Genital Worship of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali...
Basic Introducion Chinese Name: 南华县雨露乡白族灯会 English Name: Lantern Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Nanhua County, Chuxiong Location:南华县雨露乡雨露村 The Lantern Festival, celebrated by the Bai ethnic minority in Nanhua...
Overview of the Festival Chinese Name:文山丘北县龙营镇马者龙村白族太平节 English Name: Taiping Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Qiubei County, Wenshan Location: Taiping Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority is held in Mazhelong Village...
Overview of the Festival Chinese Name:大理鹤庆县白族果子节 English Name: Guozi Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Heqing County, Dali Location: Heqing County, Dali Prefecture Time: the 16th day of the...
Overveiw of the Festival Chinese Name: 鹤庆县耍海节 Englsih Name: Shuahai Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Heqing County, Dali Location: Heqing County, Dali Prefecture Heqing Caohai is truly a...
Overview of the Festival Chinese Name: 剑川县弥沙乡弥井四月八农耕文化节 /盐神母会 English Name: April 8th (Siyueba) Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Jianchuan County, Dali Location: Jianchuan County, Dali Mi Jing is famous...
Basic Introduction Chinese Name: 大理洱海开海节 English Name: Kaihai Festival (Kaihaijie) or Erhai Lake Fishing Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority The Kaihai Festival is a lively representation of the cultural heritage and community...
Overview Chinese Name:剑川县白族青姑娘节 English Name: Qingguniang Festival (Women’s Festival) of Bai Ethnic Minority in Jianchuan County, Dali Location: 鹤庆县甸南镇杨岑村/Yangcen Village, Diannan Town, Heqing County. The Qingtai Girl Festival is...
Chinese Name:白族葛根会 English Name: Pueraria Montana (Gegenhui) Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali Pueraria montana (葛根 in Chinese) is a species of plant in the botanical family Fabaceae. At...
Chinese Name:大理白族耍海会/捞尸会 English Name: Shuahaihui Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali 大理洱海沿岸的白族人民,每年农历八月八日都要举办一次传统的耍海盛会。在耍海的日子里,人们只起唢呐,唱着《大本曲》,对着调子,舞着霸王鞭,跳起仙鹤舞,尽情欢乐。同时,举行一年一度的“赛龙舟”活动,龙舟一般用洱海里大型的木船改装而成,在长约十米,宽约三米的风帆上,披红挂绿、张灯结彩。桅杆上扎有五颜六色的 ...
Chinese Name:白族梨花会 English Name: Pear Blossom Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali 梨花会是白族传统盛会,在每年梨花盛开时节举行。阳春三月,遍布在剑川坝子里、坡地上、河谷间的座座梨园都披上了洁白雅致的素装,棵棵梨树上缀满了耀眼的白花。梨园里荡漾着美的韵味,在春风里摇曳的梨树枝条,仿佛向人们频频招手。人们三五成群,或亲朋同聚,或举家共乐,纷纷到梨园里野餐,开展春游活动。 白族崇尚白色,相传这 ...
Chinese Name:宾川县鸡足山朝山会 English Name: Jizu Mountain Pilgrimage Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Binchuan County, Dali 每年农历正月初一至十五日,大理州境内的各族群众都要前往鸡足山朝山,祈求国泰民安和观赏鸡足山风光。节日期间,民族文化活动比较丰富,如耍龙、舞狮、狩猎、赛马、打歌、闹花灯、猜灯谜等,独具特色。 节日简介 鸡足山是佛教名山,每年农历正月初一至十五日 ...
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