Shiping Railway Station, Honghe

Shiping Railway Station of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway introduces the location, profile, maps, travel tips, normal trains and high speed trains schedule, train tickets booking, transportation, layout, facilities and servive, travel guide of Shiping Railway Station.

Station Name (EN): Shiping Railway Station
Station Name(CN): 石屏县火车站/Shiping Huochezhan
Address(EN): Chezhan Dajie, Yilong Town, Shiping County, Honghe, Yunnan
Address(CN): 云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州石屏县异龙镇车站大街

Shiping Railway Station of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, Honghe

Shiping Railway Station of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, Honghe

Shiping Railway Station of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, Honghe

Shiping Railway Station of Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, Honghe
