Dali Festivals and Events

The March Fair of Bai Ethnic Minority in Dali

Dali Festivals and Activities are very colorful and Dali is the best place to take a festival tour. There are 13 ethnic groups in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, namely, Han, Bai, Yi, Hui, Lisu, Miao, Naxi, Zhuang, Tibetan, Blang, Lahu, Achang, Dai and other ethnic groups. This part gives a brief introduction of festivals and activities in Dali, and tell travelers what to do when come to Dali.

Festivals in Dali

As the prominent ethnic minority inhabited in Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture, Bai Ethnic Minority created brilliant culture and customs, among which the unique traditional festivals of Bai people enjoy good fame and attract tourists home and abroad to visit.

Popular Festivals

Festivals by Regions in Dali

Dali City

Date Festival Ethnic Minority
January 10 of Lunar Calendar Benzhu Worship Festival  Bai
February Flower Festival (Huazhaojie)  Bai
February 15 of Lunar Calendar Tianfengshan Mountain Song Festival Bai
March 15-21 of Lunar Calendar March Street (Sanyuejie) Festival  Bai
April 24-25 of Lunar Calendar Raosanling Festival Bai

Weishan County

Date Festival Ethnic Minority
February of Lunar Calendar Jiejingu Festival Bai
February 8 of Lunar Calendar Dage Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority Yi
February 8 of Lunar Calendar The Ancestor Worship Festival  Yi
February 8 of Lunar Calendar Eryueba Festival Yi
March 12 of Islamic Calendar Mawlid Festival of Hui Ethnic People Hui
March 12-18 Weishan Snack Festival Yi, Hui
March 29-April 1 Maanshan Pear Blossom Festival Yi
June 25 of Lunar Calendar Torch Festival Yi
July 15 of Lunar Calendar Ghost Festival Yi
September Peasant Culture Festival Yi
October of Islamic Calendar Eid al-Fitr Festival of Hui Ethnic People Hui
December of Islamic Calendar Eid al-Adha Festival of Hui Ethnic Minority Hui

Nanjian County

Date Festival Ethnic Minority
February 8 of Lunar Calendar Yashen Festival  Yi
March Tea-leaves Picking Festival Yi
May 5 of Lunar Calendar Sangwang Festival  Yi
May 5 of Lunar Calendar Red Bayberry Festival  Yi
June 25 of Lunar Calendar Torch Festival Yi
July 15 of Lunar Calendar Ghost Festival /
November 25 Wuliangshan Mountain Cherry Blossom Festival  /
November 25 Tiaocai Dance Art Festival  /

Jianchuan County

Date Festival Ethnic Minority
January 15 of Lunar Calendar Qingguniang Festival (Women’s Festival) Bai
February 8 of Lunar Calendar Prince Festival Bai
February 15 of Lunar Calendar Nirvana Festival Bai
April 8 of Lunar Calendar April 8th (Siyueba) Festival  Bai
April 8 of Lunar Calendar Buddha Birthday Festival  Bai
June 15 of Lunar Calendar Jianhu Lake Encircling Festival  Bai
July 15 of Lunar Calendar Yulanpen Festival  Bai
July 27-August 1 of Lunar Calendar Shibaoshan Folk Song Festival Bai
December 18 of Lunar Calendar Laba Festival Bai

Eryuan County

Date Festival Ethnic Minority
January 14-18 of Lunar Calendar Naochunwang Festival  Bai
March 12-26 Cibihu Pear Blossom Festival /
June 13 of Lunar Calendar Qingyuan Cave Singing Festival Bai
June 25 of Lunar Calendar Haixihai Folk Song Festival  Bai
July 23 of Lunar Calendar Haideng Lantern Festival  Bai
October of Islamic Calendar Eid al-Fitr Festival of Hui Ethnic People  Hui

Yangbi County

Date Festival Ethnic Minority
February 8 of Lunar Calendar Knife-ladder-climbing Festival  Lisu
March 19 of Lunar Calendar Dage Festival Yi
June 25 of Lunar Calendar Torch Festival Yi

Yunlong County

Date Festival Ethnic Minority
February 8 of Lunar Calendar Bathing Festival  Bai
March 30-April 1 Tianchi Lake Pear Blossom Festival /
June 25 of Lunar Calendar Torch Festival Yi
December 20 Kuoshi Festival Lisu

Activities in Dali

As a popular destination for visitors, Dali offers all kinds of recreational activities. You can always find the activities full of fun, which can kick back and indulge yourself in the happy atmosphere. Come to Dali, and take part in Dali Activities.

Date Activity Location
Every Monday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m Shaping Monday Market in Dali Dali City
Every Friday Shaxi Friday Market  Jianchuan County, Dali
January 25 Dali International Orchid and Camellia Fair Dali City
January 9 of Lunar Calendar Dragon Lantern (Longdenghui) Festival Nanjian County, Dali
February 15 of Lunar Calendar Sanying Agricultural Products Exchange Fair Eryuan County, Dali
February 19 of Lunar Calendar Guanyin Temple Fiar Dali City
March 3 of Lunar Calendar Xiaojizu Singing Festival  Dali City
March 20 of Lunar Calendar Lingbaoshan Mountain Pilgrimage Nanjian County, Dali
May of Lunar Calendar Transplanting Rice Competition Eryuan County, Dali
July 3 of Lunar Calendar Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Assembly  Jianchuan County, Dali
August Mule and Horse Trade Fair (August Fair) Jianchuan County, Dali
August 15-21 of Lunar Calendar Bajie Agricultural Products Exchange Fair Eryuan County, Dali

Dali Minority Festival Tours

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Dragon Worship (Jilong) Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority

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Bangbanghui Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority

Bangbanghui Festival of Naxi Ethnic Minority

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Water Splashing Festival of Achang Ethnic Minority

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