Mile Climate

Mile is located in subtropical monsoon climate area, the highest altitude is 2315 meters at Jinding Mountain金顶山 in Dongshan Town, and the lowest is 870 meters at the valley of Jiangbian Township江边河谷.

Precipitation and Temperature

In 2012, annual rainfall was 835.4 mm, average temperature was 18.8℃, the maximum temperature was 34.8℃ and the minimum was -0.2℃. Sunshine duration in Mile was 2131.4 hours, and the frost-free period of 323 days. Mile Climate is with the features of abundant sunshine, long effective temperature period and short frost days.

The Best Time to Visit Mile City

The rainy season in Honghe prefecture is mainly from may to October, and from late November to January and February of the following year is the frost period. Therefore, tour in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture should avoid the summer and autumn of raining and hot during the same period. The best time to visit Mile is March to April and September to November, when the sunshine is mild and the rainfall is less.