片马的景颇族茶山人服饰 2010-03-17 09:45:04| 今年“德宏.国际目瑙纵歌节”期间,有幸接待来自怒江州片马的景颇族同胞们,第一次见识了怒江片马景颇族服饰,甚是幸运。 片马为云南省省级口岸,是少数民族傈僳族聚居地,也是云南省乃至全国的重点扶持镇。片马镇位于泸水县西部,高黎贡山西坡,恩梅开江支流小江(中缅界河)以东,南北长24公里,东西宽8公里,东与鲁掌镇相连,西、南、北三面与缅甸毗邻,国境线长64.4公里,有10号到25号界桩16棵,国土总面积153平方公里。全镇辖片马、片四河、古浪、岗房4个村民委员会,13个村民小组,总人口1505人,居住有傈僳、茶山(景颇族支系)、白、勒墨(白族支系)、彝、怒、纳西、汉共8个民族。片马境内的景颇族是古老的景颇族发源地之一,有景颇族茶山支和浪速支,茶山支系是片马的世居民族。茶山人勤劳朴实、敦厚善良、能歌善舞、热情好客。他们有自己的民族语言,没有文字,也不使用景颇文,至今仍保留着许多古老的习俗,如独具民族特色的衣着服饰、古朴庄重的婚娶、丧葬习俗及团结互助的建新房仪式等。 。...
Chinese Name:怒江傈僳族民歌 English Name: Folk Song of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Nujiang https://baike.baidu.com/item/傈僳族民歌/4781799...
Chinese Name:怒江傈僳族摆时民歌 English Name: Baishi Folk Song of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Nujiang...
Overview of the Festival: Chinese Name: 片马镇景颇族支系茶山人庆祝丰收的传统节日 English Name: Harvest Celebration Festival of Chashan Ethnic People in Pianma Town of Lushui City, Nujiang Location: Pianma Town of Lushui City,...
Basic Introduction of the Festival Chinese Name: 怒江贡山县傈僳族江沙埋情人节 English Name: Sand Burying Lover Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Gongshan County, Nujiang Location: Gongshan County, Nujiang “Burial of the...
Jiacuo Dance(甲搓舞) is the traditional dance of the Mosuo Ethnic Minority, who live in the mountains of Lugu Lake of Yunnan province. It is one of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Yunnan,...
Lijiang Mosuo Museum for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Yongning Town, travel guide introduces the main attractions, entrance tickets booking, The best time to visit, How to Get there, the...
Overview of the Shugu Nisu Festival Chinese Name: 德钦县舒古尼苏节 English Name: Shugu Nisu Festival or Fertilization Festival of Tibetan Ethnic Minority in Deqin County, Diqing Location: 迪庆藏族自治州德钦县云岭乡西当村/Xidang Village, Yunling...
Overview of the Festival Chinese Name: 傈僳族拖乡批节 English Name: Tuoxiangpi Festival of Lisu Ethnic Minority in Deqin and Weixi, Diqing Location: Deqin and Weixi, Diqing The Deqen Xiaruo Lisu...
Overview of the Festival Chinese Name:香格里拉格冬节 English Name: Gedong Festival of Tibetan Ethnic Minority in Shangri-La City, Diqing Location:Shangri-La City, Diqing The “Gedong” Festival is held on the 29th...
Overview of the Xianzi Festival Chinese Name: 德钦县弦子节 English Name: Xianzi Festival of Tibetan Ethnic Minority in Deqin County, Diqing Location: Deqin County, Diqing The Xianzi Festival is a...
Plan your Diqing Ethnic Villages Tour to Diqing? Visit Kena Village of Tacheng Town in Weixi County, Diqing which is one of the most fascinating ethnic villages in Diqing....
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