Rafting Travel Guide of Yuanjiang-Honghe River in Yunnan

The rafting trip in the Yuanjiang River, also known as the Honghe River, in Yunnan’s Honghe Prefecture is an exhilarating and enjoyable adventure. You will traverse stunning natural landscapes and culturally rich villages. Here is a detailed rafting guide to help you plan an unforgettable Yuanjiang rafting trip.

1. About Yuanjiang (Honghe River)

  1. Location: Yuanjiang, also known as the Honghe River, originates from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, flows through Yunnan Province, and eventually joins the Lancang River (Mekong River). The section from Yuanjiang County to Honghe Prefecture offers various rafting experiences.
  2. Scenic Features: Rafting in Yuanjiang will take you through deep gorges, dense valleys, terraced fields, and traditional ethnic minority villages. The river’s flow varies, from gentle stretches to thrilling rapids, offering diverse challenges and serene moments for rafters.

2. Rafting Experience

  1. Types of Rafting: Depending on the section of the river and your experience level, you can choose different types of rafting experiences:
    • Beginner-Friendly: Some sections are suitable for beginners and families, with gentler flows and scenic views.
    • Advanced Rafting: Other sections feature more challenging rapids, perfect for thrill-seeking and experienced rafters.
  2. Best Time to Raft: The best time for rafting is during the dry season from November to April, when the water levels are more stable and the rapids are less intense. However, always check local water levels and weather conditions before planning your trip.
  3. Travel Options: Several travel agencies in Yuanjiang County and Honghe Prefecture offer guided rafting tours. These tours typically include experienced guides, safety equipment, and sometimes insights into local ethnic cultures.

3. Travel Tips

  • Safety First: Always wear the life jacket and helmet provided by the tour operator. Follow the guide’s instructions on paddling techniques and safety procedures.
  • Essential Items: Bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and a change of clothes. A waterproof bag is essential for storing valuables and electronics.
  • Local Culture: Take time to explore the riverside villages, home to various ethnic groups like the Hani, Yi, and Dai. Learn about their customs, traditions, and enjoy local cuisine.
  • Weather Factors: Yunnan’s weather can be unpredictable, so be prepared for temperature changes and occasional rain, especially during the summer rainy season.

4. Cultural and Natural Highlights

  • Ethnic Minority Villages: Visit traditional villages to experience local hospitality, try authentic food, and witness traditional crafts like weaving and pottery.
  • Natural Wonders: Explore the natural beauty of the Yunnan countryside, with opportunities for hiking, bird watching, and photography amidst breathtaking landscapes.

5. Conclusion

Rafting in the Yuanjiang (Honghe) River offers an unforgettable adventure, blending natural beauty and cultural immersion. Whether you are a beginner looking for a peaceful float or an experienced rafter seeking challenging rapids, this river provides diverse experiences, showcasing Yunnan’s rich cultural heritage and stunning scenery.

Rafting Travel Guide of Yuanjiang (Honghe River) in Yunnan

Rafting and Hiking | Honghe to Yuanjiang via Mosha River

Destination Introduction

The Yuanjiang National Nature Reserve is located in Yuanjiang Hani, Yi, and Dai Autonomous County, Yuxi City, in south-central Yunnan Province. It is the first and most typical dry-hot valley nature reserve in China, covering a total area of 22,378.9 hectares. The reserve is rich in biodiversity, including 2,303 species of vascular plants, 97 species of mammals, 258 species of birds, 71 species of reptiles, 53 species of amphibians, and 34 species of fish. Notable protected plant species include Cyathea spinulosa, Cycas panzhihuaensis, and Tetracentron sinense. The reserve is home to 57 nationally protected wild animals, such as the green peacock, monitor lizard, and python, demonstrating its high conservation value.

Trip Goals

This adventure involves hiking, rafting, crossing rivers, rappelling, and other outdoor activities to traverse the 17 km of uninhabited wilderness from Honghe (Mosha River) to Yuanjiang. This journey tests physical strength and perseverance. The trip includes multiple river crossings, divided hiking and rafting segments, and takes approximately 10-12 hours to complete.

  • Wildness Index: ★★★★
  • Intensity Index: ★★☆



  • 8:00 AM: Depart from Kunming International Trade Center Walmart and head to Gajiu, arriving around 11:30 AM for lunch (beef soup pot).
  • After Lunch: Continue to Mosha, purchase food for outdoor cooking, visit Damuyu Sai (40 minutes), then drive to Guanyin Beach Road, hike to the campsite at Guanyin Beach, set up camp, and cook dinner. After dinner, participate in rafting, safety belt, and rope training. Spend the evening stargazing and drinking tea.
    • Meals: Lunch (Beef Soup Pot in Gajiu), Dinner (Outdoor Cooking)
    • Accommodation: Camping


  • 6:00 AM: Wake up, pack up, and have breakfast.
  • 7:00 AM: Begin hiking and rafting along the Honghe River in groups. Encounter several safe yet thrilling Class 1-2 rapids, with numerous calm water sections and river crossings. The 17 km uninhabited area requires teamwork to complete.
  • 6:00 PM: Arrive at the sand quarry, pack up rafting gear, and return to Kunming, stopping at a roadside restaurant in Ganzhuang for dinner. Arrive in Kunming around 11:00 PM, ending the trip.
    • Meals: Breakfast (Outdoor Cooking), Dinner (Restaurant)


  • Transportation: 19-seater Coaster + 1 off-road vehicle for equipment transport
  • Meals: 3 main meals and 1 breakfast (1 outdoor dinner, 1 outdoor breakfast of porridge and noodles, 1 dinner at a restaurant)
  • Equipment:
    • Camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat)
    • Rafting gear (5 inflatable rafts, 10 paddles, 10 life jackets, helmets for everyone)
    • Hiking and river crossing gear (50m auxiliary rope, safety belt, helmet, rappelling rope, waterproof bag, main lock, all equipment per person)
    • Outdoor cooking gear (stove, gas, pot, picnic plate, picnic mat)
    • Communication gear (walkie-talkie, satellite phone)
  • Insurance: Outdoor sports accident insurance (maximum payout of 600,000 RMB)
  • Guides: Professional guides certified by the China Mountaineering Association
  • Water: Water for outdoor cooking and during hiking/rafting
  • Fruit: Watermelon, mango
  • Comprehensive Service Fee
  • Headscarf for each participant
  • First Aid Kit

Personal Equipment

  • Quick-dry clothing (long sleeves and pants), change of clothes for after getting out of the water (can be left in the car), water shoes or hiking shoes (military rubber shoes are also fine), snacks, water bottle, sunscreen, headlamp or flashlight, power bank, trekking poles, lunch box, and common medications.

Note: The temperature in the Yuanjiang valley can exceed 40°C, so be prepared for sun protection and heat prevention.

Travel Notes

  • Group Size: Minimum 14 participants (if less than 14 participants or in case of extreme weather or pandemic impacts, the trip will be postponed)
  • Meeting Point: Kunming International Trade Center Walmart
  • Suitable for: Outdoor adventure tourists or nature-loving individuals or groups.
  • Not Suitable for: Children under 18, seniors over 60, people with hydrophobia, poor balance or coordination, heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, or those seeking comfort.
  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please truthfully report your travel history within the last 14 days when registering.

Refund Policy: If you need to cancel after registration, please find a substitute. If no substitute is found, you will be refunded after deducting transportation and other non-refundable costs.

Disclaimer: Any sport involves risks. In case of illness, injury, or death during the activity, we will assist with medical care and insurance follow-up, but our company and third parties will not provide compensation.

Contact Information

For further details and registration, please consult in time.