Dali Festivals and Events

Dali Festivals and Activities are very colorful and Dali is the best place to take a festival tour. There are 13 ethnic groups in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, namely, Han, Bai, Yi, Hui, Lisu, Miao, Naxi, Zhuang, Tibetan, Blang, Lahu, Achang, Dai and other ethnic groups. This part gives a brief introduction of festivals and activities in Dali, and tell travelers what to do when come to Dali.
Festivals in Dali
As the prominent ethnic minority inhabited in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Bai Ethnic Minority created brilliant culture and customs, among which the unique traditional festivals of Bai people enjoy good fame and attract tourists home and abroad to visit.
Popular Festivals
- The Fishing Opening Festival
- Hungry Ghost Festival
- Dragon Boat Race Festival
- Xiaojizu Singing Festival
- March Street (Sanyuejie) Festival
- Raosanling Festival
Festivals by Regions in Dali
Dali City
Date | Festival | Ethnic Minority |
January 10 of Lunar Calendar | Benzhu Worship Festival | Bai |
February | Flower Festival (Huazhaojie) | Bai |
February 15 of Lunar Calendar | Tianfengshan Mountain Song Festival | Bai |
March 15-21 of Lunar Calendar | March Street (Sanyuejie) Festival | Bai |
April 24-25 of Lunar Calendar | Raosanling Festival | Bai |
Weishan County
Date | Festival | Ethnic Minority |
February of Lunar Calendar | Jiejingu Festival | Bai |
February 8 of Lunar Calendar | Dage Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority | Yi |
February 8 of Lunar Calendar | The Ancestor Worship Festival | Yi |
February 8 of Lunar Calendar | Eryueba Festival | Yi |
March 12 of Islamic Calendar | Mawlid Festival of Hui Ethnic People | Hui |
March 12-18 | Weishan Snack Festival | Yi, Hui |
March 29-April 1 | Maanshan Pear Blossom Festival | Yi |
June 25 of Lunar Calendar | Torch Festival | Yi |
July 15 of Lunar Calendar | Ghost Festival | Yi |
September | Peasant Culture Festival | Yi |
October of Islamic Calendar | Eid al-Fitr Festival of Hui Ethnic People | Hui |
December of Islamic Calendar | Eid al-Adha Festival of Hui Ethnic Minority | Hui |
Nanjian County
Date | Festival | Ethnic Minority |
February 8 of Lunar Calendar | Yashen Festival | Yi |
March | Tea-leaves Picking Festival | Yi |
May 5 of Lunar Calendar | Sangwang Festival | Yi |
May 5 of Lunar Calendar | Red Bayberry Festival | Yi |
June 25 of Lunar Calendar | Torch Festival | Yi |
July 15 of Lunar Calendar | Ghost Festival | / |
November 25 | Wuliangshan Mountain Cherry Blossom Festival | / |
November 25 | Tiaocai Dance Art Festival | / |
Jianchuan County
Date | Festival | Ethnic Minority |
January 15 of Lunar Calendar | Qingguniang Festival (Women’s Festival) | Bai |
February 8 of Lunar Calendar | Prince Festival | Bai |
February 15 of Lunar Calendar | Nirvana Festival | Bai |
April 8 of Lunar Calendar | April 8th (Siyueba) Festival | Bai |
April 8 of Lunar Calendar | Buddha Birthday Festival | Bai |
June 15 of Lunar Calendar | Jianhu Lake Encircling Festival | Bai |
July 15 of Lunar Calendar | Yulanpen Festival | Bai |
July 27-August 1 of Lunar Calendar | Shibaoshan Folk Song Festival | Bai |
December 18 of Lunar Calendar | Laba Festival | Bai |
Eryuan County
Date | Festival | Ethnic Minority |
January 14-18 of Lunar Calendar | Naochunwang Festival | Bai |
March 12-26 | Cibihu Pear Blossom Festival | / |
June 13 of Lunar Calendar | Qingyuan Cave Singing Festival | Bai |
June 25 of Lunar Calendar | Haixihai Folk Song Festival | Bai |
July 23 of Lunar Calendar | Haideng Lantern Festival | Bai |
October of Islamic Calendar | Eid al-Fitr Festival of Hui Ethnic People | Hui |
Yangbi County
Date | Festival | Ethnic Minority |
February 8 of Lunar Calendar | Knife-ladder-climbing Festival | Lisu |
March 19 of Lunar Calendar | Dage Festival | Yi |
June 25 of Lunar Calendar | Torch Festival | Yi |
Yunlong County
Date | Festival | Ethnic Minority |
February 8 of Lunar Calendar | Bathing Festival | Bai |
March 30-April 1 | Tianchi Lake Pear Blossom Festival | / |
June 25 of Lunar Calendar | Torch Festival | Yi |
December 20 | Kuoshi Festival | Lisu |
Activities in Dali
As a popular destination for visitors, Dali offers all kinds of recreational activities. You can always find the activities full of fun, which can kick back and indulge yourself in the happy atmosphere. Come to Dali, and take part in Dali Activities.
Date | Activity | Location |
Every Monday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m | Shaping Monday Market in Dali | Dali City |
Every Friday | Shaxi Friday Market | Jianchuan County, Dali |
January 25 | Dali International Orchid and Camellia Fair | Dali City |
January 9 of Lunar Calendar | Dragon Lantern (Longdenghui) Festival | Nanjian County, Dali |
February 15 of Lunar Calendar | Sanying Agricultural Products Exchange Fair | Eryuan County, Dali |
February 19 of Lunar Calendar | Guanyin Temple Fiar | Dali City |
March 3 of Lunar Calendar | Xiaojizu Singing Festival | Dali City |
March 20 of Lunar Calendar | Lingbaoshan Mountain Pilgrimage | Nanjian County, Dali |
May of Lunar Calendar | Transplanting Rice Competition | Eryuan County, Dali |
July 3 of Lunar Calendar | Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Assembly | Jianchuan County, Dali |
August | Mule and Horse Trade Fair (August Fair) | Jianchuan County, Dali |
August 15-21 of Lunar Calendar | Bajie Agricultural Products Exchange Fair | Eryuan County, Dali |
Dali Minority Festival Tours
- 5 Days Wa Ethnic Minority’s New Rice Festival Tour
- 6 Days Kunming and Chuxiong Torch Festival Celebration Tour
- 17 Days Yunnan Ethnic Minorities Festivals Tour around Chinese New Year
Keep Reading
- Baoshan Festivals and Activities
- Chuxiong Festivals and Activities
- Kunming Festivals and Activities
- Dehong Festivals and Activities
- Diqing Festivals and Activities
- Honghe Festivals and Activities
- Lijiang Festivals and Activities
- Lincang Festivals and Activities
- Nujiang Festivals and Activities
- Pu'er Festivals and Activities
- Qujing Festivals and Activities
- Wenshan Festivals and Activities
- Xishuangbanna Festivals and Activities
- Yuxi Festivals and Activities
- Zhaotong Festivals and Activities
Daogan Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority
Brief Introduction Daogan Festival (刀杆节) is a traditional festival of Lisu ethnic groups living in Lushui County(泸水县), Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture(怒江傈僳族自治州).Due to the death of the old artists, they were...
Torch Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority
Basic Introduction of the Festival Chinese Name:傈僳族火把节 English Name:Torch Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority Every ethnic group has its own traditional festivals with unique characteristics. The Torch Festival is...
Kaihai Festival (Kaihaijie) or Erhai Lake Fishing Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority
Basic Introduction Chinese Name: 大理洱海开海节 English Name: Kaihai Festival (Kaihaijie) or Erhai Lake Fishing Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority The Kaihai Festival is a lively representation of the cultural heritage and community...
Qingguniang Festival (Women’s Festival) of Bai Ethnic Minority in Jianchuan County, Dali
Overview Chinese Name:剑川县白族青姑娘节 English Name: Qingguniang Festival (Women’s Festival) of Bai Ethnic Minority in Jianchuan County, Dali Location: 鹤庆县甸南镇杨岑村/Yangcen Village, Diannan Town, Heqing County. The Qingtai Girl Festival is...
Mule and Horse Trade Fair (August Fair) in Jianchuan County, Dali
Chinese Name:剑川县八月骡马物资交流会 English Name: Mule and Horse Trade Fair (August Fair) in Jianchuan County, Dali...
Pueraria Montana (Gegenhui) Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali
Chinese Name:白族葛根会 English Name: Pueraria Montana (Gegenhui) Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali Pueraria montana (葛根 in Chinese) is a species of plant in the botanical family Fabaceae. At...
Shuahaihui Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali
Chinese Name:大理白族耍海会/捞尸会 English Name: Shuahaihui Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali 大理洱海沿岸的白族人民,每年农历八月八日都要举办一次传统的耍海盛会。在耍海的日子里,人们只起唢呐,唱着《大本曲》,对着调子,舞着霸王鞭,跳起仙鹤舞,尽情欢乐。同时,举行一年一度的“赛龙舟”活动,龙舟一般用洱海里大型的木船改装而成,在长约十米,宽约三米的风帆上,披红挂绿、张灯结彩。桅杆上扎有五颜六色的 ...
Pear Blossom Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali
Chinese Name:白族梨花会 English Name: Pear Blossom Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali 梨花会是白族传统盛会,在每年梨花盛开时节举行。阳春三月,遍布在剑川坝子里、坡地上、河谷间的座座梨园都披上了洁白雅致的素装,棵棵梨树上缀满了耀眼的白花。梨园里荡漾着美的韵味,在春风里摇曳的梨树枝条,仿佛向人们频频招手。人们三五成群,或亲朋同聚,或举家共乐,纷纷到梨园里野餐,开展春游活动。 白族崇尚白色,相传这 ...
Jizu Mountain Pilgrimage Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Binchuan County, Dali
Chinese Name:宾川县鸡足山朝山会 English Name: Jizu Mountain Pilgrimage Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Binchuan County, Dali 每年农历正月初一至十五日,大理州境内的各族群众都要前往鸡足山朝山,祈求国泰民安和观赏鸡足山风光。节日期间,民族文化活动比较丰富,如耍龙、舞狮、狩猎、赛马、打歌、闹花灯、猜灯谜等,独具特色。 节日简介 鸡足山是佛教名山,每年农历正月初一至十五日 ...
Haixihai Folk Song Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Eryuan County, Dali
Chinese Name:洱源县海西海歌会 English Name: Haixihai Folk Song Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Eryuan County, Dali 西海在洱源县牛街乡龙门坝,离县城24公里,为断陷溶蚀洼地形成的天然淡水湖泊。南海北坝,群山环抱,“四面为城”,明清时期是鹤庆府的八大名景之一。湖泊面积2.6平方公里,南北长3.6公里,东西最大宽1.5公里,湖岸线长10公里,平均水深10米,最大水深16米,平均 ...
Cibihu Folk Song Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Eryuan County, Dali
Chinese Name:洱源县茈碧湖歌会/龙王会/海灯会 English Name: Cibihu Folk Song Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Eryuan County, Dali http://paper.yunnan.cn/html/20071122/news_96_202582.html...
Benzhu Worship Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali
Chinese Name:大理白族本主节 English Name: Benzhu Worship Festival of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali...