What to eat in Yunnan

Yunnan province is renowned for its diverse and delicious cuisine, influenced by its multi-ethnic population and unique geography. Here are some must-try dishes and specialties you should consider sampling when visiting Yunnan:

1. Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles (过桥米线)

  • Description: A famous Yunnan dish consisting of a bowl of piping hot broth served with raw meat, vegetables, and rice noodles. The ingredients are added to the broth table-side, cooking in the hot soup.
  • Where to Try: Available throughout Yunnan, especially in Kunming and Dali.

2. Steam Pot Chicken (汽锅鸡)

  • Description: Chicken cooked in a unique dome-shaped pot with mushrooms, Chinese herbs, and spices, creating a flavorful broth.
  • Where to Try: Particularly popular in Dali and Lijiang.

3. Yunnan Ham (云南火腿)

  • Description: Dry-cured ham with a distinctive flavor and aroma, often served thinly sliced as a snack or ingredient in various dishes.
  • Where to Try: Produced in various regions of Yunnan, with Jinhua Ham from Xuanwei being highly regarded.

4. Stir-Fried Wild Mushrooms (野生菌炒)

  • Description: Yunnan’s forests yield a variety of wild mushrooms, often stir-fried simply to preserve their natural flavors.
  • Where to Try: Local restaurants and markets across Yunnan, especially in Kunming and Shangri-La.

5. Rose Flavored Rice Cake (玫瑰糕)

  • Description: A sweet dessert made from rice and infused with rose petals or rose syrup, offering a unique floral taste.
  • Where to Try: Available in traditional bakeries and dessert shops, especially in Dali and Lijiang.

6. Pu’er Tea (普洱茶)

  • Description: Famous fermented tea from Yunnan, known for its robust flavor and health benefits. It comes in various forms, including raw (sheng) and ripe (shou) Pu’er.
  • Where to Try: Tea houses and markets throughout Yunnan, with Pu’er City being a prominent producer.

7. Xuanwei Ham Sausage (宣威火腿香肠)

  • Description: A type of cured sausage made from Xuanwei ham, renowned for its rich flavor and texture.
  • Where to Try: Xuanwei County in Qujing Prefecture is famous for its ham sausage.

8. Erkuai (饵块)

  • Description: A type of rice cake made from steamed rice and often served with various toppings such as sugar, soy sauce, or pickled vegetables.
  • Where to Try: Popular street food in Yunnan, commonly found in markets and local eateries.

9. Yunnanese Hot Pot (云南火锅)

  • Description: Yunnan-style hot pot features a unique broth made from local herbs and spices, with a variety of fresh ingredients like mushrooms, meat, and vegetables.
  • Where to Try: Various restaurants in Kunming and other cities across Yunnan.

10. Sticky Rice with Mango (芒果糯米饭)

  • Description: A popular dessert combining sticky rice with sweet mango slices, often served with coconut milk.
  • Where to Try: Available in dessert shops and local eateries, especially during mango season.


  • Local Markets: Explore local markets for a wide range of street food and snacks unique to each region.
  • Specialty Restaurants: Look for eateries specializing in Yunnan cuisine to sample authentic dishes.
  • Seasonal Delights: Depending on the season, try specialties like fresh fruits, bamboo shoots, or seasonal wild mushrooms.

Yunnan’s cuisine offers a delightful blend of flavors, reflecting its diverse cultural heritage and natural bounty. Enjoy exploring the culinary delights this province has to offer!