Tipping in China

Tipping practices in China are generally different from those in Western countries. Here are some key points to understand about tipping in China:

General Guidelines:

  1. Not Common: Tipping is not traditionally expected or practiced in most situations across China. It’s not necessary to tip in restaurants, hotels, taxis, or for most services.
  2. Hotels: Some upscale hotels catering to international guests may include a service charge. Bellhops and housekeeping staff do not expect tips, but leaving a small amount as a token of appreciation is sometimes appreciated.
  3. Restaurants: Tipping is not expected in restaurants. In more touristy areas or international hotels, a service charge may be added to the bill. If you wish to leave a tip for exceptional service, it is not customary to leave it on the table; instead, discreetly hand it to the waiter.
  4. Taxis: Tipping taxi drivers is not expected. In major cities, fares are usually rounded up to the nearest yuan or simply paid as shown on the meter.
  5. Tour Guides and Drivers: For organized tours, especially those involving Western tourists, tipping might be expected. It’s courteous to tip tour guides and drivers for exceptional service, but it’s not mandatory.

Cultural Considerations:

  • Refusal of Tips: In some instances, especially in traditional settings, service staff may politely refuse tips. This is part of the cultural norm where service is seen as part of their duty rather than expecting additional compensation.
  • Gifts Instead of Cash: In rural areas or when interacting with locals, a small gift from your home country might be appreciated more than a cash tip.


  • Hong Kong and Macau: Tipping practices in Hong Kong and Macau are more aligned with Western norms due to their historical ties and international influences.


Understanding and respecting local customs regarding tipping in China will contribute to a positive cultural experience. While not mandatory, a modest tip for exceptional service in tourist areas or international hotels is generally appreciated, but always check the local norms and context before deciding to tip.