Nujiang Festivals and Events

Festivals and activities in Nujiang take an important part in Nujiang travel. Discovering traditional ethnic festivals and activities is an important part of Yunnan travel. As the major minorities inhabited in Nujiang, Lishu, Dulong and Nu formed their distinctive ethnic culture which is also revealed in their ethnic festivals. Here are some major festivals and activities of Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. They can help you learn more about local ethnic culture.

Festivals in Nujiang

Besides some Chinese traditional festivals, such as New Year's Day (January 1), Spring Festival (usually in late Jan. or early Feb.; January 25, 2020), Lantern Festival (The 15th day of the 1st lunar month), Tomb Sweeping Day (15 days after the Spring equinox; April 4, 2020), Dragon Boat Festival(The 5th day of the 5th lunar month; June 25, 2020) and Mid-Autumn Day (The 15th day of the 8th lunar month; September 13, 2019), there are some ethnic festivals in Nujiang prefecture as well.

Kaquewa Festival(New Year Festival) of Dulong People 卡雀哇节

Kaquewa Festival is the only New Year Festival of Dulong people. It is held during the 11th and 12th lunar months, there is no fixed date and the festivals lasts 3-5 days. Every family hangs up the colored tapestry as festival decoration on the first day. They honor the mountain god and hold shooting competition. On the last day, they hold the most exciting activity- cattle butchering for sacrifice. They keep drinking, singing and dancing until they enjoy themselves to their hearts’ content.

Kuoshi Festival(New Year Festival) of Lisu People 阔时节

The Kuoshi Festival, also the Lisu New Year, is the biggest festival among the Lisu people. Different regions celebrate the festival at different times. Generally, the festival lasts from the 5th day of the 12th lunar month to the 10th day of the 1st lunar month, a period the Lisu people call ‘the Month of Celebration’. During the festival, religious activities of offering sacrifices will be carried out and such amusements as crossbow, dancing, pole climbing and antiphonal-style singing will also be held.

Zaotanghui(Bathing) Festival of Lisu People 澡堂会

The Bathing Gathering, also called ‘Tangquanhui’ 汤泉会, is a yearly bathing gathering held in spring among the Lisu people living in Nujiang. In the period from 2nd to 6th day of the 1st lunar month, the Lisu people will carry with them luggage and food, and go to the hot springs called ‘the 16 Hot Springs in the Valley’ to have a bath for getting rid of a year’s pains and misfortunes. In this spring bathing period, song competitions are also held.

Festival of Climbing Sword-poles (Daogan Festival) of Lisu People刀杆节

It is one of the traditional festivals among the Lisu people, in memory of Wang Ji 王骥, a Defense Minister in the Ming Dynasty. The story goes that during the time when Wang Ji was an officer in command to garrison the frontiers, he and his soldiers fought bravely, daring to climb a mountain of swords and plung into a sea of flames. His courage was highly respected and the date of his death, the 8th of August on the Chinese lunar Calendar, was named the The Festival f Climbing Sword-poles. On that day, the Lisu people hold such activities as climbing sword-poles and plunging into a sea of flames to show their bravery.

Flower Festival of Nu People 鲜花节

It is Nu people’s traditional festival held on the 15th day of the 3rd lunar month when all the mountains are covered with blossomed azaleas. It is said that these azaleas bloom to memorize the beautiful girl called Arong who invented the gilding ropes. There are various interesting recreational activities and market for commodity exchange arranged during the festival.

Table of Ethnic Festivals in Nujiang 

Date Festival  Ethnic Minority
The 8th day of the 2nd lunar month Daogan Festival(刀杆节) Lisu
Around December 24th every year Kuoshi Festival(阔时节) Lisu 
The 24th- 25th day of 6th lunar month Torch Festival Lisu
The 9th or 10th lunar month Shouhuo (Harvest) Festival Lisu
April 16 Easter Day  Lisu 
Dec 25 Christmas Day Lisu 
From 2nd to 6th day of the 1st lunar month Spring Bathing Festival  Lisu
The 4th or 5th Day of the  1st lunar month Sand Burying Lover Festival  Lisu
October Thanksgiving Day  Lisu
The 10th day of the 2nd lunar month Peach Blossom (Taohua) Festival  Nu 
Autumn New Rice (Xinmi) Festival Nu
The 29th day of the 12th lunar month Jigushen Festival Nu 
The 12th lunar month Jijiamu Festival  Nu 
The 12th lunar month to the 10th day of the next 1st lunar month Spring Festival (Jijiamu)  Nu 
March 6 Rumiqi (Kaichun) Festival Nu 
The 15th day of the 3rd lunar month Flowers Festival Nu 
The 7th lunar month Changxin Festival  Pumi
The 15th day of the 7th lunar month Mountain Pilgrimage Festival Pumi
The 6th day of the 12th lunar month Xiaoguonian Festival Pumi
The 29th day of the 12th lunar month to the  7th day of the next 1st lunar month Wuxi Festival or Daguonian Festival Pumi 
The 5th day of the 5th lunar month Valentine’s Day Pumi 
 The 11th or 12th lunar month Kaquewa Festival Dulong
From the 15th to 20th days of the 10th lunar month Harvest Celebration Festival Chashan
March  Shangwang Festival   Bani 

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Activities in Nujiang

Ethnic festivals in Nujiang offer various kinds of recreative activities. During the festivals, you can watch the folk dances and sacrificial ceremonies and listen to the folk songs. The most specific ones should be such activities as climbing sword-poles and butchering a cattle for sacrifice. You will experience the ethnic culture in Nujiang personally. 

Date  Activities Notes
From 2nd to 6th day of the 1st lunar month Spring Bathing Festival  Bathing gathering of Lisu ethnic minority
The day of moving into a new house New House Congratulations (Hexinfang) Ceremoney Celebrating activity of Nu ethnic minority
The 4th or 5th day of the 1st lunar month Mountain Forest Worship (Jishanlin) Festival Sacrificial ceremony of Nu ethnic minority
/ Coming-of-Age Ceremony  Ceremony for teenagers of Pumi ethnic minority
During the festival Sishengbu Choir  Folk song of Lisu ethnic people

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Regional Festivals and Activities

Nujiang Festival Tours

Our Nujiang festival tour will guide you to experience the famous festivals in Nujiang, such as Daogan festival, Kuoshi festival and Harvest festival, to learn and know more about Nujiang culture. We have no specific route yet. But if you plan to start a Nujiang festival tour, please contact our travel consultants, and they will customize an itinerary for you. 

Harvest Celebration Festival of Chashan Ethnic People in Pianma Town of Lushui City, Nujiang

Harvest Celebration Festival of Chashan Ethnic People in Pianma Town of Lushui City, Nujiang

Overview of the Festival: Chinese Name: 片马镇景颇族支系茶山人庆祝丰收的传统节日 English Name: Harvest Celebration Festival of Chashan Ethnic People in Pianma Town of Lushui City, Nujiang Location: Pianma Town of Lushui City,...

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Sand Burying Lover Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Gongshan County, Nujiang

Sand Burying Lover Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Gongshan County, Nujiang

Basic Introduction of the Festival Chinese Name: 怒江贡山县傈僳族江沙埋情人节 English Name: Sand Burying Lover Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Gongshan County, Nujiang Location: Gongshan County, Nujiang “Burial of the...

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Easter Day of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Easter Day of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:傈僳族复活节 English Name: Easter Day of Lisu Ethnic Minority

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Thanksgiving Day of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Thanksgiving Day of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Chinese Name:傈僳族感恩节 English Name: Thanksgiving Day of Lisu Ethnic Minority

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Shouhuo (Harvest) Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Shouhuo (Harvest) Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Overview Chinese Name:傈僳族收获节 English Name: Shouhuo (Harvest) Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority The Lisu Ethnic Group’s Harvest Festival is generally held in the ninth and tenth months of the...

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Daogan Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Daogan Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Brief Introduction Daogan Festival (刀杆节) is a traditional festival of Lisu ethnic groups living in Lushui County(泸水县), Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture(怒江傈僳族自治州).Due to the death of the old artists, they were...

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Torch Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority

Torch Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority

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Kaquewa Festival of Dulong Ethnic Minority

Kaquewa Festival of Dulong Ethnic Minority

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Peach Blossom (Taohua) Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority

Peach Blossom (Taohua) Festival of Nu Ethnic Minority

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Spring Festival (Luse) of Nu Ethnic Minority

Spring Festival (Luse) of Nu Ethnic Minority

Introduction of The Festival Chinese Name: 怒族年节/炉瑟节 English Name: Spring Festival (Jijiamu) of the Nu Ethnic Minority Main Activities: Ancestor worship, soil rituals, singing, and dancing Time (Lunar Calendar):...

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Changxin Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Changxin Festival of Pumi Ethnic Minority

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Coming-of-Age Ceremony of Pumi Ethnic Minority

Coming-of-Age Ceremony of Pumi Ethnic Minority

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Ethnic Minority Festivals    Veiw