Yunnan Cigarette Factories List-Tobacco Manufacturing Companies in Yunnan

Yunnan Cigarette is a renowned brand produced in Yunnan Province, China. It is known for its high-quality tobacco and diverse range of cigarette products. The brand represents the rich tobacco heritage of the region and is popular among both domestic and international consumers.

Yunnan Province is an important base for China’s tobacco industry, with several well-known cigarette factories, including:

Hongyun Honghe Tobacco (Group) Co.,Ltd./红云集团 云南红云烟草(集团)有限责任公司
Hongta Tobacco (Group) Co., Ltd./红塔集团 云南玉溪红塔烟草(集团)有限责任公司
Honghe Cigarette Factory/红河烟厂 云南红河卷烟总厂
Chuxiong Cigarette Factory/楚雄烟厂 玉溪红塔烟草(集团)有限责任公司楚雄卷烟厂
Zhaotong Cigarette Factory/昭通烟厂 云南红河卷烟总厂昭通卷烟厂
Dali Cigarette Factory/大理烟厂 玉溪红塔烟草(集团)有限责任公司大理卷烟厂
Yunnan Tobacco Market/云南卷烤烟市场/云南省卷烟烤烟交易市场
Yunnan Provincial Tobacco Company/云南烟叶 云南省烟草烟叶公司
Yunnan Tobacco Qujing Company/曲靖烟草 云南省烟草曲靖市公司

Cigarette Brands of Yunnan Cigarette Factories List

Yuxi Cigarette Factory(玉溪卷烟厂): Established in 1959, it is one of the earliest cigarette factories in Yunnan Province, known for producing brands such as Hongtashan(红塔山), Ahsima(阿诗玛), and Yuxi(玉溪).
Kunming Cigarette Factory(昆明卷烟厂): Established in 1922, it is one of the oldest cigarette factories in Yunnan Province, famous for brands like Yunyan(云烟), Hongshancha(红山茶), and Dazhongjiu(大重九).
Honghe Cigarette Factory(红河卷烟厂): Established in 1985, it primarily produces cigarettes under the Honghe brand(红河), offering a variety of tobacco products.
Qujing Cigarette Factory(曲靖卷烟厂): Established in 1966, it is known for brands like Shilin(石林), Fupai(福牌), and Little Panda(小熊猫), and is one of the important cigarette producers in Yunnan Province.
Chuxiong Cigarette Factory(楚雄卷烟厂): Established in 1974, it specializes in brands like Jinbanna(金版纳), Butterfly Spring(Hudiequan/蝴蝶泉), and Guobin(国宾).
Dali Cigarette Factory(大理卷烟厂): Established in 1950, it has brands like Meideng(美登) and SANTA(三塔), earning the title of Yunnan Famous Brand Products.
Zhaotong Cigarette Factory(昭通卷烟厂): Established in 1970, it is recognized for brands like Diaoyutai(钓鱼台) and Longquan(龙泉).
Qujing Huize Cigarette Factory(会泽卷烟厂): Established in 1973, it features the Little Panda brand(小熊猫) as its specialty.
These cigarette factories are not only renowned within Yunnan Province but also have a significant influence in both domestic and international markets.