Huanglianshan Waterfall in Luchun County, Honghe

The Huanglian Mountain Waterfall绿春县黄连山瀑布 is located in the central part of Lvchun County, in the eastern part of the Huanglian Mountain area within a national-level subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest nature reserve. The area has a cool climate, fresh air, steep cliffs, clear streams, dense forests, and deep valleys. Hidden among lush green foliage, a magnificent spring cascades down a 150-meter-high cliff, resembling a flowing cloud or a descending galaxy—this is the renowned Huanglian Mountain Waterfall.

The Huanglian Mountain Waterfall consists of three tiers. The waterfall flows year-round without interruption. The upper and lower tiers feature vertical water curtains, each approximately 60 meters in height. The middle tier, due to the sloping cliff face, forms several rapids and small falls. During the summer, when water flow is abundant, the waterfall rushes down like a herd of wild horses, roaring like a lion and thunderous like a storm in the valley. The splashing water, illuminated by sunlight, creates stunning rainbows and magnificent water curtains.


  • The waterfall consists of three tiers, with continuous flow throughout the year. The upper and lower tiers have vertical water curtains, each about 60 meters high, while the middle tier, due to the inclined cliff, forms several small cascades.
  • At the base of each tier, the impact of the waterfall creates three distinct emerald-green pools.
  • During the summer, when the water source is plentiful, the waterfall cascades down like a stampede of wild horses, echoing through the valley with a roaring sound. The mist and splashes, when illuminated by sunlight, create dazzling rainbows that blend beautifully with the majestic water curtains.

Climbing the steep forest path on the northern side of the waterfall takes about an hour to reach the source river of the waterfall, “Qia Ka Ou Men” (in Hani language: Waterfall Source River). This is a clear high mountain river flowing eastward from the heart of Huanglian Mountain. The riverbanks are lined with towering mountains covered in original forests, and the riverbed and surrounding areas are dotted with strange rocks and vibrant green orchids. The winding and steep river valley offers ever-changing scenery, providing a refreshing and picturesque experience.

The Huanglian Mountain Waterfall, with its combination of forest, rocks, streams, and waterfalls, is a natural paradise that blends grandeur, elegance, wilderness, and mystery. It is an excellent and undeveloped tourist destination. The Huanglian Mountain Waterfall is gaining recognition, and many people brave the challenging mountain paths and stay in the open air to experience its beauty.