Basic Introduction Chinese Name: 禄丰县广通镇彝族“六月六”彝族情人节 English Name: Liuyueliu (June 6th) Festival or Valentine’s Day of Yi Ethnic Mniority in Lufeng County, Chuxiong Location: Guangtong Town of Lufeng County, Chuxiong/禄丰县广通镇...
Basic Introduction Chinese Name: 禄丰县彝族火把节 English Name: Torch Festival of Yi Ethnic Minrity in Lufeng County, Chuxiong Location: Goafeng Town/Wutaishan Mountain of Zhongcun Town/禄丰县高峰乡/禄丰县金山古镇展示中心广场/禄丰县中村乡五台山 The Torch Festival is one...
Background Chinese Name: 禄丰恐龙文化旅游节 English Name: Lufeng Dinosaur Cultural Tourism Festival, Chuxiong Location: Lufeng, Chuxiong The Lufeng Dinosaur Cultural Tourism Festival is an annual event held in Lufeng County,...
Overview Chinese Name: 个旧市鸡街镇加级寨梨花节 English Name: Jiajizhai Pear Blossoms Festival of Jijie Town in Gejiu City, Honghe Location: Jiajizhai Village and Pear Blossoms of Jijie Town in Gejiu City,...
Chinese Name: 个旧市鸡街镇加级寨村万亩梨花 English Name: Jiajizhai Village and Pear Blossoms of Jijie Town in Gejiu City, Honghe Introduction “Pear Blossoms” have become the hallmark of Jiajizhai Village in Jizhi...
Overview Chinese Name: 个旧市回族开斋节 English Name: Eid al-Fitr Festival of Hui Ethnic Minority in Gejiu City, Honghe Location: Gejiu City, Honghe Eid al-Fitr, known as “Korban Jie” or “Shiqi...
Plan your Honghe Ethnic Villages Tour to Honghe? Visit Luchudu Village of Baohe Town in Gejiu City, Honghe which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Honghe....
Overview Chinese Name: 个旧市回族古尔邦节 English Name: Eid al-Adha Festival of Hui Ethnic Minority in Gejiu City, Honghe Location: Gejiu City, Honghe Eid al-Adha, known as “Corban Jie” in Chinese,...
Overview Chinese Name: 个旧市大屯镇倮莫村首届彝族火把节 English Name: Torch Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority in Gejiu City, Honghe Location:个旧市大屯镇倮莫村/Torch Festival of Yi Ethnic Minority in Gejiu City is held in Luomo Village of Datun...
Overview Chinese Name: 开远市围棋节 English Name: Chinese Chess (Weiqi) Festival in Kaiyuan City, Honghe Location: Kaiyuan City, Honghe The Chinese Chess (Weiqi) Festival, also known as the Go Festival,...
开远市旅游线路 东线:灵芝湖 -丫口新村 -云窝寺 -跃进社区 — 左美果 南线:仁者村 -旧寨 -热带植物园 -通灵村 -南洞风景区 -卧龙海 西线:万亩寿菊园 -老邓耳(生态蔬菜园) -白打村 北线:腊玛古猿遗址 -狮子山 -文笔塔 -楷甸村 中线:市区 -长虹桥 -泸江公园 -迎旭广场 -幸福大草原 开远南洞、植物园、旧寨村知青怀旧一日游 南洞是开远3A级旅游景区,可以爬山玩水乘船;热带植物园位于开远市南郊,经过20多年的建设,已形成一个占地数千亩,以各种奇花异草和各类观赏树木为主体,集餐饮、住宿、娱乐,健身、休闲、纳凉为一体的景观公园;旧寨村里保留着“知青脚印与历史古迹”,现代别墅林立、周边田园环抱,被大众称之为“旅游村、文明村、幸福村”。然后到凤凰山去看花、钟楼,到凤凰湖看夕阳。 大庄清真寺、羊街三角海、龙溪村民族风情一日游 大庄清真寺位于云南省开远市大庄乡大庄街南端。始建于明朝,清真寺由正殿、两厢、大厅、书馆、水房、大门等建筑组成,大庄清真寺环境幽静,绿树成荫……...
Overview Chinese Name: 开远市蜜桃节 English Name: Peach Festival in Kaiyuan City, Honghe Location: Kaiyuan City, Honghe The Peach Festival in Kaiyuan City, located in Honghe Prefecture of Yunnan Province,...
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