Doufu Fruit of Helicia Nilagirica Bedd

Tofu Dregs Fruit is a traditional Chinese medicine, derived from the fruit of the plant Helicia nilagirica Bedd. of the family Proteaceae. It is primarily found in Yunnan Province and is known for its analgesic and sedative properties, commonly used to treat headaches and insomnia. The seeds, roots, leaves, and stem bark of Helicia nilagirica—also known by various names such as “Tofu Fruit,” “Sow Fruit,” “Luoluo Fruit,” and “Radish Tree”—are utilized as medicinal materials. The seeds, in particular, are the raw material for extracting tofu fruit glycoside, also known as “shen shuai guo su,” a traditional medicine used by several ethnic groups in Yunnan. The medicinal parts of this plant vary, including the roots, leaves, stems, and seeds. It is mainly distributed in Dehong, Lincang, Xishuangbanna, Simao, and other regions of Yunnan, as well as counties like Yuanjiang, Chuxiong, and Weishan.

Helicia nilagirica (Bedd.) Characteristics:

Helicia nilagirica, commonly known as the “Sow Fruit,” “Mountain Gourd,” “Bitter Pear,” “Luo Luo Fruit,” or “Muzha,” is a tree that grows between 5 to 12 meters in height with gray bark. The buds are densely covered with rust-colored short hairs, and both young branches and mature leaves are glabrous. The leaves are papery or nearly leathery, obovate-oblong, elliptical, or lanceolate, with a short acuminate or blunt apex and a cuneate base. The racemes are axillary or located in the axils of fallen leaves on young branches, measuring 10-24 cm in length, and are densely covered with rust-colored short hairs. The fruit is slightly flattened, spherical, with a diameter of 2 to 3.5 cm, and the top has a short tip. The base narrows abruptly into a short stalk, and the pericarp becomes leathery after drying, 2 to 4 mm thick, and green. The flowering period is from May to August, and the fruiting period is from November to July of the following year.

Distribution and Habitat:

Helicia nilagirica is distributed in India, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and China. In China, it is found in southwestern and southern Yunnan, growing in evergreen broad-leaved forests at altitudes of 1000-2000 meters.

Uses and Applications:

The seeds of Helicia nilagirica contain starch and are commonly consumed by the Jingpo people of Yunnan, China. The bark and pericarp can be used to extract tannins. The plant is traditionally used to treat vascular headaches, neurasthenia, neurasthenic syndrome, and trigeminal neuralgia.

Medicinal Parts:

The medicinal part of Helicia nilagirica is its fruit.


  • Taste: Astringent
  • Nature: Cool
  • Meridians: Spleen and Large Intestine


  • Analgesic: Relieves pain
  • Sedative: Calms the mind


  • Headache
  • Insomnia

Dosage and Administration:

Tofu fruit glycoside is extracted and made into tablets for internal use, with a dosage of 25-75 mg.

Collection and Processing:

The fruits are harvested from November to July of the following year when they are fully ripe, then impurities are removed, and the fruits are sun-dried.