Why Do not Travel to Shangri-La When Catching a Cold?

Traveling to Shangri-La or other high-altitude destinations when catching a cold can pose several risks and challenges due to the unique conditions at high altitudes. Here are detailed reasons why it’s not advisable:

1. Altitude and Respiratory Challenges

  • Reduced Oxygen Levels: Shangri-La is situated at a high altitude where oxygen levels are lower than at sea level. This can exacerbate respiratory symptoms associated with a cold, such as coughing, congestion, and difficulty breathing.
  • Increased Fatigue: Cold symptoms combined with altitude stress can lead to greater fatigue and discomfort, hindering your ability to enjoy and explore the destination.

2. Risk of Altitude Sickness

  • Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS): AMS is common at altitudes above 2,500 meters (8,200 feet) and can cause symptoms like headache, nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. These symptoms can overlap with those of a cold, making it difficult to differentiate and manage effectively.
  • Exacerbation of Symptoms: Cold-related congestion and AMS-induced headaches can intensify each other, leading to more severe discomfort.

3. Complications and Prolonged Recovery

  • Delayed Healing: High-altitude conditions may delay the healing process of cold symptoms. Dry air and cold temperatures can irritate respiratory passages, prolonging coughing and nasal congestion.
  • Increased Vulnerability: A weakened immune system due to a cold may increase susceptibility to secondary infections or more serious altitude-related illnesses like High Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) or High Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE).

4. Spread of Illness

  • Transmission Risk: Traveling with a cold increases the likelihood of spreading the infection to others, particularly in confined spaces such as airplanes, buses, or shared accommodations.
  • Community Impact: In remote areas like Shangri-La with limited healthcare facilities, spreading illness can have significant consequences for local communities with lower immunity levels.

5. Medical Considerations and Safety

  • Limited Healthcare Facilities: Shangri-La may have limited medical resources, making it challenging to manage severe cold symptoms or altitude-related emergencies.
  • Evacuation Challenges: Serious respiratory conditions may require evacuation to lower altitudes for adequate medical treatment, which can disrupt travel plans and incur additional costs.


To ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience to Shangri-La, it’s essential to prioritize your health and well-being. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a cold, it’s advisable to delay your trip until you have fully recovered. Rest, hydration, and appropriate medical care are crucial for managing cold symptoms and preventing complications at high altitudes. By planning your travel when you’re in good health, you can fully appreciate the beauty and culture of Shangri-La without health concerns interrupting your journey.