Spring Bathing Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority, Nujiang
Chinese Name:傈僳族春浴节/澡堂会
English Name: Spring Bathing Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority, Nujiang
Date: the three days from the second to the fourth day of the first month of the lunar calendar
Every year from the second to the fourth day of the first lunar month, the Lisu people, who live scattered throughout the Nujiang region, gather at the natural hot springs of Shiliu Tang in Luxi to hold the annual Bathing Festival. This festival is the most well-known folk custom in the Nujiang Canyon, often referred to as the “Bathing Festival.”
The people who come to bathe place a high value on civility and courtesy, showing mutual respect between men and women. They use the sacred spring water to wash away the impurities of the past year and welcome in good fortune. In addition to bathing in the hot springs, various performances are held, including walking on hot coals and fire shows, crossbow shooting, and swing competitions. There are also song contests that last all night, continuing for three days of singing.