Kunming Jiaozi Snow Mountain Hiking Travel Tips

Imagine the first rays of sunlight piercing through the mist, illuminating the layers of dense forest on Jiaozi Snow Mountain. The whole world seems to be tinted with a gentle shade of orange. This is not just a hiking journey; it is a cleansing of the soul, an intimate conversation with nature.

Pre-trip Preparation: Essential Gear Check

  • Footwear: Be sure to choose a pair of non-slip and breathable hiking shoes to ensure each step is stable and comfortable.
  • Backpack: Go for a lightweight one, but don’t forget to pack a water bottle, energy bars, sunscreen, and rain gear. Safety comes first, so be well-prepared.
  • Camera: With such beautiful scenery, how can you not capture it? Whether it’s a smartphone or a camera, make sure your device is fully charged!
  • Good Mood: The most important gear! Set out with a smile and a sense of curiosity!

Route Planning: Relaxing, Comfortable, Challenging

  • 1-Hour Itinerary: Take the main cable car from Xinshan Pass to Sifangjing → Transfer to a shuttle bus to Xiapingzi → Ride the cable car (or hike from Haohan Slope) → Daheiqing → Huaxi → Feilai Ice Waterfall → Return to Daheiqing → Hike Haohan Slope (or take the cable car) → Xiapingzi → Shuttle bus to Sifangjing → Take the main cable car out of the scenic area → Return.
    Chinese Route: 新山垭口乘坐大索道至四方景——乘坐摆渡车至下坪子——坐索道(或从好汉坡徒步)——大黑箐——花溪——飞来冰瀑——大黑箐——徒步好汉坡(或坐索道)——下坪子——乘坐摆渡车至四方景——乘坐大索道出景区——返回。
  • 2-Hour Itinerary: Take the main cable car from Xinshan Pass to Sifangjing → Transfer to a shuttle bus to Xiapingzi → Ride the cable car (or hike up Haohan Slope) → Daheiqing → Huaxi → Waterfall Cluster → Moon Rock Rest Pavilion → Return to Daheiqing → Hike Haohan Slope (or take the cable car) → Xiapingzi → Shuttle bus to Sifangjing → Take the main cable car out of the scenic area → Return.
    Chinese Route: 新山垭口乘坐大索道至四方景——乘坐摆渡车至下坪子——坐索道(或徒步上好汉坡)——大黑箐——花溪——瀑布群——月亮岩休息亭——大黑箐——徒步好汉坡(或坐索道)——下坪子乘坐摆渡车至四方景——乘坐大索道出景区——返回。
  • 3-Hour Small Loop Itinerary: Take the main cable car from Xinshan Pass to Sifangjing → Shuttle bus to Xiapingzi → Cable car (or hike up Haohan Slope) → Daheiqing → Huaxi → Waterfall Cluster → Moon Rock Viewing Platform → Jingguaitan → Shentian → Moon Rock Rest Pavilion → Return to Daheiqing → Hike Haohan Slope (or take the cable car) → Xiapingzi → Shuttle bus to Sifangjing → Main cable car out of the scenic area → Return.
    Chinese Route: 新山垭口乘坐大索道至四方景——乘坐摆渡车至下坪子——坐索道(或徒步上好汉坡)——大黑箐——花溪——瀑布群——月亮岩观景台——精怪塘——神田——月亮岩休息亭——返回大黑箐——徒步好汉坡(或坐索道)——下坪子——乘坐摆渡车至四方景——乘坐大索道出景区——返回。
  • 4-Hour Summit Itinerary: Take the main cable car from Xinshan Pass to Sifangjing → Shuttle bus to Xiapingzi → Cable car (or hike up Haohan Slope) → Daheiqing → Huaxi → Waterfall Cluster → Moon Rock Viewing Platform → Jingguaitan → Shentian → Jiaolian → Summit → Return to Jiaolian → Shentian → Moon Rock Rest Pavilion → Daheiqing → Hike Haohan Slope (or take the cable car) → Xiapingzi → Shuttle bus to Sifangjing → Main cable car out of the scenic area → Return.
    Chinese Route: 新山垭口乘坐大索道至四方景——乘坐摆渡车至下坪子——坐索道(或徒步上好汉坡)——大黑箐——花溪——瀑布群——月亮岩观景台——精怪塘——神田——轿帘——轿顶——轿帘——神田——月亮岩休息亭——大黑箐——步行好汉坡(或坐索道)——下坪子——乘坐摆渡车至四方景——乘坐大索道出景区——返回。
  • 5-Hour Intermediate Challenge Loop: Take the main cable car from Xinshan Pass to Sifangjing → Shuttle bus to Xiapingzi → Cable car (or hike up Haohan Slope) → Daheiqing Scenic Area → Moon Rock Viewing Platform → Jingguaitan → Shentian → Mubanghai → Tianchi → Shen Temple → Yixiantian → Huaxi → Daheiqing → Hike Haohan Slope (or take the cable car) → Xiapingzi → Shuttle bus to Sifangjing → Main cable car out of the scenic area → Return.
    Chinese Route: 新山垭口乘坐大索道至四方景——乘坐摆渡车至下坪子——坐索道(或徒步上好汉坡)——大黑箐景区——月亮岩观景台——精怪塘——神田——木邦海——天池——神庙——一线天——花溪——大黑箐——步行好汉坡(或坐索道)——下坪子乘坐摆渡车至四方景——乘坐大索道出景区——返回。
  • 6-Hour Endurance Test Grand Loop: Take the main cable car from Xinshan Pass to Sifangjing → Shuttle bus to Xiapingzi → Cable car (or hike up Haohan Slope) to Daheiqing → Moon Rock Viewing Platform → Jingguaitan → Shentian → Jiaolian → Summit → Mubanghai → Tianchi → Shen Temple → Yixiantian → Huaxi → Daheiqing → Hike Haohan Slope (or take the cable car) → Shuttle bus to Sifangjing → Main cable car out of the scenic area → Return.
    Chinese Route:新山垭口乘坐大索道至四方景——乘坐摆渡车至下坪子——坐索道(或徒步上好汉坡)至大黑箐——月亮岩观景台——精怪塘——神田——轿帘——轿顶——木邦海——天池——神庙——一线天——花溪——大黑箐——步行好汉坡(或坐索道)——乘坐摆渡车至四方景——乘坐大索道出景区——返回。

Food Supply Stations: Recharge and Set Out Again

  1. Xinshan Pass Visitor Center has a supermarket where you can buy food, drinks, and rent warm clothing.
  2. Cable Car Exit: Along the route, villagers sell simple meals and snacks.
  3. Huaxi Supply Station: Offers basic meals such as instant noodles, fried potatoes, hot dogs, and snacks.
  4. Shentian Supply Station: Also provides simple meals (those heading to the summit are advised to replenish here).

Important Notes

  1. The temperature on the mountain can be quite low in autumn. It is recommended to bring warm clothing, such as a windbreaker or down jacket.
  2. Jiaozi Snow Mountain has a high altitude, and some may experience altitude sickness. It is advisable to bring relevant medications, such as Rhodiola or oxygen. Take adequate breaks during the hike to avoid strenuous activity.
  3. Protect the environment by not littering.
  4. Follow the scenic area regulations and pay attention to safety warning signs.