Jingdong County Festivals and Events
At the end of 2016, Jingdong Yi Autonomous County was home to 26 ethnic groups, including Han, Yi, Hani, Yao, Dai and Hui.In the same time, the festivals and activities in Jingdong County are diverse.
1.Dai Water-Sprinkling Festival(傣族泼水节)
The Dai Water-Sprinkling Festival is a New Year's Day for the Dai, and the proverb is called "Jinbimai", which is held every year in the first month of the Dai calendar (mid-April of the Gregorian calendar).
2. Yi Torch Festival (彝族火把节)
It is a grandest event of Yi ethnic minority. Local Yi people will celebrate it on the 24th day of lunar June. They gather and collect torch together into an burning tower, then sing and dance around the torch tower.
3. Jingdong International Wuliangshan Carnival(无量山国际狂欢节)
The Carnival fully displays the Jingdong national culture and green ecological culture, and displays the sacred historical culture marked by Yinsheng Ancient City, the magical natural culture marked by Wuliang Mountain, the Shenyun national culture represented by the Yi culture, and the black-crowned Gibbon representing the mysterious scientific research culture. The Wuliangshan Carnival is held every two years and is located in Jingdong County.