The Green Garden Vegetarian Restaurant (General/North)//百合天心 (北市区) No meat, no egg, no milk, no spice, no MSG, no additive Business hour: 11:00-21:00 Size: 96 seats, two compartments that can...
Shuanglang(双廊) is located in the northeast of Dali City and the northeast bank of Erhai Lake. It is provincial historic and cultural town in Yunnan Province and “the first...
Shaxi Town(沙溪镇) is located in the southwest of Jianchuan County(剑川县), Yunnan Province, China, in the southeast of Three parallel rivers(Jinsha River, Lancang River and Nujiang River) nature reserve, between...
在普洱登高望远观赏普洱美景,去哪里好?在此,小编专门为大家寻了几座普洱的名山靓景,让您把无边秋色收入眼底,乐享金秋时光。 宁洱 西门岩子 海拔 1838.3米。 景点 “石壁现茶”,看“天壁晓霞” “仙洞春云”,远眺宁洱县城。 线路 “西门岩子”在宁洱县城内,步行就可以前往。 美食 宁洱哈尼族彝族自治县的特色小吃甚多,早点有豆汤米干(宁洱县城内或磨黑老街均可吃到纯正的豆汤米干);中餐、晚餐特色农家菜(县城、那柯里石磨豆腐、磨黑老路八千方、磨黑老街子都有风味农家);夜宵(或在普洱古镇品茶、或喝漫崖咖啡、或在磨黑吃烧烤,各取所需)。 若想给亲朋捎上宁洱特色食品,除普洱茶、咖啡外,还有胖大妈饵块、普洱蛋糕、黄心山药、磨黑烧干巴和香肠、磨黑槟榔芋、小雀辣、勐先香橼、德化花房酒、黎明小红米等。 景东 御笔山 海拔1400米。 景点登御笔台观景东彝族自治县县城全景、瞻仰千年卫城遗址、观西门、叩财神殿、拜观音殿、参老君殿、敬山神、凉亭小憩远眺。 线路 从思茅乘车至景东车程6小时左右,到景东后可搭乘出租车前往御笔山森林公园(景东一中校门口),票价为6元。自驾游,从思茅往北,上昆曼高速,至臭水收费站下高速,走小水线往大理方向,途经镇沅,再到景东县城,车程约5小时。御笔山森林生态公园位于景东县城边缘,交通便利。 美食 如果你到景东,可吃到纯生态的无量山乌骨鸡,无论是清汤还是黄焖,都会让你唇齿生香,大快朵颐;千层粉虽无千层,但层层有味,层层有期待,香甜无限;景东的跳菜是视觉与味觉的双重享受;还有景东的黄鳝面也很出名,出名到很多人提起对景东的印象,脱口而出的就是它。另外,无量山火腿,野生菌、者甘腊参、景东粉蒸、吹泡肝、川河生态鱼都是不可错过的美食。...
Book the Little Panda Manor in Puer and stay at cheap Inn and Guesthouse. Enjoy the free WiFi, free parking, nice entertainment and visit the popular tourist attractions around...
Recently, Yunnan has announced the fourth batch of provincial level representative non-material cultural heritage list of food, among which the most eye-catching ones are the cooking skills for a...
Rice noodle is the ubiquitous food in Kunming. There are many various of rice noodle. You can easily find a restaurant that specialise in rice noodles in Kunming and...
Tiao Gao Ou Fen (Lotus root starch with rice cake and rose brown sugar syrup) Tiao Gao Ou Fen is a perfect combination of two dessert, one is rice...
In Yunnan, when it comes to tofu, one would think of Honghe Prefecture, where tofu is been made and which has a name of the “hometown of bean curd”....
ike most common known way to preserve meat, Yunnan people are so used to make beef jerky with spices for centuries. In Yunnan, beef jerky is been called “niu...
In this city that is full of stories and traditions, Kunming desserts, without doubt, have their own due to those special ingredients and traditional cooking methods. In the following...
In northern part of China, one of the traditional snacks is called “Yuan Xiao”, which is a seasonal desert during the Lantern Festival. But in the South, people call...
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