Yiwu,The Hometown of Pu’er Tea. Yiwu Town is situated in the north of Mengla County, Xishuangbanna Prefecture. It is the hometown of Pu’er Tea as well as the starting...
Zhanglang Bulang Ethnic Minority Village Zhanglang Bulang Ethnic Minority Village(章朗布朗古寨) is the only one Bulang ecologic museum in China. The Bulang people have been inhabitants of the area for...
Nannuo Tea Mountain Nannuo Mountain is famous in China and abroad as the home of the “King of Tea Tree,” a human cultivated 800+ year old tree. Fine tea...
Chinese Name: 会泽念湖 English Name: Nianhu Lake in Huize County, Qujing Nianhu Lake is located at the junction of Daqiao Township in Huize County, Qujing City, and Zhaotong. It is a...
Chinese Name:师宗县菌子山 English Name: Junzi Mountain in Shizong County, Qujing Location:...
Chinese Name: 会泽古城 English Name: Huize Ancient Town, Qujing 可以直接去看百度百科 http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=pqEpevzLRcEe30_WVlnhEZ5fEQIhSxLvFyJX6c5_6zT5op7OO93JndGFUy07joO6xmwW6BMuLVOB_Wm05waFvdcKSJbq6mVGqEwmz41Goa-InmzDAG4i-ZYUDlF7rWKf 会泽古城,位于云南省东北部,曲靖市西北部,地处三省五州(市)接壤地带,距省会昆明市区205千米,距曲靖市区187千米。会泽历史悠久,是历史上云南最早设置的四个郡县之一。会泽古城建于清雍正九年(1731年),由时任东川知府崔乃镛主持建造。会泽古城有馆藏文物8000余件,其中国家级文物67件。会泽会馆林立、寺庙众多,名居民宅独具特色,被誉为“明清古建筑博物馆”。明清时期曾建有会馆、寺庙108座,现存会馆、寺庙38座,特色民居65处。以八大会馆为代表的会泽会馆群被列为国家重点文物保护单位。2013年5月22日,国务院批复同意会泽县列为国家历史文化名城。 历史沿革 会泽古城建于清雍正九年(1731年),由时任东川知府崔乃镛主持建造。 雍正十年(1732年)十月东川府石城竣工,共用工37万个,支银31425两。石城周长214丈,南北141.6丈,城墙高厚各1.4丈,设炮台八座,垛口1213个,四门城楼各两层,高2.7丈。 雍正十一年(1733年)东川7.5级大地震,部分损坏,后修复。 道光二十四年(1844年),城墙出现部分坍塌,知府李德生、知县黄梦菊发动官绅士民捐银16366两重修,城墙加高三尺,达2.1丈,垛口达到1372个。 光绪六年(1880年),代理知县秦述先禀请重修了年久朽坏的四门城楼。 同治元年(1862年)10月,太平天国翼王石达开率西征军进入东川(今会泽)境内,曾派小股部队攻打东川府城。由于城防坚固,太平军两次攻打未克,遂主动放弃府城,向西北的娜姑进发。东川知府黎兴德、参将杨盛宗、会泽知县靖华壁乘隙率清兵出城追击太平军,双方在崇礼乡(今白雾街)展开鏖战。 1935年5月2日,长征中的中国工农红军九军团在军团长罗炳辉和政委何长工率领下进驻会泽,九军团部和参谋人员立即从东门入城,登上东北角钟楼指挥队伍,红军战士搭起云梯从西门攻入城内。 1949年4月9日,云南人民讨蒋自卫军永焜支队兵临会泽城下,在炮火的掩护下,利用缴获的TNT炸药爆破北城门,攻入县城。 2013年5月,会泽古城被列为国家历史文化名城。 地质地貌 会泽地处滇东北高原,乌蒙山主峰地段。山高谷深,沟壑纵横。山川相间排列,山区、河谷条块分布。地势西高东低,南起北伏,由西向东呈阶梯状递减。会泽的地貌景观主要有三种类型:以山地地貌为主,次为盆地地貌,部分为冰川地貌。 气候特点 会泽属典型的温带高原季风气候,四季不明,夏无酷暑,冬季冷寒,干湿 分明。会泽立体气候特点突出,从南亚热带至寒温带气候均有分布。 会泽平均海拔2200米以上,高原空气稀薄,辐射波短,日照时间长。年平均晴日225天,年日照2100小时,年平均气温12.7℃。春季升温快,秋季降温快。 建筑布局 古城布局 会泽古城不大,最初是土城,为首任知府王永玺所建,后于雍正年间知府崔乃镛历时一年半建为石城,城周长2374.3米,宽4.6米,高5米。老城十字街是古城的中心,一横一纵两条街道交会构成个“十”字,加上方形的城墙,整个古城其实就是个“田”字形。...
Laodabao and ‘Happy Lahu’ Laodabao Village(老达保寨), located in the southeast of Lincang County, is 42KM from the county. It is a typical Lahu Village with all the 114 families/473...
Wangtianshu Scenic Spot Wangtianshu Scenic Attraction is the only oasis at 21 degrees north latitude, and has been recognized internationally as China’s unique tropical rainforest. What is the most...
Short Brief and Overview of Donglianhua Mosque Chinese Name:巍山东莲花清真寺 English Name: Donglianhua Mosque in Weishan County, Dali Donglianhua Mosque, located in Weishan County, Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, is a significant...
Introduction Located at Yongdao Street (甬道街), Jingxing Flowers and Birds Market was opened for business in 1983, gathering vendors selling flowers, birds, fish and so on, and finally became...
The Cloud Sea Wonder of Wa Ethnic Mountain in Ximeng County, Puer...
Chinese Name:凤庆县滇红生态产业园 English Name:Dianhong Eco-industrial Park in Fengqing County, Lincang Fengqing Dian Hong (Dianhong Group) 凤庆滇红 : This company was established in 1954. The factories are located in the...
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