Yunnan Tobacco Redrying Co., Ltd

Yunnan Tobacco Redrying Co., Ltd. (云南烟叶复烤有限责任公司) is a key enterprise within the tobacco industry in Yunnan Province, China. Specializing in the redrying and processing of tobacco leaves, the company plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and consistency of tobacco products manufactured in the region.


  • Location: Based in Yunnan Province, known for its optimal climate and soil conditions for tobacco cultivation.
  • Industry: Tobacco processing, specifically focused on redrying tobacco leaves to prepare them for manufacturing.

Key Functions and Activities

  1. Redrying Process
    • Purpose: Redrying is a crucial step in tobacco processing, removing excess moisture from the tobacco leaves to ensure they are preserved correctly and maintain their quality.
    • Technology: Utilizes advanced redrying technology and equipment to achieve optimal moisture content and improve the quality of the tobacco leaves.
  2. Quality Control
    • Standards: Adheres to strict quality control measures to ensure that the redried tobacco leaves meet industry standards.
    • Testing: Conducts comprehensive testing and analysis throughout the redrying process to maintain consistency and quality.
  3. Supply Chain Integration
    • Collaboration: Works closely with tobacco farmers and other stakeholders in the supply chain to source high-quality tobacco leaves.
    • Distribution: After processing, the redried tobacco leaves are supplied to cigarette manufacturing companies for further production.
  4. Sustainability and Efficiency
    • Sustainable Practices: Implements environmentally friendly practices in the redrying process to minimize the ecological footprint.
    • Efficiency: Focuses on enhancing efficiency and reducing waste in the processing operations.

Economic Impact

  • Employment: Provides significant employment opportunities in Yunnan, contributing to the local economy and supporting numerous families.
  • Revenue Generation: Plays an essential role in the revenue generation for the region through its processing activities.

Innovation and Development

  • Research and Development: Invests in research and development to improve redrying techniques and enhance the quality of tobacco leaves.
  • Technological Advancements: Adopts new technologies and methodologies to stay ahead in the competitive tobacco industry.

Community Engagement

  • Local Support: Engages with local communities through various support programs, including education and healthcare initiatives.
  • Cultural Promotion: Promotes local culture and heritage, contributing to the social development of the region.


Yunnan Tobacco Redrying Co., Ltd. is a pivotal player in Yunnan’s tobacco industry, ensuring the quality and readiness of tobacco leaves for manufacturing. Through its commitment to quality control, sustainability, and community engagement, the company not only contributes significantly to the local economy but also upholds high standards in tobacco processing.