Chinese Name:纳西族火把节 English Name: Torch Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority 纳西族的火把节依照古规从农历六月二十四日起,到农历六月二十七日结束。纳西族的家家户户每天门前都要点一支柱子般又粗又长的大火把。每天晚上寨子里的青年们都拿着又细又长的火把,沿着田埂、山路,边走边唱,直到深夜。 习俗 纳西族的家家户户每天门前都要点一支柱子般又粗又长的大火把。每天晚上寨子里的青年们都拿着又细又长的火把,沿着田埂、山路, ...
Chinese Name:纳西族三月会/龙王庙会 English Name: March Fair or Dragon King Temple Fair of Naxi Ethnic Minority in Lijiang 三月会,纳西族特色民族节日,丽江三月会于每年农历三月举行,会期一般七天。原为祭龙求雨日子,至清乾隆十年,丽江城北黑龙潭修建了玉泉龙神祠,始在这里举办三至五天的三月“龙王庙会”。 别 称 龙王庙会 节日时间 农历三月 流行地区 丽江 节日活动 百货交流、借 ...
Chinese Name:纳西族东山庙会/祭猪会 English Name: Dongshan Temple Fair of Naxi Ethnic Minority in Lijiang 纳西族东山庙会又称“祭猪会”。云南省丽江一带纳西族民间传统节日。每年农历二月初九日举行。 这天,纳西族各家庭的主妇要先准备好一碗青蚕豆,然后带上去东山庙烧香磕头,祭祀庙内供的木刻猪像,祈求来年家中的猪肥壮。东山庙会也是青年男女进行社交、恋爱的最好时机。届时,青年男女穿着自己喜爱的衣服 ...
Chinese Name:纳西族建丹节/牧童节/二月节/二月八 English Name: Jiandan Festival or Eryueba (February 8th) Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority “建丹节”又称“二月节”。每年夏历二月八日、十八日、二十八日这三天,居住在丽江坝区的纳西族群众都要欢度这一传统的节日,其中二月八日这一天尤其过得隆重一些。 简介 云南的纳西族重视畜牧业生产,每年二月初八,要举行建丹节,即牧童节,主要是 ...
Chinese Name:纳西族三朵节 English Name: Sanduo Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority in Baishuitai Baishuitai Sanduo Festival, Eryueba (February 8th) Festival or Baishuitai Song Contest Festival is held in Baishuitai of...
Chinese Name: 纳西族棒棒会/弥老会/米拉会 English Name: Bangbanghui Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority 每年农历正月十五,是丽江纳西族的“棒棒会”。届时,丽江城内人流如潮,街道上摆满了交易的竹、木农具和果树、花卉等。棒棒会标志着春节活动的结束和春耕生产的开始。该会由“弥老会”演变而来,原是在寺院举行的庙会,清初改土归流后,赶会地点移到丽江古城内,并逐步发展成为准备春耕的竹木农具交易会,近年又增加了果树苗术 ...
Chinese Name:纳西族三朵节/北岳庙会 English Name: Sanduo Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority Date: lunar 8 February (19 March) Places to celebrate Sanduo Festival in Lijiang: (1)-Sanduoge Temple (also named Beiyue Temple)...
Chinese Name:纳西族祭天 English Name: Heaven Worshipping Ceremony of Naxi Ethnic Minority in Lijiang On August 15, the fifth day of the seventh month in the lunar calendar, which is...
Chinese Name: 纳西族东巴集会 English Name: Dongba Gathering of Naxi Ethnic Minority in Lijiang...
Chinese Name: 纳西族新春灯会 English Name: Lantern Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority...
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