Yao Spring Sand (YangChunSha/Amomum Villosum Lour.)

Yao Spring Sand阳春砂 is derived from the dried mature fruits of Amomum villosum Lour., a plant in the Zingiberaceae family. It is used as a traditional Chinese medicine known as “Sand Seed” or “Sand Seed Honey” (缩砂蜜, 缩砂仁). It has the functions of resolving dampness, stimulating the appetite, warming the spleen, stopping diarrhea, regulating Qi, and stabilizing the fetus. It is mainly produced in provinces such as Guangdong, Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Fujian. Yao Spring Sand is one of the traditional “Sand Seeds” listed in various editions of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and is a mainstream variety in the market. It is a major medicinal herb from the south and is widely used as a spice and in soups. It is one of the renowned four southern medicines and is among the eight varieties protected by legislation in Guangdong Province. Yao Spring Sand is a perennial evergreen herb, reaching a height of 1.5 to 2 meters. It has erect stems and horizontally spreading stolons. The leaves are arranged alternately in two rows, narrow, elongated, lanceolate, unbranched, and petiole-less; they are 14 to 40 cm long, 2 to 5 cm wide, with entire margins and parallel veins; the leaf sheaths embrace the stem. The inflorescence is a loose, spherical spike emerging from the nodes of the stolons, with 8 to 12 flowers. The flower calyx is tubular with three shallow lobes at the apex, and the corolla tube is long and slender with three lobes at the tip. Flowers are white and bloom from late spring to early summer. The stamens and pistils are fused but not congenitally, forming a pseudo-staminal column. The fruit is elliptical or oval, red-brown when mature, with soft spines. The seeds are irregularly polyhedral, dark brown when mature, and have a distinctive aroma. The mature fruits of Yao Spring Sand are excellent for pickling and braised dishes.

Identification of Medicinal Materials:

Yao Spring Sand, Green-Shell Sand: Oval or elliptical, with indistinct three ridges, 1.5 to 2 cm long and 1 to 1.5 cm in diameter. The surface is brownish-yellow with dense, spine-like projections, and the apex has remnants of the flower calyx, while the base often has a fruit stalk. The fruit skin is thin and soft. The seeds are gathered in clusters with three blunt ridges, and the cluster is divided into 3 segments by white partitions, with 5 to 26 seeds in each segment. The seeds are irregularly polyhedral, 2 to 3 mm in diameter; the surface is brownish-red or dark brown with fine wrinkles, covered with a pale brown membranous testa; the texture is hard, and the endosperm is gray-white. The aroma is strong and aromatic, with a pungent, slightly bitter taste.

Hainan Sand: Long elliptical or oval with distinct three ridges, 1.5 to 2 cm long and 0.8 to 1.2 cm in diameter. The surface is covered with flake-like, branched soft spines, and the base has a fruit stalk mark. The fruit skin is thick and hard. The seed clusters are smaller, with 3 to 24 seeds per segment; the seeds are 1.5 to 2 mm in diameter. The aroma is slightly milder.

(1) Cross-section of Yao Spring Sand Seeds: The testa may sometimes be residual. The seed coat’s epidermal cells are arranged radially, slightly thickened walls; the hypodermal cells are one row containing brown or reddish-brown substances. The oil cell layer is one row of oil cells, 76 to 106 μm long and 16 to 25 μm wide, containing yellow oil droplets. The pigment layer consists of several rows of brown cells, irregularly arranged polygonal cells. The inner seed coat is a single row of reticulate thick-walled cells, yellow-brown, with very thick inner and side walls, small cells, containing silica granules. The outer endosperm cells contain starch grains and a few small calcium oxalate crystals. The inner endosperm cells contain small starch grains and fatty oil droplets. The powder is gray-brown. The inner seed coat’s thick-walled cells are red-brown or yellow-brown, polygonal in appearance, with thick walls, non-lignified; the cell cavities contain silica granules. The seed coat’s epidermal cells are pale yellow, elongated, often arranged perpendicularly to the hypodermal cells; the hypodermal cells contain brown or reddish-brown substances. The pigment layer cells are shriveled with indistinct boundaries, containing reddish-brown or dark brown substances. The outer endosperm cells are rectangular or irregularly shaped, filled with small starch grains forming starch clusters, with some embedding small calcium oxalate crystals. The inner endosperm cells contain small starch grains and fatty oil droplets. The oil cells are colorless, with thin walls, occasionally scattered oil droplets.

(2) Determination of Volatile Oil Content: Take the volatile oil from the [content determination] section and prepare a solution containing 20 μl per 1 ml of ethanol as the test solution. Also, prepare a solution of camphor acetate in ethanol containing 10 μl per 1 ml as the reference solution. Perform a thin-layer chromatography test (Appendix VI B) by applying 1 μl of each solution to the same silica gel G thin-layer plate, using hexane-ethyl acetate (22:1) as the developing solvent. After development, dry the plate, spray with 5% vanillin-sulfuric acid solution, and heat until the spots are clearly visible. The test solution should show the same purple-red spots at the corresponding positions as the reference solution on the chromatogram.

Pharmacological Effects

  1. Effects on the Digestive System: 1.1. Effects on Isolated Intestinal Smooth Muscle: Segments of the small intestine from rats, guinea pigs, or rabbits were placed in Tyrode’s solution bath. The effects of the drug solution on spontaneous intestinal activity and its antagonistic effects against acetylcholine and BaCl2 were observed using a recording device. Results showed that the decoction of Yangchun Sand (2.5-5 × 10^-3 g crude drug/ml) could enhance the contraction of the guinea pig and rat small intestine. At higher doses, it exhibited inhibitory effects on the intestinal tract, showing reduced tension and amplitude. Yangchun Sand decoction partially inhibited the tonic and spastic contractions of the rat small intestine induced by acetylcholine and barium chloride. The volatile components of Yangchun Sand (1.3 × 10^-3 g crude drug/ml) could mildly stimulate the rabbit intestine, followed by a notable inhibitory effect, reducing tension, contraction frequency, and amplitude. It could also partially or completely antagonize the excitatory or spastic effects induced by acetylcholine and BaCl2, depending on the concentration.1.2. Effects on Intestinal Propulsive Movement: Mice weighing 20-24g were randomly divided into two groups. The treatment group was given Yangchun Sand decoction (0.5 g/kg), while the control group was given distilled water. The length of the charcoal suspension reaching different segments of the intestine/percentage of the entire intestine was measured to assess intestinal propulsive movement. The treatment group showed 82.2 ± 4.4%, compared to the control group (62.5 ± 2.9), with P < 0.01, indicating that Yangchun Sand enhances intestinal motility.
  2. Effects on Platelet Aggregation: Rabbits weighing 2.0-2.6 kg were divided into two dose groups, receiving oral Yangchun Sand at 0.6 and 1.2 g/kg, respectively, while the control group received the same volume of solvent. Blood samples were taken from the carotid artery at 15, 30, 60, and 90 minutes after administration. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-poor plasma (PPP) were prepared, and platelet aggregation was measured using ADP as the aggregator. Results indicated that Yangchun Sand significantly inhibited platelet aggregation.
  3. Effects on Arachidonic Acid-Induced Acute Death in Mice: Mice (20-22 g) were divided into two treatment groups, receiving oral Yangchun Sand at 0.6 and 1.2 g/kg, respectively, while the control group received the same volume of solvent. Arachidonic acid was injected intravenously 1.5 hours after administration, and mortality within 15 minutes was observed. The results showed 2 and 1 deaths in the 0.6 and 1.2 g/kg groups, respectively, compared to 7 deaths in the control group, with P < 0.001, indicating that Yangchun Sand has a significant protective effect against arachidonic acid-induced acute death in mice.
  4. Effects on Collagen and Epinephrine-Induced Acute Death in Mice: Mice (20-22 g) were divided into two treatment groups, receiving Yangchun Sand at 0.6 and 1.2 g/kg, respectively, while the control group received the same volume of solvent. Collagen and epinephrine mixed solution was injected intravenously 1.5 hours after administration, and mortality within 15 minutes was observed. The results showed 3 and 2 deaths in the high and low dose groups, respectively, compared to 8 deaths in the control group, with P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, indicating that Yangchun Sand has a significant protective effect against collagen and epinephrine-induced acute death in mice.

Identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine:

Yangchun Sand and Green-Shelled Sand: They are oval or egg-shaped with inconspicuous three ridges, measuring 1.5-2 cm in length and 1-1.5 cm in diameter. The surface is brown with dense, thorn-like projections, the tip has remnants of the calyx, and the base often has a fruit stalk. The fruit skin is thin and soft. The seeds are grouped together with three blunt ridges, divided by white partitions into three segments, each containing 5-26 seeds.

Hainan Sand: It is long oval or egg-shaped with prominent three ridges, measuring 1.5-2 cm in length and 0.8-1.2 cm in diameter. The surface is covered with plate-like, branched soft thorns, and the base has a fruit stalk scar. The fruit skin is thick and hard. The seed clusters are smaller, with each segment containing 3-24 seeds; seeds have a diameter of 1.5-2 mm. The aroma is slightly lighter.

Medicinal Value:

Yangchun Sand is used in traditional Chinese medicine to regulate Qi, strengthen the spleen, and resolve dampness. It is used to treat symptoms such as stomach bloating, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stasis, morning sickness, and fetal movement issues. The fruit shell, known as Spring Sand Shell, has similar medicinal functions but is milder. The flowers and flower stalks, known as Spring Sand Flower, can ease the chest and regulate Qi, treating cough and asthma. The seeds contain volatile oil, including α-borneol, and saponins (approximately 0.69%). The essential oil of Yangchun Sand leaves and seeds is chemically similar and can substitute for the fruit in medicinal use.


The fruit is oval or egg-shaped with inconspicuous three ridges, measuring 1.5-2 cm in length and 1-1.5 cm in diameter. The surface is brown with dense, thorn-like projections, the tip has remnants of the calyx, and the base often has a fruit stalk. The fruit skin is thin and soft. The seed clusters have three segments, each with 6-15 seeds. The seeds are irregular polyhedral, 2-3 mm in diameter, with a brownish-red or dark brown surface, covered with a membranous false seed coat. The seeds are hard, with gray-white endosperm. The aroma is intense, with a pungent, cool, and slightly bitter taste.

Chemical Components:

The seeds contain a pale-colored volatile oil with components such as ethylborneol, camphor, camphene, limonene, β-pinene, and bitter orange oil, as well as flavonoids.

Properties and Actions:

Yangchun Sand is warm in nature and has a pungent taste. Its functions include resolving dampness, stimulating appetite, warming the spleen, stopping diarrhea, and regulating Qi to stabilize the fetus. It is used for conditions like spleen and stomach coldness, food stagnation, vomiting and diarrhea, morning sickness, and fetal movement issues.