Hongta District Climate
The climate is warm and temperate in Hongta. Hongta has a significant amount of rainfall during the year. This is true even for the driest month. According to Köppen and Geiger, this climate is classified as Cfa. The average annual temperature is 18.9 °C in Hongta. The average annual rainfall is 897 mm.
Climate Graph
The driest month is January, with 12 mm of rainfall. With an average of 176 mm, the most precipitation falls in August.
Temperature Graph
The warmest month of the year is June, with an average temperature of 24.3 °C. January has the lowest average temperature of the year. It is 12.2 °C.
Climate Graph
The difference in precipitation between the driest month and the wettest month is 164 mm. During the year, the average temperatures vary by 12.1 °C.