China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited

Chinese Name: 中煙國際(香港)有限公司 (Incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability) (Stock code: 6055)
English Name: China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited
(1) Resignation of Executive Director, General Manager, and Authorized Representative
(2) Appointment of General Manager and Authorized Representative
(3) Appointment of Executive Directors
(4) Change in Composition of Board’s Committees
The Board announces that with effect from March 17, 2020:

  1. Resignation of Mr. Zhang Hongshi:
    • Positions: Executive Director, General Manager, Authorized Representative
    • Reason: Change of work arrangements
    • Confirmation: No disagreement with the Board; no matters relating to his resignation need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders or The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
    • Acknowledgment: The Board expresses sincere gratitude to Mr. Zhang for his commitment, diligence, and contributions, including leading the Company’s business reorganization and initial public offering.
  2. Appointment of Ms. Yang Xuemei:
    • Positions: General Manager, Authorized Representative
    • Background:
      • Joined the company in October 2018 as Vice General Manager.
      • Executive Director since December 2018.
      • Held various positions at Kunming Machine Tool Company Limited, Yuxi Cigarette Factory, Yunnan Hongta Import & Export Company Limited, and Hongta International Company Limited.
      • Vice General Manager, General Manager, and Chairman of Yunnan Tobacco International Company Limited.
      • Senior economist awarded by China National Tobacco Corporation.
      • Educational qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in engineering, a master’s degree in economics, and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
  3. Appointment of Ms. Li Yan and Mr. Liang Deqing:
    • Positions: Executive Directors, Vice General Managers
    • Background of Ms. Li Yan:
      • Joined in March 2020.
      • Worked at China Tobacco International Inc. in various departments.
      • Deputy Director of Corporate Investment Department, Director of Compliance Office.
      • 11 years of experience in investment management of the overseas tobacco industry.
      • Educational qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in economics and an MBA.
    • Background of Mr. Liang Deqing:
      • Joined in March 2020.
      • Worked at Qinghai First Machine Tool Factory, Henan Xuchang Flue-cured Tobacco Plant, Tianchang International Tobacco Co., Ltd., China Tobacco Henan Import and Export Company Limited, China Tabaco International Do Brasil Ltda., China Tobacco International (North America), Inc., and China Tobacco International Group Limited.
      • Senior engineer awarded by State Tobacco Monopoly Administration.
      • Educational qualifications include a bachelor’s degree in engineering.
  4. Change in Composition of Board’s Committees:
    • Resignations:
      • Mr. Zhang ceased to be a member of the Connected Transactions Control Committee and the Strategic Development Committee.
    • Appointments:
      • Ms. Yang was appointed as a member of the Connected Transactions Control Committee.
      • Ms. Li was appointed as a member of the Strategic Development Committee.

Board Composition (As of March 17, 2020)

  • Chairman and Non-Executive Director:
    • Mr. Shao Yan
  • Executive Directors:
    • Ms. Yang Xuemei
    • Ms. Li Yan
    • Mr. Liang Deqing
    • Mr. Wang Chengrui
  • Independent Non-Executive Directors:
    • Mr. Chow Siu Lui
    • Mr. Wang Xinhua
    • Mr. Chau Kwok Keung
    • Mr. Qian Yi

By order of the Board,
China Tobacco International (HK) Company Limited
Shao Yan, Chairman

Date of Announcement: March 17, 2020

The English translation of an entity’s or a company’s name in Chinese which is marked with “” is for identification purpose only. If there is any inconsistency between the Chinese names of entities or companies established in the PRC and their English translations, the Chinese names shall prevail.*