Donglai Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang

Chinese Name: 勐库东半山:东来村
English Name: Donglai Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang


Donglai Village (东来村) is situated in Mengku Town (勐库镇) within Lincang City. The village spans an area of 15.96 km², with an elevation of 1,150 meters. It has an average annual temperature of 25°C and receives about 1,600 mm of rainfall per year. These climatic conditions make it suitable for growing sugarcane, tea, and other crops.

Donglai Village is part of the Haigong Administrative Village (亥公行政村) in Mengku Town. It is located in the southeastern part of Mengku, 4 kilometers from the Haigong Village Committee and 26.2 kilometers from Mengku Town. The area of Donglai Village itself is 0.34 km², with an elevation of 1,650 meters, an average annual temperature of 20°C, and an annual rainfall of 1,900 mm. This climate supports the cultivation of tea and other crops.Donglai Village of Dongbanshan Mountain in Mengku Town, Lincang

Historical and Tea Significance

Donglai Village has a rich history related to tea. As early as the Ming Dynasty, Mengku Banshan tea was already renowned, attracting many merchants who came to Mengku specifically to purchase this prized tea. Mengku large leaf tea was celebrated by experts as the “Outstanding Hero” among large-leaf teas and has become a highly valued variety among Pu’er tea enthusiasts. This tea is known for representing the robust and masculine qualities of Yunnan Pu’er tea.

Tea Characteristics

  • Appearance: The tea strips are tight and resemble fine hair.
  • Liquor Color: The tea soup is bright and golden.
  • Aroma: The scent is strong and persistent.
  • Flavor: The taste is sweet, fluid, and prolonged, with a full and robust texture. It has a distinct, multi-layered flavor that is rich and enduring.

Donglai Village tea is noted for its masculine strength, rich aroma, and complex flavor profile, making it a distinguished choice for tea connoisseurs.