Lvchun County Entertainment
There are so many entertainment activities in Luchun county.As for nightlife activities, Luchun does not differ a lot from other cities in China. Bars, KTV and other clubs can easily be found around the city. In Luchun, you could also have the chance to experience the lively atmosphere. When the night falls, you can choose some pubs or bars to kill your time, listening to some original singers singing their original songs.Especially, you can enjoy the springs at night.
Ktv and bars
1. Fanrenge Ktv 凡人歌KTV
Address: S214,Luchuin county.红河哈尼族彝族自治州绿春县S214
2. Changxiangbafang Ktv畅想·八方KTV
Address: S214 Lvchun county.红河哈尼族彝族自治州绿春县S214
3. Erlianggeting Ktv二两歌厅
Address: S214 Lvuchun county.红河哈尼族彝族自治州绿春县214省道附近
4.Weiyena Ktv唯野娜ktv
Address: S 214 Lvchun county.红河哈尼族彝族自治州绿春县214
5.Tianshangrenjian entertainment Club天上人间娱乐会所
Address:214 Provincial Road,Lvchun红河哈尼族彝族自治州绿春县214省道
6.Maiba entertainment Club麦霸娱乐会所
Address:Lvchun county 红河哈尼族彝族自治州绿春县
Clubs and Coffee rooms:
Qimaba Village Senior Center骑马坝村老年活动室
Adress: Qimaba Township,Lvchun county.云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州绿春县骑马坝乡.
“Street party”长街宴
“Street party” is an ancient and unique Hani folk feast, it is still active in Yuanyang, Honghe Prefecture, luchun in the Hani village, Honghe counties, it is the most ceremonious Hani traditional festival “angma Turkistan” ceremony. Festivals generally designates the Lunar Calendar December ox, Tiger, rabbit for three days, dependent cattle to began killing pigs, three-day Festival period. “Angma Turkistan” Hani language, meaning “Festival village gods. Angma elected village head bursting under a big tree. Bought a pork by split. And arrays in a tree glutinous rice, chicken, eggs, duck eggs, and other offerings, sacrificial God, seeking peace. This is Hani traditional “long street banquet.”