Nujiang Festivals and Events

Festivals and activities in Nujiang take an important part in Nujiang travel. Discovering traditional ethnic festivals and activities is an important part of Yunnan travel. As the major minorities inhabited in Nujiang, Lishu, Dulong and Nu formed their distinctive ethnic culture which is also revealed in their ethnic festivals. Here are some major festivals and activities of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. They can help you learn more about local ethnic culture.

Festivals in Nujiang

Besides some Chinese traditional festivals, such as New Year's Day (January 1), Spring Festival (usually in late Jan. or early Feb.; January 25, 2020), Lantern Festival (The 15th day of the 1st lunar month), Tomb Sweeping Day (15 days after the Spring equinox; April 4, 2020), Dragon Boat Festival(The 5th day of the 5th lunar month; June 25, 2020) and Mid-Autumn Day (The 15th day of the 8th lunar month; September 13, 2019), there are some ethnic festivals in Nujiang prefecture as well.

Kaquewa Festival(New Year Festival) of Dulong People 卡雀哇节

Kaquewa Festival is the only New Year Festival of Dulong people. It is held during the 11th and 12th lunar months, there is no fixed date and the festivals lasts 3-5 days. Every family hangs up the colored tapestry as festival decoration on the first day. They honor the mountain god and hold shooting competition. On the last day, they hold the most exciting activity- cattle butchering for sacrifice. They keep drinking, singing and dancing until they enjoy themselves to their hearts’ content.

Kuoshi Festival(New Year Festival) of Lisu People 阔时节

The Kuoshi Festival, also the Lisu New Year, is the biggest festival among the Lisu people. Different regions celebrate the festival at different times. Generally, the festival lasts from the 5th day of the 12th lunar month to the 10th day of the 1st lunar month, a period the Lisu people call ‘the Month of Celebration’. During the festival, religious activities of offering sacrifices will be carried out and such amusements as crossbow, dancing, pole climbing and antiphonal-style singing will also be held.

Zaotanghui(Bathing) Festival of Lisu People 澡堂会

The Bathing Gathering, also called ‘Tangquanhui’ 汤泉会, is a yearly bathing gathering held in spring among the Lisu people living in Nujiang. In the period from 2nd to 6th day of the 1st lunar month, the Lisu people will carry with them luggage and food, and go to the hot springs called ‘the 16 Hot Springs in the Valley’ to have a bath for getting rid of a year’s pains and misfortunes. In this spring bathing period, song competitions are also held.

Festival of Climbing Sword-poles (Daogan Festival) of Lisu People刀杆节

It is one of the traditional festivals among the Lisu people, in memory of Wang Ji 王骥, a Defense Minister in the Ming Dynasty. The story goes that during the time when Wang Ji was an officer in command to garrison the frontiers, he and his soldiers fought bravely, daring to climb a mountain of swords and plung into a sea of flames. His courage was highly respected and the date of his death, the 8th of August on the Chinese lunar Calendar, was named the The Festival f Climbing Sword-poles. On that day, the Lisu people hold such activities as climbing sword-poles and plunging into a sea of flames to show their bravery.

Flower Festival of Nu People 鲜花节

It is Nu people’s traditional festival held on the 15th day of the 3rd lunar month when all the mountains are covered with blossomed azaleas. It is said that these azaleas bloom to memorize the beautiful girl called Arong who invented the gilding ropes. There are various interesting recreational activities and market for commodity exchange arranged during the festival.

Table of Ethnic Festivals in Nujiang 

Date Festival  Ethnic Minority
The 8th day of the 2nd lunar month Daogan Festival(刀杆节) Lisu
Around December 24th every year Kuoshi Festival(阔时节) Lisu 
The 24th- 25th day of 6th lunar month Torch Festival Lisu
The 9th or 10th lunar month Shouhuo (Harvest) Festival Lisu
April 16 Easter Day  Lisu 
Dec 25 Christmas Day Lisu 
From 2nd to 6th day of the 1st lunar month Spring Bathing Festival  Lisu
The 4th or 5th Day of the  1st lunar month Sand Burying Lover Festival  Lisu
October Thanksgiving Day  Lisu
The 10th day of the 2nd lunar month Peach Blossom (Taohua) Festival  Nu 
Autumn New Rice (Xinmi) Festival Nu
The 29th day of the 12th lunar month Jigushen Festival Nu 
The 12th lunar month Jijiamu Festival  Nu 
The 12th lunar month to the 10th day of the next 1st lunar month Spring Festival (Jijiamu)  Nu 
March 6 Rumiqi (Kaichun) Festival Nu 
The 15th day of the 3rd lunar month Flowers Festival Nu 
The 7th lunar month Changxin Festival  Pumi
The 15th day of the 7th lunar month Mountain Pilgrimage Festival Pumi
The 6th day of the 12th lunar month Xiaoguonian Festival Pumi
The 29th day of the 12th lunar month to the  7th day of the next 1st lunar month Wuxi Festival or Daguonian Festival Pumi 
The 5th day of the 5th lunar month Valentine’s Day Pumi 
 The 11th or 12th lunar month Kaquewa Festival Dulong
From the 15th to 20th days of the 10th lunar month Harvest Celebration Festival Chashan
March  Shangwang Festival   Bani 

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Activities in Nujiang

Ethnic festivals in Nujiang offer various kinds of recreative activities. During the festivals, you can watch the folk dances and sacrificial ceremonies and listen to the folk songs. The most specific ones should be such activities as climbing sword-poles and butchering a cattle for sacrifice. You will experience the ethnic culture in Nujiang personally. 

Date  Activities Notes
From 2nd to 6th day of the 1st lunar month Spring Bathing Festival  Bathing gathering of Lisu ethnic minority
The day of moving into a new house New House Congratulations (Hexinfang) Ceremoney Celebrating activity of Nu ethnic minority
The 4th or 5th day of the 1st lunar month Mountain Forest Worship (Jishanlin) Festival Sacrificial ceremony of Nu ethnic minority
/ Coming-of-Age Ceremony  Ceremony for teenagers of Pumi ethnic minority
During the festival Sishengbu Choir  Folk song of Lisu ethnic people

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Regional Festivals and Activities

Nujiang Festival Tours

Our Nujiang festival tour will guide you to experience the famous festivals in Nujiang, such as Daogan festival, Kuoshi festival and Harvest festival, to learn and know more about Nujiang culture. We have no specific route yet. But if you plan to start a Nujiang festival tour, please contact our travel consultants, and they will customize an itinerary for you. 

Jigushen Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority

Jigushen Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:怒族祭谷神 English Name: Jigushen Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority 怒语称“汝为”,原碧江县匹河一带怒族的传统节日,时间为每年的农历十二月二十九日,举行祭祀活动,祈祷谷神保佑。...

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Jijiamu Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority

Jijiamu Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:怒族春节/吉佳姆/盍司节 English Name: Jijiamu Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority 吉佳母节     名称:吉佳母节     时间:农历腊月举行     意义:庆新年     内容:怒族传统节日。”吉佳母”是怒语音译,意为过新年。节期15天。节前人们忙着舂米、打粑粑、备酒、杀过年猪。年三十要打扫卫生,不干净的东西全部扫除,不得留到新的一年。吃团圆年饭前,要举行简单的祭祀仪式。将爆玉米花放在火塘里的三角架上,在三角架的三个角上各放一片肉和一杯酒,祝祷新年丰收,有粮、有肉、有酒。有些地方是过年才烤酒、杀猪,那么这天就很热闹。节日期间,小伙子们最喜欢玩的是赛射弩。他们把自己带的粑粑和肉都挂在树枝上,然后大家划定距离用弩弓去射,谁射中了就归谁。姑娘们最喜欢的是荡秋千,她们身穿带绣花边的衣裙,佩戴着珊瑚、玛瑙、贝壳、银币及小珠子串成的胸饰及首饰,在大树下的秋千上欢笑翻飞,犹如风中彩霞飘忽不定,好像花中蝴蝶追逐嬉戏。小伙子射弩准头大,姑娘的秋千荡得高,都是勇敢机灵的表现,备受赞赏。节日之夜,男女青年各自带上琵琶、口弦琴,相聚一处,琵琶舞”,”狩猎舞”、”洗衣舞”,还有模仿乌鸦喝水及猴子掰玉米等舞蹈。老年人则凑在一起边喝酒边唱民歌,有的老人能断断续续唱两三天。所唱的内容大多是民间传说、英雄故事等。...

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Spring Festival (Luse) of Nu Ethnic Minority

Spring Festival (Luse) of Nu Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:怒族年节/炉瑟节 English Name: Spring Festival (Jijiamu) of Nu Ethnic Minority 主要活动内容:敬祖、祭土、歌舞     时间(农历):十二月至次年正月十日     怒族年怒族叫“炉瑟”,意为“新年”或“岁首”,在农历正月里过。     旧年腊月二十九日,家家清扫庭院,扫除火塘里的火灰,把陈垢倒在远离家门的地方,表示送旧。然后,采来青松枝插在大梁和中柱上,地下铺松毛,象征四季常青,月月吉祥。初一凌晨,鸡叫头遍,各家小孩就背着水桶,打着火把,去抢舀全寨各个水井里的水。他们从每口井里舀一瓢水,背回家中。相传,新年第一个清晨,天上会飘下一种状似酥油的吉祥之物,漂浮在各个水井的水面,人们喝到这种“吉物”,一年就会吉祥如意。拜年从初一开始,除给长辈拜年,还要给自家的牛和狗拜年。行斗跪礼,喂它们油煎面饼和肉汤。他们认为,牛耕田,狗撵山,辛苦了一年,理当回报。新年期间的游乐活动,有射箭、打石头靶、歌卜(猜唱)、荡秋千、舞 蹈等等。     年节期间有若干禁忌,如大年三十和初一的三餐都不能泡汤吃,认为泡汤吃,会遭致风不调、雨不顺,怕旱涝成灾。     同时不能往外泼水,过年后的第一天劳动要祭山神。...

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Changxin Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Changxin Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:普米族尝新节 English Name: Changxin Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority 每到收获的时节,人民要举行,家家户户新开一坛酷,用新米饭(或做荞粑粑)以及新熟的果品等祭供””神及祖,然后开始宰猪杀羊、宴请亲友,共食新粮,庆祝丰收。普米族在尝新节时、过年时一样要给狗喂饭团。   普米族尝新节没有固定的日期,各地以当地农作物收获情况而定,大多以村为主,各村的日子不一样,但最多相差5一10天左右。尝新节一般过两次,也有过一次的,在小春入库以后和大春收割以后的几天内进行。节日期间,人们走亲戚,举行文体娱乐活动,说唱本民族的历史、传统习俗,祈求五谷丰收。   普米族的尝新节一般相距不会超过四五天,都是在农历七月中选一个吉祥的日子举行。在尝新节到来之前,家家都要用新打来的粮食先酿制一坛白酒和一坛,到了节日这天,先在村中的””祭坛上烧三住香,由韩规或一长者主祭。韩规念完祈祷词后,各家各户一一将新酿的米酒和新煮的米饭(或把耙)献祭给””。祭毕,新煮的第一碗米饭要给狗吃,新酿的第一碗米酒要给老人们喝。然后全家人围坐在一起,饮新酿的米酒,吃新煮的米饭,以示庆祝丰收。 During the harvest season,the Pumi Ethnic Minority(普米族) will hold the Changxin Festival(尝新节), and every family will open a...

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Coming-of-Age Ceremony of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Coming-of-Age Ceremony of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:普米族成年礼 English Name: Coming-of-Age Ceremony of Pumi Ethnic Minority The girls’ coming-of-age ceremony is called “The Ceremony of Wearing Skirts”(“穿裙子礼”) and is hosted by their mothers. The little...

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Mountain Pilgrimage Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Mountain Pilgrimage Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:普米族转山节 English Name: Mountain Pilgrimage Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority Mountain Pilgrimage Festival(转山节) is an activity of offering sacrifices to the mountain god on July 15th of the lunar...

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Xiaoguonian Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Xiaoguonian Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:普米族小过年 English Name: Xiaoguonian Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority...

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Wuxi Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Wuxi Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:普米族大过年/吾昔节 English Name: Wuxi Festival or Daguonian Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority 大过年又叫吾昔节,是普米族一年中最隆重的节日之一,一般从腊月二十九祭祖先、吃年饭到正月初七过完人的生日为止,要七八天时间。大年初一早上,老人要向宗巴拉(神台)烧香祈祷,祭祀祖先。凡年满十三周岁的男女儿童,要举行“穿裤子”、“穿裙子”成年礼仪式。除此外,还有上山打猎、绕山放牧、玩磨秋、祭山神、跳锅庄等活动。 吃完除夕团圆饭后,年满13岁的男孩子、女孩子,按性别各聚一处,通宵狂欢。待东方发白,各自回到自己家中,由家里人为他们举行“穿裤子”或“穿裙子”成丁仪式。澜沧江畔的普米族在如果是女孩,她便走到火塘右前方的“女柱”旁,双脚分别踩在猪膘和粮食袋上,猪膘象征财富,粮袋象征丰收;右手拿耳环、串珠等首饰,左手拿麻纱、麻布等日用品,象征妇女有物质享受的权利和承担家庭劳动的义务。接着母亲把女孩的麻布长衫脱下,换上短衣,穿上百褶裙,系上一条绣花腰带。如果是男孩,他便走到火塘左前方的”男柱”旁,双脚踩在猪膘和粮食袋上,右手握尖刀,左手拿银元,银元象征财富,尖刀象征勇敢。然后由舅父把男孩的麻布长衫脱下,换上短衣,穿上长裤,系上一根腰带。仪式过后,这些男孩、女孩才算长大成人,才有资格参加正式的社交活动。吾昔节/3053677...

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Bingzhongluo Entertainment in Nujiang

Bingzhongluo Entertainment in Nujiang

Located deep in western Yunnan Province, Bingzhongluo is regarded as “a haven of peace.” It has the most gorgeous natural sceneries in the Nujiang region.The holy mountain Gewakapu lies...

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Dulongjiang Valley Entertainment

Dulongjiang Valley Entertainment

Dulongjiang (独龙江) area is described as one of the most remote, isolated  and diffiucult to reach area in Yunnan. It is in a valley where the Dulong river runs,...

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Lanping County Entertainment

Lanping County Entertainment

There are so many entertainment activities in Lanping county. As for nightlife activities, Lanping does not differ a lot from other cities in China. Bars, KTV and other clubs...

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Fugong County Entertainment

Fugong County Entertainment

Fugong county is a multi-cultural city with many ethnic minority groups, including the Lisu,Nu, Bai and Naxi etc. They live together harmoniously and retain their cultural legacy and life...

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