Overview Chinese Name: 洱源县回族开斋节 English Name: Eid al-Fitr Festival of Hui Ethnic Minority in Eryuan County, Dali Location: Eryuan County, Dali Prefecture Eid al-Fitr, known as “开斋节” (Kaizhaijie) in...
Basic Introduction Chinese Name: 洱源县火把节物资交流会/火把节骡马交流大会 English Name: Torch Festival & Mule and Horse Trade Fair in Eryuan County, Dali Location: Eryuan County, Dali The Torch Festival and Mule and...
Introduction of The Festival Chinese Name: 洱源县凤羽镇清源洞歌会 English Name: Qingyuan Cave Singing Festival in Eryuan County, Dali Location: Qingyuan Cave of Eryuan County. The so-called Qingyuan Cave is a...
Qingyuan Cave in Eryuan County is one of the Best Tourist Attractions and Top Things to Do when travel to Dali, it introduces the main scenic spots, address, entrance...
Introduction of The Festival Chinese Name:洱源县九气台露天温泉春浴节 English Name: Jiuqitai Outdoor Hot Spring Bath Festival in Eryuan County, Dali Er’yuan is rich in geothermal resources and is known as the...
Chinese Name:洱源县田家乐/秧赛会/撒直 English Name: Transplanting Rice Competition in Eryuan County, Dali “田家乐”又称“秧赛会”,白语叫“撒直”。流行于洱源县凤羽镇各自然村. “田家乐”演出在每年农历五月,栽完秧以后,在各村广场举行-时间以各地栽插先后而异,有时也应邀到邻近村寨表演组织者一般由生产能手担任,称“秧官”或“副秧官”,“秧官”负责统筹安排“秧赛会”人员放水、犁田、耙田、拔秧、栽秧等各种活计。“副秧官”负责秧会的生活,记工和收支账目,待“秧赛会”结束,按劳付酬,结余的钱粮用于本主庙“打拼伙”,祭献“本主”,祈祷降福丰收,或用来做举行田家乐的开支。习惯上,“田家乐”的演出活动往往在“秧赛会”的原班人马内分配角色。“田家乐”表演场面大,角色众多,可达八九个人。有扮成秧官、副秧官的、有扮成差役、渔翁、樵夫、犁田老夫妇、哑子、哑妹的,有扮咸水牛、黄牛、懒汉.挖田农夫、教师,学生、从事小手工业的,还有挑担货郎等。“田家乐”的表演采用白族语言.音乐、服饰和道具,表演时伴鼓乐,奏白族唢呐。有霸王鞭、白鹤舞、跑马、旱船蚌舞等民间舞蹈。活动中所演唱的吹吹腔唱词生动幽默,表演维妙维肖,整个“田家乐”的活动不仅囊括了白族水稻栽插的全过程,同时包涵丰富的白族农耕文化和白族人民对丰收年景的美好向往。...
The Introduction of the Festival Chinese Name: 洱源县洱源县凤羽镇闹春王正月 English Name: Naochunwang Festival in Eryuan County, Dali Location: Eryuan COunty, Dali Prefecture In Fengyu Township, Eryuan County, there are two...
Plan your Wenshan Ethnic Villages Tour to Wenshan? Visit Zhema Village of Zhetu Town in Guangnan County, Wenshan which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Wenshan....
Plan your Wenshan Ethnic Villages Tour to Wenshan? Visit Shangzhe Piancun Village of Zhetu Town in Guangnan County, Wenshan which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in...
Chinese Name:洱源县三营镇庄稼会/树花会 English Name: Sanying Agricultural Products Exchange Fair in Eryuan County, Dali Sanying Agricultural Products Exchange Fair also named Zhuangjiahui or Shuhuahui, is held in Sanying Town of...
Chinese Name:洱源县邓川镇沙坝街物资交流会(渔潭会) English Name: Bajie Agricultural Products Exchange Fair (Yutanhui Trade Fiar) in Eryuan County, Dali https://baike.baidu.com/item/渔潭会/953712...
Introduction of The Festival Chinese Name:洱源县茈碧湖海灯会 English Name: Haideng Lantern Festival or Haidenghui of Cibihu Lake in Eryuan County, Dali Location: Eryuan County, Dali Prefecture Every year on the 23rd...
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