Location Map of Chengjiang City in Yunnan

Geographic Coordinates

Chengjiang City is located in the central part of Yunnan Province, strategically situated within several key economic and ecological zones.

  • Latitude: 24°32′ N
  • Longitude: 102°49′ E

Surrounding Areas

Chengjiang is bordered by several counties and districts:

  • East: Borders Yiliang County (宜良县) along the Nanpan River (南盘江).
  • South: Separated from Jiangchuan District and Huaning County by Fuxian Lake (抚仙湖).
  • West: Adjacent to Chenggong District and Jinning District.
  • North: Includes Yangzonghai and borders Chenggong and Yiliang counties.

Geographical Significance

Chengjiang City’s location offers several strategic advantages:

  • It lies at the heart of the Dianchi Lake Economic Zone and is a key node within the Central Yunnan Urban Economic Circle.
  • The city is also part of the Fuxian Lake—Xingyun Lake Ecological Construction and Tourism Reform Development Pilot Area, contributing to its prominence in both ecological conservation and tourism development.
  • Chengjiang is positioned at the intersection of the Pan-Asia Railway East and Central Lines, as well as the Kunming–Myanmar corridor, making it a transportation hub.
  • Its proximity to Kunming, Shilin (Stone Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site), and Yuxi places it at a pivotal point within the region’s tourism and economic triangle.

The Location Map of Chengjiang County