Sand Burying Lover Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Gongshan County, Nujiang

Basic Introduction of the Festival

  • Chinese Name: 怒江贡山县傈僳族江沙埋情人节
  • English Name: Sand Burying Lover Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Gongshan County, Nujiang
  • Location: Gongshan County, Nujiang

Burial of the Lover in the River Sand” is a traditional festival entertainment and courtship activity of the Lisu youth in Fugong County, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. It is held around the 4th and 5th day of the lunar New Year each year. During this time, young men and women gather by the banks of the Nu River to sing, dance, and play.

With the help of their companions, they dig a sand pit on the beach and “bury” their chosen partner, pretending to be extremely sad and crying, singing mourning songs and performing mourning dances. After the commotion, they then pull their chosen partner out of the pit. They believe that through this activity, they can express the sincerity and depth of their feelings for each other, and at the same time, “bury” the “death spirit” attached to their loved one, wishing for their health and longevity.

In addition to this activity, the Lisu youth in the Fugong area also hold a “Shooting Eggs on the Head” contest. During the competition, young men carry a quiver of arrows and use crossbows, with their loved one balancing a bowl on their head containing an egg (or a wooden bowl with rice and an egg inside) as the target, standing a few meters away. When the competition starts, the young man, calm and composed, draws the bowstring, nocks the arrow, and releases it with a “pop” sound as the egg bursts, while the loved one remains unharmed, prompting enthusiastic applause from the surrounding crowd.

This is an exhilarating and gripping contest that tests skill, courage, and genuine feelings. Naturally, less skilled young men would prefer to miss the egg rather than risk injuring their loved one.

Key Activities of the Festival

  1. Traditional Rituals: The festival often begins with rituals to offer thanks to ancestors and nature spirits for a good harvest and blessings in love. Participants may engage in prayers and offerings, highlighting the connection between their cultural beliefs and daily life.
  2. Sand Burying Ceremony: The main event of the festival involves young men and women gathering on the banks of a river or in a designated area, where they dig shallow pits in the sand. Young men will “bury” their beloved in the sand while expressing mock sorrow. This dramatic act symbolizes deep affection and the playful desire to rid their loved ones of any negative spirits or influences.
  3. Singing and Dancing: There are many traditional songs and dances performed during the festival. These performances often include folk dances that showcase the Lisu people’s relationship with nature and their community. Participants wear traditional attire, adding color and vibrancy to the festivities.
  4. Mourning Songs and Dances: During the burial ceremony, participants may perform mourning songs and dances, which, despite their somber theme, are intended to convey love and emotional connection. These performances highlight the cultural significance of expressing feelings in a communal setting.
  5. Community Games and Competitions: In addition to the sand burying activity, various games and competitions are organized, encouraging participation from all community members. This can include traditional contests like archery or marksmanship, with the focus often on demonstrating skill and bravery.
  6. Culinary Celebrations: Food plays a crucial role in the festival, as families and groups come together to prepare and share traditional Lisu dishes. The culinary aspects not only enhance the communal spirit but also offer a chance to enjoy the local flavors and celebrate the harvest.
  7. Cultural Exchange: The festival serves as an opportunity for other ethnic groups and visitors to engage with the Lisu culture, fostering cultural exchange and understanding. This interaction helps preserve the festival’s significance and allows for the sharing of traditions.

Cultural Significance

The Sand Burying Lover Festival is not only a musical and artistic event but also a profound expression of love, community, and cultural identity for the Lisu people. Through these activities, the youth can engage in courtship rituals, build social connections, and reinforce community ties. The festival is an important way for the Lisu youth to navigate the complexities of love and relationships within the context of their cultural heritage.


In summary, the Sand Burying Lover Festival in Gongshan County is a vibrant celebration rich in cultural practices that reflect the Lisu ethnic group’s values and traditions. Through its various activities, the festival fosters a sense of community, respect for nature, and a deep appreciation for the bonds of love and friendship that underpin Lisu society.