Red Soil Home Inn in Dongchuan Red Land, Kunming

Chinese Name: 昆明东川红土地红土人家酒店
English Name: Red Soil Home Inn in Dongchuan Red Land, Kunming
Address in English:
Address in Chinese: 昆明 东川区 红土地镇花石头村52号 ,近035县道

The Red Land Villa Hotel(昆明红土人家酒店) was set up since 2006 and  decorated in 2014. There are 20 rooms available with different kinds. It’s equipped with wireless network, air-condition, water heater, independent washroom and available water of 24-hours. It’s 30 square meters for each room. Welcome to Yunnan! Welcome to the Red Land!

Add: No.52, Huashitou Village, Red Land town, Dongchuan District(东川区红土地镇花石头村52号)

Tele: 15288366915

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