival" are the sacrifice and the horse racing.

5.The Festival to Sacrifice Dragon

This festival is also a big activity for Shui ethnic minority which is usually hold in their village at the 3rd day of March(Chinese lunar calendar) of each year. A grand "song meeting" will be held at that time and the performance of Jinqian stick dance, lion dance and swallow dance is very distinctive.