Shuhe Ancient Town Travel Tips

Useful Phone Numbers
Tourist Complaint: 5123432
Lijiang Airport Inquiry Telephone: 5173081
Scheduled Flights and Ticket Inquiries: 5161289 5161291 5173079

Emergency Numbers
Fire: 119
Ambulance: 120
Police: 110
Traffic: 122

Top Attractions

Sifang Street: a market in the center of Shuhe village, covers an area of about 250 square meters.

Qinglong Bridge: it is the landmark building in Shuhe Ancient Town.

Long Pool (Dragon Pool): the locals regard this as a sacred spring, and built Beiquan Temple (North Spring Temple) here as a place to pray. 

The Best Times to Visit

The peak period for visiting Shuhe Ancient Town is from May to October. Actually, Shuhe is worth visiting during any season, so if you do not want to experience a crowded scene, avoiding that period might be a good option.

Altitude Sickness

The altitude is about 2,400 meters or about 7,800 feet. Some people may get some altitude sickness. So take it easy the first day or two.

What to Pack

Travel light when strolling in the old town. Bring a camera with you that you can take photos along the way. Sunlight is very strong in Lijiang, wear sun protection such as hats, sunglasses and use sun block, etc.

How to Get there

1. Daily shuttle buses depart from Lijiang Ancient City to Shuhe Ancient Town, a great convenience for travelers.
2. Visitor also can take a taxi there, which takes about 20 minutes, or they can bike, which takes about 1.5 hours.


Do not miss the bars in Lijang. They are a part of life. The bars in Shuhe Old Town is more quieter than Lijiang old town. 


In Shuhe Old Town, some small restaurants are also surprising. The famous local dishes includes Chickpeas Bean Jelly, Lijiang Salted Pork Ribs, Naxi barbecue and other Lijiang delicacies.


Just like Lijiang Old Town, Shuhe Old Town has many high-qualify hotels or hostels for you to choose from. The recommended hotels are Banyan Tree Lijiang, Lijiang Conifer Lishui Yangguang Hotel, etc.

Other Tips

1. If you plan to travel to Lijiang during the peak tourist season (Spring Festival, May Day, Summer holiday, and National Day holiday), be sure to reserve a room in advance.

2. There used to have carriages getting in and out of this town, so be careful.

3. It is best to wear cloth shoes or sneakers when walking in the old town, because they are all slabstone path, it is easy to twist your feet with high heels.

4.Take rain gear when you visit in the rainy season, and the slabstone path are slippery after the rain. Pay attention to that.