Top Muslim Mosques in Zhaotong

Top Muslim Mosques in Zhaotong City of Yunnan Province, which welcome Muslim visitors during their travels. It is advisable for Muslim travelers to refer to this list to ensure they have the information they may need.

Baxian Grand Mosque in Zhaotong City
Baxian Grand Mosque in Zhaotong City

Zhaotong Heishiao Mosque(昭通黑石凹清真寺)

  • Location: Qinggangling Hui and Yi Township, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province
  • The main hall of worship is in Chinese classical style, with a construction area of ​​150 square meters, and the total construction area of ​​the temple is more than 300 square meters.
  • There are 75 Manla in the mosque. There are 210 households of muslims in this block, with more than 1,000 people, all of whom are Hui people and belong to the Ihewani.

Zhaotong Ningbian Mosque(昭通宁边清真寺)

  • Location: Xiaolongdong Township, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province
  • Ningbian Mosque, also known as Shiyakou Mosque, was built in 1985.
  • It covers an area of ​​1.8 acres.
  • The prayer hall is a brick-wood structure with a construction area of ​​96 square meters.
  • The entire mosque has a construction area of ​​1,500 square meters.

Zhaotong Zhongying Mosque(昭通中营清真寺)

  • Location: Xiaolongdong Township, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province
  • The mosque was first built in the ninth year of the Yongzheng reign of the Qing Dynasty (1731).
  • It now covers an area of ​​9.3 acres, with a total construction area of ​​1,958 square meters. The main hall has a construction area of ​​378 square meters.
  • It is an Arabic architectural style with 5 main halls, a front porch and a rear pavilion. It is solemn and dignified, and the wing rooms and halls are multi-story.
  • The mosque houses 200 volumes of Arabic classics.

Zhaotong Baxian Grand Mosque(昭通八仙清真大寺)

  • Location: Baxianying, Shouwang Hui Autonomous Township, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province
  • This mosque, also known as Zhaoweilu Ancient Mosque, was first built in the eighth year of Emperor Yongzheng’s reign (1730), rebuilt in the forty-fourth year of Emperor Qianlong’s reign (1779), and restored in 1962.
  • The mosque is still the central mosque of the 12 surrounding mosques, with 3 imams, 42 school directors, and 38 resident manlas.
  • There are 965 households of believers in this district, nearly 4,000 people, all of whom are Hui people and follow the Ikhewani tradition.

Zhaotong Ganhe Ancient Mosque(昭通甘河清真古寺)

  • Location: Jihe Village, Shouwang Hui Township, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province
  • The main worship hall is a ridged wooden structure with a construction area of ​​350 square meters; the Bangke Building is a three-story hexagonal pavilion with four eaves.
  • The entire temple covers an area of ​​about 4 mu, with a total construction area of ​​about 2,335 square meters.
  • There are more than 750 households of believers in this temple, about 3,500 people, all of whom are Hui people, including 56 Ah Xuns, 20 school directors, and 10 Manlas in the mosque.

Ludian Tuogu Mosque(鲁甸拖姑清真大寺)

  • location: Taoyuan Township, Ludian County, Yunnan Province
  • According to the inscription on the mosque, the construction of Tuogu Mosque began in 1730. The mosque has more than 30 halls and rooms, a total construction area of ​​2,700 square meters, and 4 courtyards, all in the shape of quadrangles.
  • The entire temple is large and solemn. At present, there are more than 10 imams, 10 manlas, and 7 school directors in the temple. There are 546 households and 2,356 people in the temple, all of whom are Hui people.

If Muslim visitors would like more information while traveling in Zhaotong, please feel free to reach out to Yaso Travel and Yunnan Exploration for assistance.